" \n",
" 0 | \n",
" c_p_0_pop_low_easy | \n",
" p_0 | \n",
" A top-scoring player in the local league who i... | \n",
" {'popularity': 'low', 'month': 'February'} | \n",
" Adana has low popularity. Adana has low season... | \n",
" ['Adana', 'Adiyaman', 'Agri', 'Arad', 'Arkhang... | \n",
" Cheap European city break in February.\\n | \n",
" European city break in February, less crowded ... | \n",
" Best European cities for intense physical trai... | \n",
" \"Less crowded European cities to visit in Febr... | \n",
" \"European cities with ice hockey facilities, l... | \n",
" Which European cities have ice hockey arenas a... | \n",
" \n",
" 1 | \n",
" c_p_1_pop_medium_medium | \n",
" p_1 | \n",
" A former DJ at WSUM who is now working as a mu... | \n",
" {'popularity': 'medium', 'budget': 'medium', '... | \n",
" Coimbra has medium popularity and medium budge... | \n",
" ['Coimbra', 'Brno', 'Braga'] | \n",
" Medium budget European city break with parks a... | \n",
" European city break, medium budget, good parks... | \n",
" Best European cities for live music, especiall... | \n",
" 'medium budget European city breaks with parks... | \n",
" \"Medium budget European cities with parks and ... | \n",
" Which European cities offer a mix of music fes... | \n",
" \n",
" 2 | \n",
" c_p_2_pop_high_hard | \n",
" p_2 | \n",
" A fellow agent-turned-author who shares the sa... | \n",
" {'popularity': 'high', 'budget': 'low', 'inter... | \n",
" Zagreb has high popularity and low budget. Zag... | \n",
" ['Zagreb', 'Volgograd', 'Tirana', 'Tbilisi', '... | \n",
" Cheap January city break in Europe with museum... | \n",
" European city break in January. Budget friendl... | \n",
" Where can I find inspiring European cities wit... | \n",
" \"Looking for a popular and affordable European... | \n",
" \"Low-budget European cities with museums and n... | \n",
" Which European cities offer a mix of historica... | \n",
" \n",
" 3 | \n",
" c_p_3_pop_low_sustainable | \n",
" p_3 | \n",
" a film critic who dislikes storylines involvin... | \n",
" {'popularity': 'low', 'interests': 'Outdoors &... | \n",
" Van has low popularity. Van has low season in ... | \n",
" ['Van', 'Uzhhorod', 'Trabzon', 'Thessaloniki',... | \n",
" Cheap European city break in January with inte... | \n",
" European city break in January. Low-budget des... | \n",
" Best European cities for unique, artistic expe... | \n",
" \"European cities with low popularity, monaster... | \n",
" \"off the beaten path European city breaks in l... | \n",
" Which European cities offer a culturally rich ... | \n",
" \n",
" 4 | \n",
" c_p_4_pop_medium_easy | \n",
" p_4 | \n",
" A biology major conducting research on equine ... | \n",
" {'popularity': 'medium', 'budget': 'high'} | \n",
" Aalborg has medium popularity and high budget.... | \n",
" ['Aalborg', 'Astrakhan', 'Bari', 'Bremen', 'Ch... | \n",
" Suggest some moderately popular European citie... | \n",
" High-budget European city with equestrian attr... | \n",
" European cities with renowned veterinary or ag... | \n",
" \"European cities for a luxurious trip.\" | \n",
" \"European cities with horse riding trails and ... | \n",
" Which European cities have horse riding school... | \n",
" \n",
" ... | \n",
" ... | \n",
" ... | \n",
" ... | \n",
" ... | \n",
" ... | \n",
" ... | \n",
" ... | \n",
" ... | \n",
" ... | \n",
" ... | \n",
" ... | \n",
" ... | \n",
" \n",
" 195 | \n",
" c_p_8_pop_medium_easy | \n",
" p_8 | \n",
" A junior Flash developer seeking guidance on c... | \n",
" {'popularity': 'medium', 'interests': 'Outdoor... | \n",
" Zaragoza has medium popularity. In Zaragoza yo... | \n",
" ['Zaragoza', 'Varna', 'Turku', 'Tampere', 'Szc... | \n",
" Good places to swim outdoors in Europe\\n | \n",
" Good places for a Flash developer to visit in ... | \n",
" Best European cities for tech meetups & cowork... | \n",
" \"European cities with medium popularity for ou... | \n",
" A junior Flash developer seeking guidance on c... | \n",
" Which European cities offer a mix of cultural ... | \n",
" \n",
" 196 | \n",
" c_p_9_pop_high_medium | \n",
" p_9 | \n",
" An avid gamer who has played Sins of a Solar E... | \n",
" {'popularity': 'high', 'month': 'April', 'budg... | \n",
" Sarajevo has high popularity and medium budget... | \n",
" ['Sarajevo', 'Tallinn', 'Vilnius', 'Belgrade',... | \n",
" Medium budget European city break in April wit... | \n",
" Budget-friendly European city break in April w... | \n",
" European cities with a grand, futuristic feel ... | \n",
" 'medium budget trip in April to a popular Euro... | \n",
" \"Medium budget trip to a popular European city... | \n",
" Which European cities have a rich history of e... | \n",
" \n",
" 197 | \n",
" c_p_10_pop_low_hard | \n",
" p_10 | \n",
" An atheist, philosophy lecturer who encourages... | \n",
" {'popularity': 'low', 'interests': 'Outdoors &... | \n",
" Malatya has low popularity and high budget. Ma... | \n",
" ['Malatya', 'Ioannina'] | \n",
" High-budget European city trip in February wit... | \n",
" European city break in February. Low season & ... | \n",
" Where can I find European cities rich in histo... | \n",
" \"Less crowded European destinations with water... | \n",
" \"Less crowded European destinations for a pric... | \n",
" European cities with rich history of philosoph... | \n",
" \n",
" 198 | \n",
" c_p_11_pop_medium_sustainable | \n",
" p_11 | \n",
" A young apprentice fascinated by the technolog... | \n",
" {'popularity': 'medium', 'budget': 'low', 'mon... | \n",
" Chelyabinsk has medium popularity , low budget... | \n",
" ['Chelyabinsk', 'Kirov', 'Podgorica', 'Rijeka'... | \n",
" Suggest a low-budget, walkable European city b... | \n",
" Budget-friendly European city break in April, ... | \n",
" Which European cities offer glimpses into the ... | \n",
" \"European cities with great walkability and lo... | \n",
" \"European cities with industrial heritage site... | \n",
" Which European cities showcase historic indust... | \n",
" \n",
" 199 | \n",
" c_p_12_pop_high_easy | \n",
" p_12 | \n",
" A high school guidance counselor in Winnebago ... | \n",
" {'popularity': 'high', 'budget': 'medium'} | \n",
" Belgrade has high popularity and medium budget... | \n",
" ['Belgrade', 'Bratislava', 'Budapest', 'Nicosi... | \n",
" Popular and affordable European city break des... | \n",
" Affordable, popular European capitals for a we... | \n",
" Affordable, safe European cities with historic... | \n",
" 'medium budget european city breaks in popular... | \n",
" \"Medium budget city breaks in Europe for a sch... | \n",
" Which European cities offer a mix of cultural ... | \n",
" \n",