Upload TMIDIX.py
Browse files
@@ -1484,6 +1484,7 @@ from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
1484 |
from difflib import SequenceMatcher as SM
1485 |
1486 |
import statistics
1487 |
1488 |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
1489 |
@@ -6391,6 +6392,648 @@ def reverse_enhanced_score_notes(enhanced_score_notes):
6391 |
6392 |
6393 |
6394 |
# This is the end of the TMIDI X Python module
6395 |
6396 |
1484 |
from difflib import SequenceMatcher as SM
1485 |
1486 |
import statistics
1487 |
import math
1488 |
1489 |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
1490 |
6392 |
6393 |
6394 |
6395 |
def count_patterns(lst, sublist):
6396 |
count = 0
6397 |
idx = 0
6398 |
for i in range(len(lst) - len(sublist) + 1):
6399 |
if lst[idx:idx + len(sublist)] == sublist:
6400 |
count += 1
6401 |
idx += len(sublist)
6402 |
6403 |
idx += 1
6404 |
return count
6405 |
6406 |
def find_lrno_patterns(seq):
6407 |
6408 |
all_seqs = Counter()
6409 |
6410 |
max_pat_len = math.ceil(len(seq) / 2)
6411 |
6412 |
num_iter = 0
6413 |
6414 |
for i in range(len(seq)):
6415 |
for j in range(i+1, len(seq)+1):
6416 |
if j-i <= max_pat_len:
6417 |
all_seqs[tuple(seq[i:j])] += 1
6418 |
num_iter += 1
6419 |
6420 |
max_count = 0
6421 |
max_len = 0
6422 |
6423 |
for val, count in all_seqs.items():
6424 |
6425 |
if max_len < len(val):
6426 |
max_count = max(2, count)
6427 |
6428 |
if count > 1:
6429 |
max_len = max(max_len, len(val))
6430 |
pval = val
6431 |
6432 |
max_pats = []
6433 |
6434 |
for val, count in all_seqs.items():
6435 |
if count == max_count and len(val) == max_len:
6436 |
6437 |
6438 |
found_patterns = []
6439 |
6440 |
for pat in max_pats:
6441 |
count = count_patterns(seq, list(pat))
6442 |
if count > 1:
6443 |
found_patterns.append([count, len(pat), pat])
6444 |
6445 |
return found_patterns
6446 |
6447 |
6448 |
6449 |
def delta_pitches(escore_notes, pitches_index=4):
6450 |
6451 |
pitches = [p[pitches_index] for p in escore_notes]
6452 |
6453 |
return [a-b for a, b in zip(pitches[:-1], pitches[1:])]
6454 |
6455 |
6456 |
6457 |
def split_list(lst, val):
6458 |
return [lst[i:j] for i, j in zip([0] + [k + 1 for k, x in enumerate(lst) if x == val], [k for k, x in enumerate(lst) if x == val] + [len(lst)]) if j > i]
6459 |
6460 |
6461 |
6462 |
def even_timings(escore_notes,
6463 |
6464 |
6465 |
6466 |
6467 |
esn = copy.deepcopy(escore_notes)
6468 |
6469 |
for e in esn:
6470 |
6471 |
if e[times_idx] != 0:
6472 |
if e[times_idx] % 2 != 0:
6473 |
e[times_idx] += 1
6474 |
6475 |
if e[durs_idx] % 2 != 0:
6476 |
e[durs_idx] += 1
6477 |
6478 |
return esn
6479 |
6480 |
6481 |
6482 |
def delta_score_to_abs_score(delta_score_notes,
6483 |
6484 |
6485 |
6486 |
abs_score = copy.deepcopy(delta_score_notes)
6487 |
6488 |
abs_time = 0
6489 |
6490 |
for i, e in enumerate(delta_score_notes):
6491 |
6492 |
dtime = e[times_idx]
6493 |
6494 |
abs_time += dtime
6495 |
6496 |
abs_score[i][times_idx] = abs_time
6497 |
6498 |
return abs_score
6499 |
6500 |
6501 |
6502 |
6503 |
def adjust_numbers_to_sum(numbers, target_sum):
6504 |
6505 |
current_sum = sum(numbers)
6506 |
difference = target_sum - current_sum
6507 |
6508 |
non_zero_elements = [(i, num) for i, num in enumerate(numbers) if num != 0]
6509 |
6510 |
total_non_zero = sum(num for _, num in non_zero_elements)
6511 |
6512 |
increments = []
6513 |
for i, num in non_zero_elements:
6514 |
proportion = num / total_non_zero
6515 |
increment = proportion * difference
6516 |
6517 |
6518 |
for idx, (i, num) in enumerate(non_zero_elements):
6519 |
numbers[i] += int(round(increments[idx]))
6520 |
6521 |
current_sum = sum(numbers)
6522 |
difference = target_sum - current_sum
6523 |
non_zero_indices = [i for i, num in enumerate(numbers) if num != 0]
6524 |
6525 |
for i in range(abs(difference)):
6526 |
numbers[non_zero_indices[i % len(non_zero_indices)]] += 1 if difference > 0 else -1
6527 |
6528 |
return numbers
6529 |
6530 |
6531 |
6532 |
def find_next_bar(escore_notes, bar_time, start_note_idx, cur_bar):
6533 |
for e in escore_notes[start_note_idx:]:
6534 |
if e[1] // bar_time > cur_bar:
6535 |
return e, escore_notes.index(e)
6536 |
6537 |
6538 |
6539 |
def align_escore_notes_to_bars(escore_notes,
6540 |
6541 |
6542 |
6543 |
6544 |
6545 |
6546 |
6547 |
aligned_escore_notes = copy.deepcopy(escore_notes)
6548 |
6549 |
abs_time = 0
6550 |
nidx = 0
6551 |
delta = 0
6552 |
bcount = 0
6553 |
next_bar = [0]
6554 |
6555 |
6556 |
6557 |
while next_bar:
6558 |
6559 |
next_bar = find_next_bar(escore_notes, bar_time, nidx, bcount)
6560 |
6561 |
if next_bar:
6562 |
6563 |
gescore_notes = escore_notes[nidx:next_bar[1]]
6564 |
6565 |
gescore_notes = escore_notes[nidx:]
6566 |
6567 |
original_timings = [delta] + [(b[1]-a[1]) for a, b in zip(gescore_notes[:-1], gescore_notes[1:])]
6568 |
adj_timings = adjust_numbers_to_sum(original_timings, bar_time)
6569 |
6570 |
for t in adj_timings:
6571 |
6572 |
abs_time += t
6573 |
6574 |
aligned_escore_notes[nidx][1] = abs_time
6575 |
aligned_escore_notes[nidx][2] -= int(bar_time // 200)
6576 |
6577 |
nidx += 1
6578 |
6579 |
if next_bar:
6580 |
delta = escore_notes[next_bar[1]][1]-escore_notes[next_bar[1]-1][1]
6581 |
bcount += 1
6582 |
6583 |
6584 |
6585 |
aligned_adjusted_escore_notes = []
6586 |
bcount = 0
6587 |
6588 |
for a in aligned_escore_notes:
6589 |
bcount = a[1] // bar_time
6590 |
nbtime = bar_time * (bcount+1)
6591 |
6592 |
if a[1]+a[2] > nbtime and a[3] != 9:
6593 |
if trim_durations or split_durations:
6594 |
ddiff = ((a[1]+a[2])-nbtime)
6595 |
aa = copy.deepcopy(a)
6596 |
aa[2] = a[2] - ddiff
6597 |
6598 |
6599 |
if split_durations:
6600 |
aaa = copy.deepcopy(a)
6601 |
aaa[1] = a[1]+aa[2]
6602 |
aaa[2] = ddiff
6603 |
6604 |
6605 |
6606 |
6607 |
6608 |
6609 |
6610 |
6611 |
6612 |
6613 |
6614 |
return aligned_adjusted_escore_notes
6615 |
6616 |
6617 |
6618 |
def normalize_chord_durations(chord,
6619 |
6620 |
6621 |
6622 |
6623 |
nchord = copy.deepcopy(chord)
6624 |
6625 |
for c in nchord:
6626 |
c[dur_idx] = int(round(max(1 / norm_factor, c[dur_idx] // norm_factor) * norm_factor))
6627 |
6628 |
return nchord
6629 |
6630 |
6631 |
6632 |
def normalize_chordified_score_durations(chordified_score,
6633 |
6634 |
6635 |
6636 |
6637 |
ncscore = copy.deepcopy(chordified_score)
6638 |
6639 |
for cc in ncscore:
6640 |
for c in cc:
6641 |
c[dur_idx] = int(round(max(1 / norm_factor, c[dur_idx] // norm_factor) * norm_factor))
6642 |
6643 |
return ncscore
6644 |
6645 |
6646 |
6647 |
def horizontal_ordered_list_search(list_of_lists,
6648 |
6649 |
6650 |
6651 |
6652 |
6653 |
lol = list_of_lists
6654 |
6655 |
results = []
6656 |
6657 |
if start_idx > 0:
6658 |
lol = list_of_lists[start_idx:]
6659 |
6660 |
if start_idx == -1:
6661 |
idx = -1
6662 |
for i, l in enumerate(list_of_lists):
6663 |
6664 |
idx = l.index(query_list[0])
6665 |
lol = list_of_lists[i:]
6666 |
6667 |
6668 |
6669 |
6670 |
if idx == -1:
6671 |
6672 |
return results
6673 |
6674 |
6675 |
6676 |
if end_idx != -1:
6677 |
lol = list_of_lists[start_idx:start_idx+max(end_idx, len(query_list))]
6678 |
6679 |
for i, q in enumerate(query_list):
6680 |
6681 |
idx = lol[i].index(q)
6682 |
6683 |
6684 |
6685 |
return results
6686 |
6687 |
return results
6688 |
6689 |
6690 |
6691 |
def escore_notes_to_escore_matrix(escore_notes,
6692 |
6693 |
6694 |
6695 |
last_time = escore_notes[-1][1]
6696 |
last_notes = [e for e in escore_notes if e[1] == last_time]
6697 |
max_last_dur = max([e[2] for e in last_notes])
6698 |
6699 |
time_range = last_time+max_last_dur
6700 |
6701 |
channels_list = sorted(set([e[3] for e in escore_notes]))
6702 |
6703 |
escore_matrixes = []
6704 |
6705 |
for cha in channels_list:
6706 |
6707 |
escore_matrix = [[[-1, -1]] * 128 for _ in range(time_range)]
6708 |
6709 |
pe = escore_notes[0]
6710 |
6711 |
for i, note in enumerate(escore_notes):
6712 |
6713 |
etype, time, duration, channel, pitch, velocity, patch = note
6714 |
6715 |
time = max(0, time)
6716 |
duration = max(2, duration)
6717 |
channel = max(0, min(15, channel))
6718 |
pitch = max(0, min(127, pitch))
6719 |
velocity = max(0, min(127, velocity))
6720 |
patch = max(0, min(128, patch))
6721 |
6722 |
if alt_velocities:
6723 |
velocity -= (i % 2)
6724 |
6725 |
if channel == cha:
6726 |
6727 |
for t in range(time, min(time + duration, time_range)):
6728 |
6729 |
escore_matrix[t][pitch] = [velocity, patch]
6730 |
6731 |
pe = note
6732 |
6733 |
6734 |
6735 |
return [channels_list, escore_matrixes]
6736 |
6737 |
6738 |
6739 |
def escore_matrix_to_merged_escore_notes(full_escore_matrix,
6740 |
6741 |
6742 |
6743 |
merged_escore_notes = []
6744 |
6745 |
mat_channels_list = full_escore_matrix[0]
6746 |
6747 |
for m, cha in enumerate(mat_channels_list):
6748 |
6749 |
escore_matrix = full_escore_matrix[1][m]
6750 |
6751 |
result = []
6752 |
6753 |
for j in range(len(escore_matrix[0])):
6754 |
6755 |
count = 1
6756 |
6757 |
for i in range(1, len(escore_matrix)):
6758 |
6759 |
if escore_matrix[i][j] != [-1, -1] and escore_matrix[i][j][1] == escore_matrix[i-1][j][1] and count < max_note_duration:
6760 |
count += 1
6761 |
6762 |
6763 |
if count > 1:
6764 |
result.append([i-count, count, j, escore_matrix[i-1][j]])
6765 |
6766 |
count = 1
6767 |
6768 |
if count > 1:
6769 |
result.append([len(escore_matrix)-count, count, j, escore_matrix[-1][j]])
6770 |
6771 |
result.sort(key=lambda x: (x[0], -x[2]))
6772 |
6773 |
for r in result:
6774 |
merged_escore_notes.append(['note', r[0], r[1], cha, r[2], r[3][0], r[3][1]])
6775 |
6776 |
return sorted(merged_escore_notes, key=lambda x: (x[1], -x[4], x[6]))
6777 |
6778 |
6779 |
6780 |
def escore_matrix_to_original_escore_notes(full_escore_matrix):
6781 |
6782 |
merged_escore_notes = []
6783 |
6784 |
mat_channels_list = full_escore_matrix[0]
6785 |
6786 |
for m, cha in enumerate(mat_channels_list):
6787 |
6788 |
escore_matrix = full_escore_matrix[1][m]
6789 |
6790 |
result = []
6791 |
6792 |
for j in range(len(escore_matrix[0])):
6793 |
6794 |
count = 1
6795 |
6796 |
for i in range(1, len(escore_matrix)):
6797 |
6798 |
if escore_matrix[i][j] != [-1, -1] and escore_matrix[i][j] == escore_matrix[i-1][j]:
6799 |
count += 1
6800 |
6801 |
6802 |
if count > 1:
6803 |
result.append([i-count, count, j, escore_matrix[i-1][j]])
6804 |
6805 |
count = 1
6806 |
6807 |
if count > 1:
6808 |
result.append([len(escore_matrix)-count, count, j, escore_matrix[-1][j]])
6809 |
6810 |
result.sort(key=lambda x: (x[0], -x[2]))
6811 |
6812 |
for r in result:
6813 |
merged_escore_notes.append(['note', r[0], r[1], cha, r[2], r[3][0], r[3][1]])
6814 |
6815 |
return sorted(merged_escore_notes, key=lambda x: (x[1], -x[4], x[6]))
6816 |
6817 |
6818 |
6819 |
def escore_notes_to_binary_matrix(escore_notes,
6820 |
6821 |
6822 |
6823 |
6824 |
escore = [e for e in escore_notes if e[3] == channel and e[6] == patch]
6825 |
6826 |
if escore:
6827 |
last_time = escore[-1][1]
6828 |
last_notes = [e for e in escore if e[1] == last_time]
6829 |
max_last_dur = max([e[2] for e in last_notes])
6830 |
6831 |
time_range = last_time+max_last_dur
6832 |
6833 |
escore_matrix = []
6834 |
6835 |
escore_matrix = [[0] * 128 for _ in range(time_range)]
6836 |
6837 |
for note in escore:
6838 |
6839 |
etype, time, duration, chan, pitch, velocity, pat = note
6840 |
6841 |
time = max(0, time)
6842 |
duration = max(2, duration)
6843 |
chan = max(0, min(15, chan))
6844 |
pitch = max(0, min(127, pitch))
6845 |
velocity = max(0, min(127, velocity))
6846 |
pat = max(0, min(128, pat))
6847 |
6848 |
if channel == chan and patch == pat:
6849 |
6850 |
for t in range(time, min(time + duration, time_range)):
6851 |
6852 |
escore_matrix[t][pitch] = 1
6853 |
6854 |
return escore_matrix
6855 |
6856 |
6857 |
return None
6858 |
6859 |
6860 |
6861 |
def binary_matrix_to_original_escore_notes(binary_matrix,
6862 |
6863 |
6864 |
6865 |
6866 |
6867 |
result = []
6868 |
6869 |
for j in range(len(binary_matrix[0])):
6870 |
6871 |
count = 1
6872 |
6873 |
for i in range(1, len(binary_matrix)):
6874 |
6875 |
if binary_matrix[i][j] != 0 and binary_matrix[i][j] == binary_matrix[i-1][j]:
6876 |
count += 1
6877 |
6878 |
6879 |
if count > 1:
6880 |
result.append([i-count, count, j, binary_matrix[i-1][j]])
6881 |
6882 |
count = 1
6883 |
6884 |
if count > 1:
6885 |
result.append([len(binary_matrix)-count, count, j, binary_matrix[-1][j]])
6886 |
6887 |
result.sort(key=lambda x: (x[0], -x[2]))
6888 |
6889 |
original_escore_notes = []
6890 |
6891 |
for r in result:
6892 |
original_escore_notes.append(['note', r[0], r[1], channel, r[2], velocity, patch])
6893 |
6894 |
return sorted(original_escore_notes, key=lambda x: (x[1], -x[4], x[6]))
6895 |
6896 |
6897 |
6898 |
def escore_notes_averages(escore_notes,
6899 |
6900 |
6901 |
6902 |
6903 |
6904 |
6905 |
6906 |
6907 |
6908 |
6909 |
if score_is_delta:
6910 |
if average_drums:
6911 |
times = [e[times_index] for e in escore_notes if e[times_index] != 0]
6912 |
6913 |
times = [e[times_index] for e in escore_notes if e[times_index] != 0 and e[chans_index] != 9]
6914 |
6915 |
6916 |
descore_notes = delta_score_notes(escore_notes)
6917 |
if average_drums:
6918 |
times = [e[times_index] for e in descore_notes if e[times_index] != 0]
6919 |
6920 |
times = [e[times_index] for e in descore_notes if e[times_index] != 0 and e[chans_index] != 9]
6921 |
6922 |
if average_drums:
6923 |
durs = [e[durs_index] for e in escore_notes]
6924 |
6925 |
durs = [e[durs_index] for e in escore_notes if e[chans_index] != 9]
6926 |
6927 |
if return_ptcs_and_vels:
6928 |
if average_drums:
6929 |
ptcs = [e[ptcs_index] for e in escore_notes]
6930 |
vels = [e[vels_index] for e in escore_notes]
6931 |
6932 |
ptcs = [e[ptcs_index] for e in escore_notes if e[chans_index] != 9]
6933 |
vels = [e[vels_index] for e in escore_notes if e[chans_index] != 9]
6934 |
6935 |
return [sum(times) / len(times), sum(durs) / len(durs), sum(ptcs) / len(ptcs), sum(vels) / len(vels)]
6936 |
6937 |
6938 |
return [sum(times) / len(times), sum(durs) / len(durs)]
6939 |
6940 |
6941 |
6942 |
def adjust_escore_notes_timings(escore_notes,
6943 |
6944 |
6945 |
6946 |
6947 |
6948 |
6949 |
6950 |
if score_is_delta:
6951 |
adj_escore_notes = copy.deepcopy(escore_notes)
6952 |
6953 |
adj_escore_notes = delta_score_notes(escore_notes)
6954 |
6955 |
for e in adj_escore_notes:
6956 |
6957 |
if e[times_index] != 0:
6958 |
e[times_index] = max(1, round(e[times_index] * adj_k))
6959 |
6960 |
e[durs_index] = max(1, round(e[durs_index] * adj_k))
6961 |
6962 |
if return_delta_scpre:
6963 |
return adj_escore_notes
6964 |
6965 |
6966 |
return delta_score_to_abs_score(adj_escore_notes)
6967 |
6968 |
6969 |
6970 |
def escore_notes_delta_times(escore_notes,
6971 |
6972 |
6973 |
6974 |
descore_notes = delta_score_notes(escore_notes)
6975 |
6976 |
return [e[times_index] for e in descore_notes]
6977 |
6978 |
6979 |
6980 |
def escore_notes_durations(escore_notes,
6981 |
6982 |
6983 |
6984 |
descore_notes = delta_score_notes(escore_notes)
6985 |
6986 |
return [e[durs_index] for e in descore_notes]
6987 |
6988 |
6989 |
6990 |
def ordered_lists_match_ratio(src_list, trg_list):
6991 |
6992 |
zlist = list(zip(src_list, trg_list))
6993 |
6994 |
return sum([a == b for a, b in zlist]) / len(list(zlist))
6995 |
6996 |
6997 |
6998 |
def lists_intersections(src_list, trg_list):
6999 |
return list(set(src_list) & set(trg_list))
7000 |
7001 |
7002 |
7003 |
def transpose_escore_notes(escore_notes,
7004 |
7005 |
7006 |
7007 |
7008 |
7009 |
tr_escore_notes = copy.deepcopy(escore_notes)
7010 |
7011 |
for e in tr_escore_notes:
7012 |
if e[channel_index] != 9:
7013 |
e[pitches_index] = max(1, min(127, e[pitches_index] + transpose_value))
7014 |
7015 |
return tr_escore_notes
7016 |
7017 |
7018 |
7019 |
def transpose_escore_notes_to_pitch(escore_notes,
7020 |
7021 |
7022 |
7023 |
7024 |
7025 |
tr_escore_notes = copy.deepcopy(escore_notes)
7026 |
7027 |
transpose_delta = int(round(target_pitch_value)) - int(round(escore_notes_averages(escore_notes, return_ptcs_and_vels=True)[2]))
7028 |
7029 |
for e in tr_escore_notes:
7030 |
if e[channel_index] != 9:
7031 |
e[pitches_index] = max(1, min(127, e[pitches_index] + transpose_delta))
7032 |
7033 |
return tr_escore_notes
7034 |
7035 |
7036 |
7037 |
# This is the end of the TMIDI X Python module
7038 |
7039 |