import gradio as gr import logging import os import json from PIL import Image, ImageDraw import torch from surya.ocr import run_ocr from surya.detection import batch_text_detection from surya.layout import batch_layout_detection from surya.ordering import batch_ordering from surya.model.detection.model import load_model as load_det_model, load_processor as load_det_processor from surya.model.recognition.model import load_model as load_rec_model from surya.model.recognition.processor import load_processor as load_rec_processor from surya.settings import settings from surya.model.ordering.processor import load_processor as load_order_processor from surya.model.ordering.model import load_model as load_order_model # ... (rest of the imports and configurations remain the same) class CustomJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Image.Image): return "Image object (not serializable)" if hasattr(obj, '__dict__'): return obj.__dict__ return super().default(obj) def serialize_result(result): return json.dumps(result, cls=CustomJSONEncoder, indent=2) def draw_boxes(image, predictions, color=(255, 0, 0)): draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) for pred in predictions: bbox = pred.get('bbox') or pred.get('polygon') if bbox: draw.rectangle(bbox, outline=color, width=2) return image def ocr_workflow(image, langs):"Iniciando workflow OCR com idiomas: {langs}") try: image = logger.debug(f"Imagem carregada: {image.size}") predictions = run_ocr([image], [langs.split(',')], det_model, det_processor, rec_model, rec_processor) # Draw bounding boxes on the image image_with_boxes = draw_boxes(image.copy(), predictions[0]['text_lines']) # Format the OCR results formatted_text = "\n".join([line['text'] for line in predictions[0]['text_lines']])"Workflow OCR concluído com sucesso") return serialize_result(predictions), image_with_boxes, formatted_text except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Erro durante o workflow OCR: {e}") return serialize_result({"error": str(e)}), None, "" def text_detection_workflow(image):"Iniciando workflow de detecção de texto") try: image = logger.debug(f"Imagem carregada: {image.size}") predictions = batch_text_detection([image], det_model, det_processor) # Draw bounding boxes on the image image_with_boxes = draw_boxes(image.copy(), predictions[0].bboxes)"Workflow de detecção de texto concluído com sucesso") return serialize_result(predictions), image_with_boxes except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Erro durante o workflow de detecção de texto: {e}") return serialize_result({"error": str(e)}), None def layout_analysis_workflow(image):"Iniciando workflow de análise de layout") try: image = logger.debug(f"Imagem carregada: {image.size}") line_predictions = batch_text_detection([image], det_model, det_processor) logger.debug(f"Detecção de linhas concluída. Número de linhas detectadas: {len(line_predictions[0].bboxes)}") layout_predictions = batch_layout_detection([image], layout_model, layout_processor, line_predictions) # Draw bounding boxes on the image image_with_boxes = draw_boxes(image.copy(), layout_predictions[0].bboxes, color=(0, 255, 0))"Workflow de análise de layout concluído com sucesso") return serialize_result(layout_predictions), image_with_boxes except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Erro durante o workflow de análise de layout: {e}") return serialize_result({"error": str(e)}), None def reading_order_workflow(image):"Iniciando workflow de ordem de leitura") try: image = logger.debug(f"Imagem carregada: {image.size}") line_predictions = batch_text_detection([image], det_model, det_processor) logger.debug(f"Detecção de linhas concluída. Número de linhas detectadas: {len(line_predictions[0].bboxes)}") layout_predictions = batch_layout_detection([image], layout_model, layout_processor, line_predictions) logger.debug(f"Análise de layout concluída. Número de elementos de layout: {len(layout_predictions[0].bboxes)}") bboxes = [pred.bbox for pred in layout_predictions[0].bboxes] order_predictions = batch_ordering([image], [bboxes], order_model, order_processor) # Draw bounding boxes on the image image_with_boxes = image.copy() for i, bbox in enumerate(order_predictions[0]['bboxes']): draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image_with_boxes) draw.rectangle(bbox['bbox'], outline=(0, 0, 255), width=2) draw.text((bbox['bbox'][0], bbox['bbox'][1]), str(bbox['position']), fill=(255, 0, 0))"Workflow de ordem de leitura concluído com sucesso") return serialize_result(order_predictions), image_with_boxes except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Erro durante o workflow de ordem de leitura: {e}") return serialize_result({"error": str(e)}), None with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Soft()) as demo: gr.Markdown("# Análise de Documentos com Surya") with gr.Tab("OCR"): gr.Markdown("## Reconhecimento Óptico de Caracteres") with gr.Row(): ocr_input = gr.File(label="Carregar Imagem ou PDF") ocr_langs = gr.Textbox(label="Idiomas (separados por vírgula)", value="en") ocr_button = gr.Button("Executar OCR") ocr_output = gr.JSON(label="Resultados OCR") ocr_image = gr.Image(label="Imagem com Bounding Boxes") ocr_text = gr.Textbox(label="Texto Extraído", lines=10), inputs=[ocr_input, ocr_langs], outputs=[ocr_output, ocr_image, ocr_text]) with gr.Tab("Detecção de Texto"): gr.Markdown("## Detecção de Linhas de Texto") det_input = gr.File(label="Carregar Imagem ou PDF") det_button = gr.Button("Executar Detecção de Texto") det_output = gr.JSON(label="Resultados da Detecção de Texto") det_image = gr.Image(label="Imagem com Bounding Boxes"), inputs=det_input, outputs=[det_output, det_image]) with gr.Tab("Análise de Layout"): gr.Markdown("## Análise de Layout e Ordem de Leitura") layout_input = gr.File(label="Carregar Imagem ou PDF") layout_button = gr.Button("Executar Análise de Layout") order_button = gr.Button("Determinar Ordem de Leitura") layout_output = gr.JSON(label="Resultados da Análise de Layout") layout_image = gr.Image(label="Imagem com Layout") order_output = gr.JSON(label="Resultados da Ordem de Leitura") order_image = gr.Image(label="Imagem com Ordem de Leitura"), inputs=layout_input, outputs=[layout_output, layout_image]), inputs=layout_input, outputs=[order_output, order_image]) if __name__ == "__main__":"Iniciando aplicativo Gradio...") demo.launch()