import streamlit as st # Sidebar st.sidebar.image("", width=150) # Placeholder for logo st.sidebar.markdown("## Home") st.sidebar.markdown("## Create") st.sidebar.markdown("## Library") st.sidebar.markdown("## Explore") st.sidebar.markdown("## 2360 credits") st.sidebar.markdown("## Subscription") st.sidebar.markdown("## What's New") st.sidebar.markdown("## Community") st.sidebar.markdown("## Help") st.sidebar.markdown("## About") # Main Content Area st.title("Create") # Form st.checkbox("Custom Mode") st.text_area("Song Description", "a futuristic anime song about a literal banana") st.checkbox("Instrumental") st.selectbox("Version", ["v3"]) st.button("Create 🎵") # List of items items = [ {"title": "Dance Under The Moonlight", "description": "acoustic guitar flamenco dance beat kizomba soaring vocalist progressive house", "version": "v3"}, {"title": "The Tale of Yggdrasil", "description": "folk acoustic storytelling", "version": "v3"}, {"title": "The Song of Yggdrasil", "description": "tropical latin acoustic", "version": "v3"}, {"title": "Sacred Frequencies", "description": "progressive edm uplifting", "version": "v3"}, {"title": "Let's Get Jokin'", "description": "progressive house electronic dubstep", "version": "v3"}, {"title": "Jokes That Make You Dance", "description": "marching band progressive house dance", "version": "v3"}, {"title": "Joke Parade", "description": "progressive house dance 128bpm marching band bass drum dubstep", "version": "v3"}, {"title": "Laughing On The Dancefloor", "description": "128bpm progressive house dance", "version": "v3"}, ] for item in items: st.image("", width=50) # Placeholder for image st.markdown(f"### {item['title']} v{item['version']}") st.markdown(f"{item['description']}") col1, col2, col3, col4, col5 = st.columns([1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) with col1: st.button("👍") with col2: st.button("👎") with col3: st.button("Extend") with col4: st.checkbox("Public") with col5: st.button("🔗") # Footer st.markdown("---") col1, col2, col3, col4, col5 = st.columns([1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) with col1: st.button("⏮️") with col2: st.button("⏯️") with col3: st.button("⏭️") with col4: st.slider("Volume", 0, 100, 50) with col5: st.text("0:00") # Inject process methods steps and input st.image("Suno.png") st.write('This example tests AIPP and GPT4o text and image prompts to take a screenshot and produce a one shot app using streamlit and python app. Prompt: Provide a development analysis of the layout of this html5 web app and create a streamlit python UI that duplicates exactly the layout features and text of each UI element.')