import streamlit as st import numpy as np import pandas as pd import plotly.graph_objects as go from datetime import datetime from base64 import b64encode import time FOOD_LIST = {4: "🍔", 6: "🍟", 8: "🌮", 10: "🍕", 12: "🍩", 20: "🥗", 50: "🍣", 100: "🍾"} def roll_dice(num_rolls, dice_type): rolls = np.random.randint(1, dice_type + 1, size=num_rolls) return rolls def plot_tokens(health_tokens, coin_tokens): fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace(go.Sankey( node = { "label": ["Health", "Coins"] + [FOOD_LIST[i] for i in DICE_TYPES], "pad": 15 }, link = { "source": [0, 1] + list(range(2, len(DICE_TYPES) + 2)), "target": [2] * len(DICE_TYPES) + [3 + i for i in range(len(DICE_TYPES))], "value": health_tokens + coin_tokens }, )) return fig st.set_page_config(page_title="🍔🍟 Emojitrition 🌮🍕", page_icon=":game_die:") st.title("🍔🍟 Emojitrition 🌮🍕") username = st.sidebar.text_input("👤 Enter your username:") num_rolls = st.sidebar.slider("🔢 Choose the number of rolls:", 1, 100, 3) DICE_TYPES = [4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, 50, 100] history = {"health_tokens": [0], "coin_tokens": [0]} fig_element = st.empty() for i in range(10): for dice_type in DICE_TYPES: rolls = roll_dice(num_rolls, dice_type) highest_rolls = sum(roll == dice_type for roll in rolls) coin_tokens_added = 0 dice_results = [f"{FOOD_LIST[dice_type]} {roll}" for roll in rolls] st.write(f"🎰 Results for {dice_type}-sided slot machine: {' | '.join(dice_results)}") for roll in rolls: if roll == dice_type: st.write(f"🎉 Congratulations! You got the {FOOD_LIST[dice_type]} jackpot! 💰 Adding 3 coins.") coin_tokens_added += 3 if roll == max(rolls): st.write(f"🎉 Congratulations! You got the {FOOD_LIST[dice_type]} maximum value! 💖 Adding 10 health tokens.") if dice_type == 100: history["health_tokens"].append(history["health_tokens"][-1] + 10) history[f"{dice_type}-sided slot machine jackpots"] = highest_rolls history["roll_history"] = {**history.get("roll_history", {}), dice_type: rolls} history["coin_tokens"].append(history["coin_tokens"][-1] + coin_tokens_added) fig = plot_tokens(history["health_tokens"], history["coin_tokens"]) fig_element.plotly_chart(fig) time.sleep(1) df = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(history["roll_history"]), pd.DataFrame(history["health_tokens"], columns=["Health Tokens"]), pd.DataFrame(history["coin_tokens"], columns=["Coin Tokens"])], axis=1) timestamp ="%m-%d-%Y-%H-%M-%S") filename = f"{username}_{timestamp}.csv" df.to_csv(filename, index=False) st.markdown(f'Download CSV File', unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown(""" 📣 Introducing Emojitrition - the fun and easy way to track your nutrition! 🍔🍟🌮🍕🍩🥗🍣🍾 👉 Sick of boring nutrition tracking apps? Emojitrition is here to spice things up! 🌶️ 👉 Our app uses food nutrition emojis to make tracking your meals easy and fun. 🍴 👉 Whether you're making healthy choices with 🥗 or indulging in some 🍩, Emojitrition makes it easy to see how your meals add up. 👉 Download Emojitrition today and start making more informed choices for your health and well-being! 📲 👉 It's time to ditch the boring old numbers and words and embrace the world of nutrition emojis! 🙌 """)