# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# CLIP-DINOiser | |
# authors: Monika Wysoczanska, Warsaw University of Technology & Oriane Simeoni, | |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
import torch.nn as nn | |
from models.builder import MODELS | |
from models.builder import build_model | |
import torch | |
import torchvision.transforms as T | |
from omegaconf import OmegaConf | |
import torch.nn.functional as F | |
NORMALIZE = T.Normalize((0.485, 0.456, 0.406), (0.229, 0.224, 0.225)) | |
class CLIP_DINOiser(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, clip_backbone, class_names, mask_th=None, found_th=0.5, certainty_th=0.9, apply_found=False, | |
in_dim=256, conv_kernel=3, feats_idx=-3): | |
super(CLIP_DINOiser, self).__init__() | |
self.mask_th = mask_th | |
self.apply_found = apply_found | |
self.found_th = found_th | |
self.certainty_th = certainty_th | |
self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid() | |
maskclip_cfg = OmegaConf.load(f"configs/{clip_backbone}.yaml") | |
self.clip_backbone = build_model(maskclip_cfg["model"], class_names=class_names) | |
self.vit_patch_size = self.clip_backbone.patch_size | |
self.feats_idx = feats_idx | |
self.in_dim = [in_dim] | |
in_size = 768 if self.feats_idx != 'final' else 512 | |
self.bkg_decoder = nn.Conv2d(in_size, 1, (1, 1)) | |
self.obj_proj = nn.Conv2d(in_size, in_dim, (conv_kernel, conv_kernel), | |
padding=conv_kernel // 2, padding_mode='replicate') | |
# setup clip feature for training | |
if feats_idx != 'final': | |
train_feats = {} | |
def get_activation(name): | |
def hook(model, input, output): | |
train_feats[name] = output.detach() | |
return hook | |
self.clip_backbone.backbone.layers[feats_idx].ln2.register_forward_hook(get_activation('clip_inter')) | |
self.train_feats = train_feats | |
def forward_pass(self, x): | |
clip_feats = self.get_clip_map(x)[0] | |
B, c_dim, h, w = clip_feats.shape | |
_, _, H, W = x.shape | |
if self.feats_idx != 'final': | |
clip_feats = self.train_feats['clip_inter'] | |
c_dim = clip_feats.shape[-1] | |
clip_feats = clip_feats[:, 1:, ].permute(0, 2, 1).reshape(B, c_dim, h, w) | |
proj_feats = self.obj_proj(clip_feats).reshape(B, self.in_dim[-1], -1) | |
proj_feats = proj_feats / proj_feats.norm(dim=1, keepdim=True) | |
corrs = torch.matmul(proj_feats.permute(0, 2, 1), proj_feats).reshape(B,h*w, h, w) | |
output = clip_feats / clip_feats.norm(dim=1, keepdim=True) | |
output = self.bkg_decoder(output) | |
return output, corrs | |
def forward(self, x): | |
preds, corrs = self.forward_pass(x) | |
output, _, _ = self.get_clip_map(x) | |
B, C, hf, wf = output.shape | |
preds = F.interpolate(preds, (hf, wf), mode="bilinear", align_corners=False ) | |
# Compute weighted pooling | |
if self.mask_th: | |
corrs[corrs < self.mask_th] = 0.0 | |
output = self.compute_weighted_pool(output, corrs) | |
output = output.reshape(B, C, hf, wf) | |
output = self.clip_backbone.decode_head.cls_seg(output) | |
if self.apply_found: | |
# Compute FOUND -------------------------------------------------- | |
soft_found = self.sigmoid(preds.detach()) | |
r_soft_found = soft_found.reshape(-1) | |
nb_cls = output.shape[1] | |
r_hard_found = (r_soft_found > self.found_th).float() | |
# TODO: make it work for Batch Size != 1 | |
uncertain = (output.max(dim=1)[0] < self.certainty_th).reshape(-1) | |
output.reshape(1, nb_cls, -1)[:, 0, uncertain & (~r_hard_found.bool())] = 1.0 # background class | |
return output | |
def predict(self, x): | |
return self(x) | |
def get_clip_map(self, img): | |
maskclip_map, feat, k = self.clip_backbone(img, return_feat=True) | |
return feat, k, maskclip_map | |
def compute_weighted_pool(self, clipmap, corrs): | |
# upsampling | |
B = clipmap.shape[0] | |
h_m, w_m = clipmap.shape[-2:] | |
h_w, w_w = corrs.shape[-2:] | |
if (h_m != h_w) or (w_m != w_w): | |
clipmap = F.interpolate(clipmap, (h_w, w_w), mode="bilinear", align_corners=False ) | |
h_m, w_m = h_w, w_w | |
corrs[corrs < 0.0] = 0.0 # B HW H W | |
clipmap_refined = torch.einsum("bnij, bcij -> bcn", corrs, clipmap) # B C HW | |
norm_factor = corrs.flatten(-2, -1).sum(dim=-1)[:, None] # B 1 HW | |
clipmap_refined = clipmap_refined / (norm_factor + 1e-6) | |
# RESHAPE back to 2d | |
clipmap_refined = clipmap_refined.reshape(B, -1, h_m, w_m) | |
return clipmap_refined | |