leaderboards / app.py
Tristan Thrush
specified version in requirements.txt, added all selections to url, fixed demo message in aggrid
history blame
12.5 kB
import pandas as pd
import streamlit as st
from huggingface_hub import HfApi, hf_hub_download
from huggingface_hub.repocard import metadata_load
from utils import ascending_metrics, metric_ranges
import numpy as np
from st_aggrid import AgGrid, GridOptionsBuilder, JsCode
from os.path import exists
import threading
def get_model_infos():
api = HfApi()
model_infos = api.list_models(filter="model-index", cardData=True)
return model_infos
def parse_metric_value(value):
if isinstance(value, str):
value = float(value)
except: # noqa: E722
value = None
elif isinstance(value, list):
if len(value) > 0:
value = value[0]
value = None
value = round(value, 4) if isinstance(value, float) else None
return value
def parse_metrics_rows(meta, only_verified=False):
if not isinstance(meta["model-index"], list) or len(meta["model-index"]) == 0 or "results" not in meta["model-index"][0]:
return None
for result in meta["model-index"][0]["results"]:
if not isinstance(result, dict) or "dataset" not in result or "metrics" not in result or "type" not in result["dataset"]:
dataset = result["dataset"]["type"]
if dataset == "":
row = {"dataset": dataset, "split": "-unspecified-", "config": "-unspecified-"}
if "split" in result["dataset"]:
row["split"] = result["dataset"]["split"]
if "config" in result["dataset"]:
row["config"] = result["dataset"]["config"]
no_results = True
incorrect_results = False
for metric in result["metrics"]:
name = metric["type"].lower().strip()
if name in ("model_id", "dataset", "split", "config", "pipeline_tag", "only_verified"):
# Metrics are not allowed to be named "dataset", "split", "config", "pipeline_tag"
value = parse_metric_value(metric.get("value", None))
if value is None:
if name in row:
new_metric_better = value < row[name] if name in ascending_metrics else value > row[name]
if name not in row or new_metric_better:
# overwrite the metric if the new value is better.
if only_verified:
if "verified" in metric and metric["verified"]:
no_results = False
row[name] = value
if name in metric_ranges:
if value < metric_ranges[name][0] or value > metric_ranges[name][1]:
incorrect_results = True
no_results = False
row[name] = value
if name in metric_ranges:
if value < metric_ranges[name][0] or value > metric_ranges[name][1]:
incorrect_results = True
if no_results or incorrect_results:
yield row
def get_data_wrapper():
def get_data(dataframe=None, verified_dataframe=None):
data = []
verified_data = []
print("getting model infos")
model_infos = get_model_infos()
print("got model infos")
for model_info in model_infos:
meta = model_info.cardData
if meta is None:
for row in parse_metrics_rows(meta):
if row is None:
row["model_id"] = model_info.id
row["pipeline_tag"] = model_info.pipeline_tag
row["only_verified"] = False
for row in parse_metrics_rows(meta, only_verified=True):
if row is None:
row["model_id"] = model_info.id
row["pipeline_tag"] = model_info.pipeline_tag
row["only_verified"] = True
dataframe = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data)
if exists("cache.pkl"):
# If we have saved the results previously, call an asynchronous process
# to fetch the results and update the saved file. Don't make users wait
# while we fetch the new results. Instead, display the old results for
# now. The new results should be loaded when this method
# is called again.
dataframe = pd.read_pickle("cache.pkl")
t = threading.Thread(name="get_data procs", target=get_data)
# We have to make the users wait during the first startup of this app.
dataframe = pd.read_pickle("cache.pkl")
return dataframe
dataframe = get_data_wrapper()
st.markdown("# 🤗 Leaderboards")
query_params = st.experimental_get_query_params()
if "first_query_params" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.first_query_params = query_params
first_query_params = st.session_state.first_query_params
default_task = first_query_params.get("task", [None])[0]
default_only_verified = bool(int(first_query_params.get("only_verified", [0])[0]))
default_dataset = first_query_params.get("dataset", [None])[0]
default_split = first_query_params.get("split", [None])[0]
default_config = first_query_params.get("config", [None])[0]
only_verified_results = st.sidebar.checkbox(
"Filter for Verified Results",
help="Select this checkbox if you want to see only results produced by the Hugging Face model evaluator, and no self-reported results."
selectable_tasks = list(set(dataframe.pipeline_tag))
if None in selectable_tasks:
selectable_tasks.sort(key=lambda name: name.lower())
selectable_tasks = ["-any-"] + selectable_tasks
task = st.sidebar.selectbox(
index=(selectable_tasks).index(default_task) if default_task in selectable_tasks else 0,
help="Filter the selectable datasets by task. Leave as \"-any-\" to see all selectable datasets."
if task != "-any-":
dataframe = dataframe[dataframe.pipeline_tag == task]
selectable_datasets = ["-any-"] + sorted(list(set(dataframe.dataset.tolist())), key=lambda name: name.lower())
if "" in selectable_datasets:
dataset = st.sidebar.selectbox(
index=selectable_datasets.index(default_dataset) if default_dataset in selectable_datasets else 0,
help="Select a dataset to see the leaderboard!"
dataframe = dataframe[dataframe.only_verified == only_verified_results]
st.experimental_set_query_params(**{"dataset": [dataset], "only_verified": [int(only_verified_results)], "task": [task]})
if dataset != "-any-":
dataset_df = dataframe[dataframe.dataset == dataset]
dataset_df = dataframe
dataset_df = dataset_df.dropna(axis="columns", how="all")
if len(dataset_df) > 0:
selectable_configs = list(set(dataset_df["config"]))
if dataset != "-any-":
config = st.sidebar.selectbox(
index=selectable_configs.index(default_config) if default_config in selectable_configs else 0,
help="Filter the results on the current leaderboard by the dataset config. Self-reported results might not report the config, which is why \"-unspecified-\" is an option."
dataset_df = dataset_df[dataset_df.config == config]
selectable_splits = list(set(dataset_df["split"]))
split = st.sidebar.selectbox(
index=selectable_splits.index(default_split) if default_split in selectable_splits else 0,
help="Filter the results on the current leaderboard by the dataset split. Self-reported results might not report the split, which is why \"-unspecified-\" is an option."
st.experimental_set_query_params(**{"dataset": [dataset], "only_verified": [int(only_verified_results)], "task": [task], "config": [config], "split": [split]})
dataset_df = dataset_df[dataset_df.split == split]
not_selectable_metrics = ["model_id", "dataset", "split", "config", "pipeline_tag", "only_verified"]
selectable_metrics = list(filter(lambda column: column not in not_selectable_metrics, dataset_df.columns))
dataset_df = dataset_df.filter(["model_id"] + (["dataset"] if dataset == "-any-" else []) + selectable_metrics)
dataset_df = dataset_df.dropna(thresh=2) # Want at least two non-na values (one for model_id and one for a metric).
sorting_metric = st.sidebar.radio(
"Sorting Metric",
help="Select the metric to sort the leaderboard by. Click on the metric name in the leaderboard to reverse the sorting order."
"Please click on the model's name to be redirected to its model card."
"Want to beat the leaderboard? Don't see your model here? Simply request an automatic evaluation [here](https://huggingface.co/spaces/autoevaluate/model-evaluator)."
"If you do not see your self-reported results here, ensure that your results are in the expected range for all metrics. E.g., accuracy is 0-1, not 0-100."
if dataset == "-any-":
"Note: you haven't chosen a dataset, so the leaderboard is showing the best scoring model for each dataset."
# Make the default metric appear right after model names and dataset names
cols = dataset_df.columns.tolist()
sorting_metric_index = 1 if dataset != "-any-" else 2
cols = cols[:sorting_metric_index] + [sorting_metric] + cols[sorting_metric_index:]
dataset_df = dataset_df[cols]
# Sort the leaderboard, giving the sorting metric highest priority and then ordering by other metrics in the case of equal values.
dataset_df = dataset_df.sort_values(by=cols[sorting_metric_index:], ascending=[metric in ascending_metrics for metric in cols[sorting_metric_index:]])
dataset_df = dataset_df.replace(np.nan, '-')
# If dataset is "-any-", only show the best model for each dataset. Otherwise
# The leaderboard is way too long and doesn't give the users a feel for all of
# the datasets available for a task.
if dataset == "-any-":
filtered_dataset_df_dict = {column: [] for column in dataset_df.columns}
seen_datasets = set()
for _, row in dataset_df.iterrows():
if row["dataset"] not in seen_datasets:
for column in dataset_df.columns:
dataset_df = pd.DataFrame(filtered_dataset_df_dict)
# Make the leaderboard
gb = GridOptionsBuilder.from_dataframe(dataset_df)
cellRenderer=JsCode('''function(params) {return '<a target="_blank" href="https://huggingface.co/'+params.value+'">'+params.value+'</a>'}'''),
if dataset == "-any-":
cellRenderer=JsCode('''function(params) {return '<a target="_blank" href="https://huggingface.co/spaces/autoevaluate/leaderboards?dataset='+params.value+'">'+params.value+'</a>'}'''),
for name in selectable_metrics:
gb.configure_column(name, type=["numericColumn","numberColumnFilter","customNumericFormat"], precision=4, aggFunc='sum')
cellStyle=JsCode('''function(params) { return {'backgroundColor': '#FFD21E'}}''')
go = gb.build()
fit_columns = len(dataset_df.columns) < 10
AgGrid(dataset_df, gridOptions=go, height=28*len(dataset_df) + (35 if fit_columns else 41), allow_unsafe_jscode=True, fit_columns_on_grid_load=fit_columns, enable_enterprise_modules=False)
"No " + ("verified" if only_verified_results else "unverified") + " results to display. Try toggling the verified results filter."