--- title: Arxiv Plagiarism Checker LLM emoji: 🚀 colorFrom: pink colorTo: pink sdk: docker app_port: 7860 pinned: true --- # Arxiv Plagiarism Checker LLM ## end-end-mlops-huggingface [![Sync to Hugging Face hub](https://github.com/gamingflexer/arxiv-plagiarism-checker-llm/actions/workflows/main.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/gamingflexer/arxiv-plagiarism-checker-llm/actions/workflows/main.yml) Arxiv author's plagiarism check just by entering the arxiv author ## Demo UI ![Demo Image](images/demo_ui.png) ## Docs - Miro RoadMap [Link](https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVN8HgXk8=/) ### Research Points - Notion [Link](https://gamingflexer.notion.site/Arxiv-983d173f46c1426caa9dab319f4ddb3d?pvs=4) ### Top Plagiarism Checkers API - **[ProWritingAid API V2](https://cloud.prowritingaid.com/analysis/swagger/ui/index) - Free Plan** - **[Unicheck](https://unicheck.com/plagiarism-checker-api) - Request Demo** - **Copyleaks** - Free Plan - EDEN AI - https://www.edenai.co/feature/plagiarism-detection ---- ## Requirements - Python 3.9+ - Gradio - GPT Keys ## Installation ```bash ``` ## Usage ```python ```