import gradio as gr import os import cv2 import numpy as np from PIL import Image from moviepy.editor import * def get_frames(video_in): frames = [] #resize the video clip = VideoFileClip(video_in) #check fps if clip.fps > 30: print("vide rate is over 30, resetting to 30") clip_resized = clip.resize(height=512) clip_resized.write_videofile("video_resized.mp4", fps=30) else: print("video rate is OK") clip_resized = clip.resize(height=512) clip_resized.write_videofile("video_resized.mp4", fps=clip.fps) print("video resized to 512 height") # Opens the Video file with CV2 cap= cv2.VideoCapture("video_resized.mp4") fps = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) print("video fps: " + str(fps)) i=0 while(cap.isOpened()): ret, frame = if ret == False: break cv2.imwrite('kang'+str(i)+'.jpg',frame) frames.append('kang'+str(i)+'.jpg') i+=1 cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() print("broke the video into frames") return frames, fps def convert(gif): if gif != None: clip = VideoFileClip( clip.write_videofile("my_gif_video.mp4") return "my_gif_video.mp4" else: pass def create_video(frames, fps, type): print("building video result") clip = ImageSequenceClip(frames, fps=fps) clip.write_videofile(type + "_result.mp4", fps=fps) return type + "_result.mp4"