user-feedback / views /
Ashmi Banerjee
somewhat hacky fix but hopefully buttons work as expected
history blame
2.62 kB
import streamlit as st
from db.crud import read, reset_feedback_in_db
from views.questions_screen import questions_screen
def continue_survey_screen(data):
"""Screen for existing users to continue or restart their survey."""
st.title("Resume Your Survey")
<div style="padding:1rem;">
<h3 style="text-align:left;">
Welcome back
<p style="text-align:left;">
Would you like to continue from where you left off
or restart the survey?
<br><b>Note that restarting will delete your previous progress.</b>
# Fetch user progress from Firebase
saved_state = read(st.session_state.username)
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
with col1:
if st.button("Continue"):
if saved_state:
# Set session state values based on saved progress
st.session_state.current_index = saved_state.get("current_index", 0)
st.session_state.responses = saved_state.get("responses", [])
# Find the last answered config_id in responses
last_config_id = None
if st.session_state.responses:
last_config_id = st.session_state.responses[-1].get("config_id")
# Set the index to the matching config_id
if last_config_id is not None:
matching_index = data[data["config_id"] == last_config_id].index
if not matching_index.empty:
st.session_state.current_index = matching_index[0]
st.success("Resuming your survey!")
# Set survey_continued flag to True only when there's saved progress
st.session_state.survey_continued = True
st.warning("No previous progress found. Starting a new survey.")
st.session_state.current_index = 0
st.session_state.responses = []
with col2:
if st.button("Restart"):
st.session_state.current_index = 0
st.session_state.responses = []
st.success("Survey restarted!")
# Reset Firebase data for the user