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@@ -4716,6 +4716,12 @@ def create_similarity_matrix(list_of_values, matrix_length=0):
4716 |
4717 |
4718 |
4719 |
def augment_enhanced_score_notes(enhanced_score_notes,
4720 |
4721 |
@@ -4725,14 +4731,33 @@ def augment_enhanced_score_notes(enhanced_score_notes,
4725 |
4726 |
esn = copy.deepcopy(enhanced_score_notes)
4727 |
4728 |
4729 |
4730 |
4731 |
4732 |
4733 |
if full_sorting:
4734 |
4735 |
# Sorting by patch, pitch
4736 |
esn.sort(key=lambda x: x[6])
4737 |
esn.sort(key=lambda x: x[4], reverse=True)
4738 |
esn.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
@@ -6734,7 +6759,7 @@ def escore_notes_to_escore_matrix(escore_notes,
6734 |
etype, time, duration, channel, pitch, velocity, patch = note
6735 |
6736 |
time = max(0, time)
6737 |
duration = max(
6738 |
channel = max(0, min(15, channel))
6739 |
pitch = max(0, min(127, pitch))
6740 |
velocity = max(0, min(127, velocity))
@@ -6874,7 +6899,7 @@ def escore_notes_to_binary_matrix(escore_notes,
6874 |
etype, time, duration, chan, pitch, velocity, pat = note
6875 |
6876 |
time = max(0, time)
6877 |
duration = max(
6878 |
chan = max(0, min(15, chan))
6879 |
pitch = max(0, min(127, pitch))
6880 |
velocity = max(0, min(127, velocity))
@@ -8015,6 +8040,326 @@ def summarize_escore_notes(escore_notes,
8015 |
8016 |
8017 |
8018 |
# This is the end of the TMIDI X Python module
8019 |
8020 |
4716 |
4717 |
4718 |
4719 |
def ceil_with_precision(value, decimal_places):
4720 |
factor = 10 ** decimal_places
4721 |
return math.ceil(value * factor) / factor
4722 |
4723 |
4724 |
4725 |
def augment_enhanced_score_notes(enhanced_score_notes,
4726 |
4727 |
4731 |
4732 |
esn = copy.deepcopy(enhanced_score_notes)
4733 |
4734 |
pe = enhanced_score_notes[0]
4735 |
4736 |
abs_time = max(0, int(enhanced_score_notes[0][1] / timings_divider))
4737 |
4738 |
for i, e in enumerate(esn):
4739 |
4740 |
dtime = (e[1] / timings_divider) - (pe[1] / timings_divider)
4741 |
4742 |
if 0.5 < dtime < 1:
4743 |
dtime = 1
4744 |
4745 |
4746 |
dtime = int(dtime)
4747 |
4748 |
e[1] = max(0, abs_time + timings_shift)
4749 |
4750 |
e[2] = max(1, int(e[2] / timings_divider)) + timings_shift
4751 |
4752 |
e[4] = max(1, min(127, e[4] + pitch_shift))
4753 |
4754 |
abs_time += dtime
4755 |
4756 |
pe = enhanced_score_notes[i]
4757 |
4758 |
if full_sorting:
4759 |
4760 |
# Sorting by patch, reverse pitch and start-time
4761 |
esn.sort(key=lambda x: x[6])
4762 |
esn.sort(key=lambda x: x[4], reverse=True)
4763 |
esn.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
6759 |
etype, time, duration, channel, pitch, velocity, patch = note
6760 |
6761 |
time = max(0, time)
6762 |
duration = max(1, duration)
6763 |
channel = max(0, min(15, channel))
6764 |
pitch = max(0, min(127, pitch))
6765 |
velocity = max(0, min(127, velocity))
6899 |
etype, time, duration, chan, pitch, velocity, pat = note
6900 |
6901 |
time = max(0, time)
6902 |
duration = max(1, duration)
6903 |
chan = max(0, min(15, chan))
6904 |
pitch = max(0, min(127, pitch))
6905 |
velocity = max(0, min(127, velocity))
8040 |
8041 |
8042 |
8043 |
def compress_patches_in_escore_notes(escore_notes,
8044 |
8045 |
8046 |
8047 |
8048 |
if num_patches > 4:
8049 |
n_patches = 4
8050 |
elif num_patches < 1:
8051 |
n_patches = 1
8052 |
8053 |
n_patches = num_patches
8054 |
8055 |
if group_patches:
8056 |
patches_set = sorted(set([e[6] for e in c]))
8057 |
trg_patch_list = []
8058 |
seen = []
8059 |
for p in patches_set:
8060 |
if p // 8 not in seen:
8061 |
8062 |
seen.append(p // 8)
8063 |
8064 |
trg_patch_list = sorted(trg_patch_list)
8065 |
8066 |
8067 |
trg_patch_list = sorted(set([e[6] for e in c]))
8068 |
8069 |
if 128 in trg_patch_list and n_patches > 1:
8070 |
trg_patch_list = trg_patch_list[:n_patches-1] + [128]
8071 |
8072 |
trg_patch_list = trg_patch_list[:n_patches]
8073 |
8074 |
new_escore_notes = []
8075 |
8076 |
for e in escore_notes:
8077 |
if e[6] in trg_patch_list:
8078 |
8079 |
8080 |
return new_escore_notes
8081 |
8082 |
8083 |
8084 |
def compress_patches_in_escore_notes_chords(escore_notes,
8085 |
8086 |
8087 |
8088 |
8089 |
8090 |
if max_num_patches_per_chord > 4:
8091 |
n_patches = 4
8092 |
elif max_num_patches_per_chord < 1:
8093 |
n_patches = 1
8094 |
8095 |
n_patches = max_num_patches_per_chord
8096 |
8097 |
cscore = chordify_score([1000, sorted(escore_notes, key=lambda x: (x[1], x[6]))])
8098 |
8099 |
new_escore_notes = []
8100 |
8101 |
for c in cscore:
8102 |
8103 |
if group_patches:
8104 |
patches_set = sorted(set([e[6] for e in c]))
8105 |
trg_patch_list = []
8106 |
seen = []
8107 |
for p in patches_set:
8108 |
if p // 8 not in seen:
8109 |
8110 |
seen.append(p // 8)
8111 |
8112 |
trg_patch_list = sorted(trg_patch_list)
8113 |
8114 |
8115 |
trg_patch_list = sorted(set([e[6] for e in c]))
8116 |
8117 |
if 128 in trg_patch_list and n_patches > 1:
8118 |
trg_patch_list = trg_patch_list[:n_patches-1] + [128]
8119 |
8120 |
trg_patch_list = trg_patch_list[:n_patches]
8121 |
8122 |
for ccc in c:
8123 |
8124 |
cc = copy.deepcopy(ccc)
8125 |
8126 |
if group_patches:
8127 |
if cc[6] // 8 in [t // 8 for t in trg_patch_list]:
8128 |
if root_grouped_patches:
8129 |
cc[6] = (cc[6] // 8) * 8
8130 |
8131 |
8132 |
8133 |
if cc[6] in trg_patch_list:
8134 |
8135 |
8136 |
return new_escore_notes
8137 |
8138 |
8139 |
8140 |
def escore_notes_to_image_matrix(escore_notes,
8141 |
8142 |
8143 |
8144 |
8145 |
8146 |
8147 |
8148 |
escore_notes = sorted(escore_notes, key=lambda x: (x[1], x[6]))
8149 |
8150 |
if num_img_channels > 1:
8151 |
n_mat_channels = 3
8152 |
8153 |
n_mat_channels = 1
8154 |
8155 |
if escore_notes:
8156 |
last_time = escore_notes[-1][1]
8157 |
last_notes = [e for e in escore_notes if e[1] == last_time]
8158 |
max_last_dur = max([e[2] for e in last_notes])
8159 |
8160 |
time_range = last_time+max_last_dur
8161 |
8162 |
escore_matrix = []
8163 |
8164 |
escore_matrix = [[0] * 128 for _ in range(time_range)]
8165 |
8166 |
for note in escore_notes:
8167 |
8168 |
etype, time, duration, chan, pitch, velocity, pat = note
8169 |
8170 |
time = max(0, time)
8171 |
duration = max(2, duration)
8172 |
chan = max(0, min(15, chan))
8173 |
pitch = max(0, min(127, pitch))
8174 |
velocity = max(0, min(127, velocity))
8175 |
patch = max(0, min(128, pat))
8176 |
8177 |
if chan != 9:
8178 |
pat = patch + 128
8179 |
8180 |
pat = 127
8181 |
8182 |
seen_pats = []
8183 |
8184 |
for t in range(time, min(time + duration, time_range)):
8185 |
8186 |
mat_value = escore_matrix[t][pitch]
8187 |
8188 |
mat_value_0 = (mat_value // (256 * 256)) % 256
8189 |
mat_value_1 = (mat_value // 256) % 256
8190 |
8191 |
cur_num_chans = 0
8192 |
8193 |
if 0 < mat_value < 256 and pat not in seen_pats:
8194 |
cur_num_chans = 1
8195 |
elif 256 < mat_value < (256 * 256) and pat not in seen_pats:
8196 |
cur_num_chans = 2
8197 |
8198 |
if cur_num_chans < n_mat_channels:
8199 |
8200 |
if n_mat_channels == 1:
8201 |
8202 |
escore_matrix[t][pitch] = pat
8203 |
8204 |
8205 |
elif n_mat_channels == 3:
8206 |
8207 |
if cur_num_chans == 0:
8208 |
escore_matrix[t][pitch] = pat
8209 |
8210 |
elif cur_num_chans == 1:
8211 |
escore_matrix[t][pitch] = (256 * 256 * mat_value_0) + (256 * pat)
8212 |
8213 |
elif cur_num_chans == 2:
8214 |
escore_matrix[t][pitch] = (256 * 256 * mat_value_0) + (256 * mat_value_1) + pat
8215 |
8216 |
8217 |
if filter_out_zero_rows:
8218 |
escore_matrix = [e for e in escore_matrix if sum(e) != 0]
8219 |
8220 |
if filter_out_duplicate_rows:
8221 |
8222 |
dd_escore_matrix = []
8223 |
8224 |
pr = [-1] * 128
8225 |
for e in escore_matrix:
8226 |
if e != pr:
8227 |
8228 |
pr = e
8229 |
8230 |
escore_matrix = dd_escore_matrix
8231 |
8232 |
if flip_matrix:
8233 |
8234 |
temp_matrix = []
8235 |
8236 |
for m in escore_matrix:
8237 |
8238 |
8239 |
escore_matrix = temp_matrix
8240 |
8241 |
if reverse_matrix:
8242 |
escore_matrix = escore_matrix[::-1]
8243 |
8244 |
return escore_matrix
8245 |
8246 |
8247 |
return None
8248 |
8249 |
8250 |
8251 |
def find_value_power(value, number):
8252 |
return math.floor(math.log(value, number))
8253 |
8254 |
8255 |
8256 |
def image_matrix_to_original_escore_notes(image_matrix,
8257 |
8258 |
8259 |
8260 |
result = []
8261 |
8262 |
for j in range(len(image_matrix[0])):
8263 |
8264 |
count = 1
8265 |
8266 |
for i in range(1, len(image_matrix)):
8267 |
8268 |
if image_matrix[i][j] != 0 and image_matrix[i][j] == image_matrix[i-1][j]:
8269 |
count += 1
8270 |
8271 |
8272 |
if count > 1:
8273 |
result.append([i-count, count, j, image_matrix[i-1][j]])
8274 |
8275 |
8276 |
if image_matrix[i-1][j] != 0:
8277 |
result.append([i-count, count, j, image_matrix[i-1][j]])
8278 |
8279 |
count = 1
8280 |
8281 |
if count > 1:
8282 |
result.append([len(image_matrix)-count, count, j, image_matrix[-1][j]])
8283 |
8284 |
8285 |
if image_matrix[i-1][j] != 0:
8286 |
result.append([i-count, count, j, image_matrix[i-1][j]])
8287 |
8288 |
result.sort(key=lambda x: (x[0], -x[2]))
8289 |
8290 |
original_escore_notes = []
8291 |
8292 |
vel = velocity
8293 |
8294 |
for r in result:
8295 |
8296 |
if velocity == -1:
8297 |
vel = max(40, r[2])
8298 |
8299 |
ptc0 = 0
8300 |
ptc1 = 0
8301 |
ptc2 = 0
8302 |
8303 |
if find_value_power(r[3], 256) == 0:
8304 |
ptc0 = r[3] % 256
8305 |
8306 |
elif find_value_power(r[3], 256) == 1:
8307 |
ptc0 = r[3] // 256
8308 |
ptc1 = (r[3] // 256) % 256
8309 |
8310 |
elif find_value_power(r[3], 256) == 2:
8311 |
ptc0 = (r[3] // 256) // 256
8312 |
ptc1 = (r[3] // 256) % 256
8313 |
ptc2 = r[3] % 256
8314 |
8315 |
ptcs = [ptc0, ptc1, ptc2]
8316 |
patches = [p for p in ptcs if p != 0]
8317 |
8318 |
for i, p in enumerate(patches):
8319 |
8320 |
if p < 128:
8321 |
patch = 128
8322 |
channel = 9
8323 |
8324 |
8325 |
patch = p % 128
8326 |
chan = p // 8
8327 |
8328 |
if chan == 9:
8329 |
chan += 1
8330 |
8331 |
channel = min(15, chan)
8332 |
8333 |
original_escore_notes.append(['note', r[0], r[1], channel, r[2], vel, patch])
8334 |
8335 |
output_score = sorted(original_escore_notes, key=lambda x: (x[1], -x[4], x[6]))
8336 |
8337 |
adjust_score_velocities(output_score, 127)
8338 |
8339 |
return output_score
8340 |
8341 |
8342 |
8343 |
def escore_notes_delta_times(escore_notes,
8344 |
8345 |
8346 |
8347 |
8348 |
8349 |
8350 |
if omit_drums:
8351 |
8352 |
score = [e for e in escore_notes if e[channels_index] != 9]
8353 |
dtimes = [score[0][timings_index]] + [b[timings_index]-a[timings_index] for a, b in zip(score[:-1], score[1:])]
8354 |
8355 |
8356 |
dtimes = [escore_notes[0][timings_index]] + [b[timings_index]-a[timings_index] for a, b in zip(escore_notes[:-1], escore_notes[1:])]
8357 |
8358 |
if omit_zeros:
8359 |
dtimes = [d for d in dtimes if d != 0]
8360 |
8361 |
return dtimes
8362 |
8363 |
# This is the end of the TMIDI X Python module
8364 |
8365 |
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ r'''############################################################################
38 |
# !pip install numpy
39 |
# !pip install scipy
40 |
# !pip install matplotlib
41 |
# !pip install networkx
42 |
# !pip3 install scikit-learn
43 |
44 |
@@ -894,10 +894,14 @@ def binary_matrix_to_images(matrix,
894 |
895 |
image_array = []
896 |
897 |
for i in range(0, max(1, matrix.shape[0]
898 |
899 |
submatrix = matrix[i:i+step, :]
900 |
901 |
img = Image.fromarray(submatrix * 255).convert('1')
902 |
903 |
if save_to_array:
@@ -909,7 +913,7 @@ def binary_matrix_to_images(matrix,
909 |
if verbose:
910 |
911 |
print('=' * 70)
912 |
print('Saved', (matrix.shape[0]
913 |
print('=' * 70)
914 |
915 |
if save_to_array:
@@ -930,6 +934,162 @@ def images_to_binary_matrix(list_of_images):
930 |
931 |
return original_matrix
932 |
933 |
934 |
# [WIP] Future dev functions
935 |
38 |
# !pip install numpy
39 |
# !pip install scipy
40 |
# !pip install matplotlib
41 |
# !pip install networkx
42 |
# !pip3 install scikit-learn
43 |
44 |
894 |
895 |
image_array = []
896 |
897 |
for i in range(0, max(1, matrix.shape[0]), overlap):
898 |
899 |
submatrix = matrix[i:i+step, :]
900 |
901 |
if submatrix.shape[0] < 128:
902 |
zeros_array = np.zeros((128-submatrix.shape[0], 128))
903 |
submatrix = np.vstack((submatrix, zeros_array))
904 |
905 |
img = Image.fromarray(submatrix * 255).convert('1')
906 |
907 |
if save_to_array:
913 |
if verbose:
914 |
915 |
print('=' * 70)
916 |
print('Saved', (matrix.shape[0] // min(step, overlap))+1, 'imges!')
917 |
print('=' * 70)
918 |
919 |
if save_to_array:
934 |
935 |
return original_matrix
936 |
937 |
938 |
939 |
def square_image_matrix(image_matrix,
940 |
941 |
942 |
943 |
944 |
945 |
946 |
947 |
Reduces an arbitrary image matrix to a square image matrix
948 |
949 |
950 |
matrix = np.array(image_matrix)
951 |
952 |
if filter_out_zero_rows:
953 |
matrix = matrix[~np.all(matrix == 0, axis=1)]
954 |
955 |
target_rows = matrix_size
956 |
957 |
rows_per_group = matrix.shape[0] // target_rows
958 |
959 |
compressed_matrix = np.zeros((target_rows, matrix.shape[1]), dtype=np.int32)
960 |
961 |
for i in range(target_rows):
962 |
start_row = i * rows_per_group
963 |
end_row = (i + 1) * rows_per_group
964 |
group = matrix[start_row:end_row, :]
965 |
966 |
pca = PCA(n_components=num_pca_components)
967 |
968 |
969 |
principal_component = pca.components_[0]
970 |
contributions = np.dot(group, principal_component)
971 |
selected_row_index = np.argmax(contributions)
972 |
973 |
compressed_matrix[i, :] = group[selected_row_index, :]
974 |
975 |
if return_square_matrix_points:
976 |
filtered_matrix = compressed_matrix[~np.all(compressed_matrix == 0, axis=1)]
977 |
978 |
row_indexes, col_indexes = np.where(filtered_matrix != 0)
979 |
points = np.column_stack((row_indexes, filtered_matrix[row_indexes, col_indexes])).tolist()
980 |
981 |
return points
982 |
983 |
984 |
return compressed_matrix.tolist()
985 |
986 |
987 |
988 |
def image_matrix_to_images(image_matrix,
989 |
990 |
991 |
992 |
993 |
994 |
995 |
996 |
997 |
998 |
999 |
if num_img_channels > 1:
1000 |
n_mat_channels = 3
1001 |
1002 |
1003 |
n_mat_channels = 1
1004 |
1005 |
if not save_to_array:
1006 |
1007 |
if verbose:
1008 |
print('=' * 70)
1009 |
print('Checking output folder dir...')
1010 |
1011 |
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_folder), exist_ok=True)
1012 |
1013 |
if verbose:
1014 |
1015 |
1016 |
if verbose:
1017 |
print('=' * 70)
1018 |
print('Writing images...')
1019 |
1020 |
matrix = np.array(image_matrix)
1021 |
1022 |
image_array = []
1023 |
1024 |
for i in range(0, max(1, matrix.shape[0]), overlap):
1025 |
1026 |
submatrix = matrix[i:i+step, :]
1027 |
1028 |
if submatrix.shape[0] < 128:
1029 |
zeros_array = np.zeros((128-submatrix.shape[0], 128))
1030 |
submatrix = np.vstack((submatrix, zeros_array))
1031 |
1032 |
if n_mat_channels == 3:
1033 |
1034 |
r = (submatrix // (256*256)) % 256
1035 |
g = (submatrix // 256) % 256
1036 |
b = submatrix % 256
1037 |
1038 |
rgb_image = np.stack((r, g, b), axis=-1).astype(np.uint8)
1039 |
img = Image.fromarray(rgb_image, 'RGB')
1040 |
1041 |
1042 |
grayscale_image = submatrix.astype(np.uint8)
1043 |
img = Image.fromarray(grayscale_image, 'L')
1044 |
1045 |
if save_to_array:
1046 |
1047 |
1048 |
1049 |
img.save(output_folder + output_img_prefix + '_' + str(matrix.shape[1]) + '_' + str(i).zfill(7) + output_img_ext)
1050 |
1051 |
if verbose:
1052 |
1053 |
print('=' * 70)
1054 |
print('Saved', (matrix.shape[0] // min(step, overlap))+1, 'imges!')
1055 |
print('=' * 70)
1056 |
1057 |
if save_to_array:
1058 |
return np.array(image_array).tolist()
1059 |
1060 |
1061 |
1062 |
def images_to_image_matrix(list_of_images,
1063 |
1064 |
1065 |
1066 |
if num_img_channels > 1:
1067 |
n_mat_channels = 3
1068 |
1069 |
1070 |
n_mat_channels = 1
1071 |
1072 |
image_array = np.array(list_of_images)
1073 |
1074 |
original_matrix = []
1075 |
1076 |
for img in image_array:
1077 |
1078 |
if num_img_channels == 3:
1079 |
1080 |
rgb_array = np.array(img)
1081 |
1082 |
matrix = (rgb_array[..., 0].astype(np.int64) * 256*256 +
1083 |
rgb_array[..., 1].astype(np.int64) * 256 +
1084 |
rgb_array[..., 2].astype(np.int64))
1085 |
1086 |
1087 |
matrix = np.array(img)
1088 |
1089 |
1090 |
1091 |
return original_matrix
1092 |
1093 |
1094 |
# [WIP] Future dev functions
1095 |