import tiktoken from random import shuffle # `tokenizer`: used to count how many tokens tokenizer_name = tiktoken.encoding_for_model('gpt-4') tokenizer = tiktoken.get_encoding( def tiktoken_len(text): # evaluate how many tokens for the given text tokens = tokenizer.encode(text, disallowed_special=()) return len(tokens) class Knowledge: def __init__(self, db): self.db = db self.contents = [] def collect_knowledge(self, keywords_dict: dict, max_query: int): """ keywords_dict: {"machine learning": 5, "language model": 2}; """ db = self.db if max_query > 0: for kw in keywords_dict: docs = db.similarity_search_with_score(kw, k=max_query) for i in range(max_query): content = {"content": docs[i][0].page_content.replace('\n', ' '), "score": docs[i][1]} # todo: add more meta information; clean the page_content self.contents.append(content) # sort contents by score / shuffle shuffle(self.contents) def to_prompts(self, max_tokens=2048): if len(self.contents) == 0: return "" prompts = [] tokens = 0 for idx, content in enumerate(self.contents): prompt = "Reference {}: {}\n".format(idx, content["content"]) tokens += tiktoken_len(prompt) if tokens >= max_tokens: break else: prompts.append(prompt) return "".join(prompts) def to_json(self): if len(self.contents) == 0: return {} output = {} for idx, content in enumerate(self.contents): output[str(idx)] = { "content": content["content"], "score": str(content["score"]) } print(output) return output