leaderboards / app.py
Tristan Thrush
fixed rounding bug, improved messages above the leaderboard
history blame
5.02 kB
import requests
import pandas as pd
from tqdm.auto import tqdm
import streamlit as st
from huggingface_hub import HfApi, hf_hub_download
from huggingface_hub.repocard import metadata_load
from ascending_metrics import ascending_metrics
import numpy as np
def make_clickable(model_name):
link = "https://huggingface.co/" + model_name
return f'<a target="_blank" href="{link}">{model_name}</a>'
def make_bold(value):
return f'<b>{value}</b>'
def make_string(value):
return str(value)
def get_model_ids():
api = HfApi()
models = api.list_models(filter="model-index")
model_ids = [x.modelId for x in models]
return model_ids
def get_metadata(model_id):
readme_path = hf_hub_download(model_id, filename="README.md")
return metadata_load(readme_path)
except Exception:
# 404 README.md not found or problem loading it
return None
def parse_metric_value(value):
if isinstance(value, str):
value = float(value)
except: # noqa: E722
value = None
elif isinstance(value, list):
if len(value) > 0:
value = value[0]
value = None
value = round(value, 2) if isinstance(value, float) else None
return value
def parse_metrics_rows(meta):
if not isinstance(meta["model-index"], list) or len(meta["model-index"]) == 0 or "results" not in meta["model-index"][0]:
return None
for result in meta["model-index"][0]["results"]:
if "dataset" not in result or "metrics" not in result or "type" not in result["dataset"]:
dataset = result["dataset"]["type"]
if "args" not in result["dataset"]:
row = {"dataset": dataset}
for metric in result["metrics"]:
type = metric["type"].lower().strip()
value = parse_metric_value(metric.get("value", None))
if value is None:
if type not in row or value < row[type]:
# overwrite the metric if the new value is lower (e.g. with LM)
row[type] = value
yield row
def get_data():
data = []
model_ids = get_model_ids()[:10]
for model_id in tqdm(model_ids):
meta = get_metadata(model_id)
if meta is None:
for row in parse_metrics_rows(meta):
if row is None:
row["model_id"] = model_id
return pd.DataFrame.from_records(data)
dataframe = get_data()
selectable_datasets = list(set(dataframe.dataset.tolist()))
st.markdown("# πŸ€— Leaderboards")
query_params = st.experimental_get_query_params()
default_dataset = "common_voice"
if "dataset" in query_params:
if len(query_params["dataset"]) > 0 and query_params["dataset"][0] in selectable_datasets:
default_dataset = query_params["dataset"][0]
dataset = st.sidebar.selectbox(
dataset_df = dataframe[dataframe.dataset == dataset]
dataset_df = dataset_df.dropna(axis="columns", how="all")
selectable_metrics = list(filter(lambda column: column not in ("model_id", "dataset"), dataset_df.columns))
metric = st.sidebar.radio(
"Sorting Metric",
dataset_df = dataset_df.filter(["model_id"] + selectable_metrics)
dataset_df = dataset_df.dropna(thresh=2) # Want at least two non-na values (one for model_id and one for a metric).
dataset_df = dataset_df.sort_values(by=metric, ascending=metric in ascending_metrics)
dataset_df = dataset_df.replace(np.nan, '-')
"Please click on the model's name to be redirected to its model card."
"Want to beat the leaderboard? Don't see your model here? Simply request an automatic evaluation [here](https://huggingface.co/spaces/autoevaluate/autoevaluate)."
# display the model ranks
dataset_df = dataset_df.reset_index(drop=True)
dataset_df.index += 1
# turn the model ids into clickable links
dataset_df["model_id"] = dataset_df["model_id"].apply(make_clickable)
dataset_df[metric] = dataset_df[metric].apply(make_bold)
for other_metric in selectable_metrics:
dataset_df[other_metric] = dataset_df[other_metric].apply(make_string)
# Make the selected metric appear right after model names
cols = dataset_df.columns.tolist()
cols = cols[:1] + [metric] + cols[1:]
dataset_df = dataset_df[cols]
# Highlight selected metric
def highlight_cols(s):
huggingface_yellow = "#FFD21E"
return "background-color: %s" % huggingface_yellow
dataset_df = dataset_df.style.applymap(highlight_cols, subset=pd.IndexSlice[metric])
# Turn table into html
table_html = dataset_df.to_html(escape=False)
table_html = table_html.replace("<th>", '<th align="left">') # left-align the headers
st.write(table_html, unsafe_allow_html=True)