import os import numpy as np import time import librosa from pathlib import Path import torch from utilities import (create_folder, get_filename, RegressionPostProcessor, write_events_to_midi) from models import Regress_onset_offset_frame_velocity_CRNN, Note_pedal from pytorch_utils import move_data_to_device, forward import config class PianoTranscription(object): def __init__(self, model_type='Note_pedal', checkpoint_path=None, segment_samples=16000*10, device=torch.device('cuda')): """Class for transcribing piano solo recording. Args: model_type: str checkpoint_path: str segment_samples: int device: 'cuda' | 'cpu' """ checkpoint_path="CRNN_note_F1=0.9677_pedal_F1=0.9186.pth" print('Checkpoint path: {}'.format(checkpoint_path)) print('Using {} for inference.'.format(device)) self.segment_samples = segment_samples self.frames_per_second = config.frames_per_second self.classes_num = config.classes_num self.onset_threshold = 0.3 self.offset_threshod = 0.3 self.frame_threshold = 0.1 self.pedal_offset_threshold = 0.2 # Build model Model = eval(model_type) self.model = Model(frames_per_second=self.frames_per_second, classes_num=self.classes_num) # Load model checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_path, map_location=device) self.model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model'], strict=False) # Parallel if 'cuda' in str(device): print('GPU number: {}'.format(torch.cuda.device_count())) self.model = torch.nn.DataParallel(self.model) else: print('Using CPU.') def transcribe(self, audio, midi_path): """Transcribe an audio recording. Args: audio: (audio_samples,) midi_path: str, path to write out the transcribed MIDI. Returns: transcribed_dict, dict: {'output_dict':, ..., 'est_note_events': ...} """ audio = audio[None, :] # (1, audio_samples) # Pad audio to be evenly divided by segment_samples audio_len = audio.shape[1] pad_len = int(np.ceil(audio_len / self.segment_samples))\ * self.segment_samples - audio_len audio = np.concatenate((audio, np.zeros((1, pad_len))), axis=1) # Enframe to segments segments = self.enframe(audio, self.segment_samples) """(N, segment_samples)""" # Forward output_dict = forward(self.model, segments, batch_size=1) """{'reg_onset_output': (N, segment_frames, classes_num), ...}""" # Deframe to original length for key in output_dict.keys(): output_dict[key] = self.deframe(output_dict[key])[0 : audio_len] """output_dict: { 'reg_onset_output': (N, segment_frames, classes_num), 'reg_offset_output': (N, segment_frames, classes_num), 'frame_output': (N, segment_frames, classes_num), 'velocity_output': (N, segment_frames, classes_num)}""" # Post processor post_processor = RegressionPostProcessor(self.frames_per_second, classes_num=self.classes_num, onset_threshold=self.onset_threshold, offset_threshold=self.offset_threshod, frame_threshold=self.frame_threshold, pedal_offset_threshold=self.pedal_offset_threshold) # Post process output_dict to MIDI events (est_note_events, est_pedal_events) = \ post_processor.output_dict_to_midi_events(output_dict) # Write MIDI events to file if midi_path: write_events_to_midi(start_time=0, note_events=est_note_events, pedal_events=est_pedal_events, midi_path=midi_path) print('Write out to {}'.format(midi_path)) transcribed_dict = { 'output_dict': output_dict, 'est_note_events': est_note_events, 'est_pedal_events': est_pedal_events} return transcribed_dict def enframe(self, x, segment_samples): """Enframe long sequence to short segments. Args: x: (1, audio_samples) segment_samples: int Returns: batch: (N, segment_samples) """ assert x.shape[1] % segment_samples == 0 batch = [] pointer = 0 while pointer + segment_samples <= x.shape[1]: batch.append(x[:, pointer : pointer + segment_samples]) pointer += segment_samples // 2 batch = np.concatenate(batch, axis=0) return batch def deframe(self, x): """Deframe predicted segments to original sequence. Args: x: (N, segment_frames, classes_num) Returns: y: (audio_frames, classes_num) """ if x.shape[0] == 1: return x[0] else: x = x[:, 0 : -1, :] """Remove an extra frame in the end of each segment caused by the 'center=True' argument when calculating spectrogram.""" (N, segment_samples, classes_num) = x.shape assert segment_samples % 4 == 0 y = [] y.append(x[0, 0 : int(segment_samples * 0.75)]) for i in range(1, N - 1): y.append(x[i, int(segment_samples * 0.25) : int(segment_samples * 0.75)]) y.append(x[-1, int(segment_samples * 0.25) :]) y = np.concatenate(y, axis=0) return y