import os |
import re |
import streamlit as st |
import streamlit.components.v1 as components |
from urllib.parse import quote |
import pandas as pd |
import torch |
import torch.nn as nn |
import torch.optim as optim |
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader, TensorDataset |
import base64 |
import glob |
import time |
st.set_page_config( |
page_title="AI Knowledge Tree Builder ๐๐ฟ", |
page_icon="๐ณโจ", |
layout="wide", |
initial_sidebar_state="auto", |
) |
trees = { |
"ML Engineering": """ |
0. ML Engineering ๐ |
1. Data Preparation |
- Load Data ๐ |
- Preprocess Data ๐ ๏ธ |
2. Model Building |
- Train Model ๐ค |
- Evaluate Model ๐ |
3. Deployment |
- Deploy Model ๐ |
""", |
"Health": """ |
0. Health and Wellness ๐ฟ |
1. Physical Health |
- Exercise ๐๏ธ |
- Nutrition ๐ |
2. Mental Health |
- Meditation ๐ง |
- Therapy ๐๏ธ |
""", |
} |
project_seeds = { |
"Code Project": """ |
0. Code Project ๐ |
1. app.py ๐ |
2. requirements.txt ๐ฆ |
3. README.md ๐ |
""", |
"Papers Project": """ |
0. Papers Project ๐ |
1. markdown ๐ |
2. mermaid ๐ผ๏ธ |
3. huggingface.co ๐ค |
""", |
"AI Project": """ |
0. AI Project ๐ค |
1. Streamlit Torch Transformers |
- Streamlit ๐ |
- Torch ๐ฅ |
- Transformers ๐ค |
2. DistillKit MergeKit Spectrum |
- DistillKit ๐งช |
- MergeKit ๐ |
- Spectrum ๐ |
3. Transformers Diffusers Datasets |
- Transformers ๐ค |
- Diffusers ๐จ |
- Datasets ๐ |
""", |
} |
def sanitize_label(label): |
"""Remove invalid characters for Mermaid labels.""" |
return re.sub(r'[^\w\s-]', '', label).replace(' ', '_') |
def sanitize_filename(label): |
"""Make a valid filename from a label.""" |
return re.sub(r'[^\w\s-]', '', label).replace(' ', '_') |
def parse_outline_to_mermaid(outline_text, search_agent): |
"""Convert tree outline to Mermaid syntax with clickable nodes.""" |
lines = outline_text.strip().split('\n') |
nodes, edges, clicks, stack = [], [], [], [] |
for line in lines: |
indent = len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) |
level = indent // 4 |
label = re.sub(r'^[#*\->\d\.\s]+', '', line.strip()) |
if label: |
node_id = f"N{len(nodes)}" |
sanitized_label = sanitize_label(label) |
nodes.append(f'{node_id}["{label}"]') |
search_url = search_urls[search_agent](label) |
clicks.append(f'click {node_id} "{search_url}" _blank') |
if stack: |
parent_level = stack[-1][0] |
if level > parent_level: |
edges.append(f"{stack[-1][1]} --> {node_id}") |
stack.append((level, node_id)) |
else: |
while stack and stack[-1][0] >= level: |
stack.pop() |
if stack: |
edges.append(f"{stack[-1][1]} --> {node_id}") |
stack.append((level, node_id)) |
else: |
stack.append((level, node_id)) |
return "%%{init: {'themeVariables': {'fontSize': '18px'}}}%%\nflowchart LR\n" + "\n".join(nodes + edges + clicks) |
def generate_mermaid_html(mermaid_code): |
"""Generate HTML to display Mermaid diagram.""" |
return f""" |
<html><head><script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mermaid/dist/mermaid.min.js"></script> |
<style>.centered-mermaid{{display:flex;justify-content:center;margin:20px auto;}}</style></head> |
<body><div class="mermaid centered-mermaid">{mermaid_code}</div> |
<script>mermaid.initialize({{startOnLoad:true}});</script></body></html> |
""" |
def grow_tree(base_tree, new_node_name, parent_node): |
"""Add a new node to the tree under a specified parent.""" |
lines = base_tree.strip().split('\n') |
new_lines = [] |
added = False |
for line in lines: |
new_lines.append(line) |
if parent_node in line and not added: |
indent = len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) |
new_lines.append(f"{' ' * (indent + 4)}- {new_node_name} ๐ฑ") |
added = True |
return "\n".join(new_lines) |
def get_download_link(file_path, mime_type="text/plain"): |
"""Generate a download link for a file.""" |
with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: |
data = f.read() |
b64 = base64.b64encode(data).decode() |
return f'<a href="data:{mime_type};base64,{b64}" download="{file_path}">Download {file_path}</a>' |
def save_tree_to_file(tree_text, parent_node, new_node): |
"""Save tree to a markdown file with name based on nodes.""" |
root_node = tree_text.strip().split('\n')[0].split('.')[1].strip() if tree_text.strip() else "Knowledge_Tree" |
filename = f"{sanitize_filename(root_node)}_{sanitize_filename(parent_node)}_{sanitize_filename(new_node)}_{int(time.time())}.md" |
mermaid_code = parse_outline_to_mermaid(tree_text, "๐ฎGoogle") |
export_md = f"# Knowledge Tree: {root_node}\n\n## Outline\n{tree_text}\n\n## Mermaid Diagram\n```mermaid\n{mermaid_code}\n```" |
with open(filename, "w") as f: |
f.write(export_md) |
return filename |
def load_trees_from_files(): |
"""Load all saved tree markdown files.""" |
tree_files = glob.glob("*.md") |
trees_dict = {} |
for file in tree_files: |
if file != "README.md" and file != "knowledge_tree.md": |
try: |
with open(file, 'r') as f: |
content = f.read() |
match = re.search(r'# Knowledge Tree: (.*)', content) |
if match: |
tree_name = match.group(1) |
else: |
tree_name = os.path.splitext(file)[0] |
outline_match = re.search(r'## Outline\n(.*?)(?=\n## |$)', content, re.DOTALL) |
if outline_match: |
tree_outline = outline_match.group(1).strip() |
trees_dict[f"{tree_name} ({file})"] = tree_outline |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error loading {file}: {e}") |
return trees_dict |
search_urls = { |
"๐๐ArXiv": lambda k: f"/?q={quote(k)}", |
"๐ฎGoogle": lambda k: f"https://www.google.com/search?q={quote(k)}", |
"๐บYoutube": lambda k: f"https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query={quote(k)}", |
"๐ญBing": lambda k: f"https://www.bing.com/search?q={quote(k)}", |
"๐กTruth": lambda k: f"https://truthsocial.com/search?q={quote(k)}", |
"๐ฑX": lambda k: f"https://twitter.com/search?q={quote(k)}", |
} |
st.title("๐ณ AI Knowledge Tree Builder ๐ฑ") |
st.sidebar.title("Saved Trees") |
saved_trees = load_trees_from_files() |
selected_saved_tree = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select a saved tree", ["None"] + list(saved_trees.keys())) |
project_type = st.selectbox("Select Project Type", ["Code Project", "Papers Project", "AI Project"]) |
if 'current_tree' not in st.session_state: |
if selected_saved_tree != "None" and selected_saved_tree in saved_trees: |
st.session_state['current_tree'] = saved_trees[selected_saved_tree] |
else: |
st.session_state['current_tree'] = trees.get("ML Engineering", project_seeds[project_type]) |
elif selected_saved_tree != "None" and selected_saved_tree in saved_trees: |
st.session_state['current_tree'] = saved_trees[selected_saved_tree] |
search_agent = st.selectbox("Select Search Agent for Node Links", list(search_urls.keys()), index=5) |
new_node = st.text_input("Add New Node") |
parent_node = st.text_input("Parent Node") |
if st.button("Grow Tree ๐ฑ") and new_node and parent_node: |
st.session_state['current_tree'] = grow_tree(st.session_state['current_tree'], new_node, parent_node) |
saved_file = save_tree_to_file(st.session_state['current_tree'], parent_node, new_node) |
st.success(f"Added '{new_node}' under '{parent_node}' and saved to {saved_file}!") |
with open("current_tree.md", "w") as f: |
f.write(st.session_state['current_tree']) |
st.markdown("### Knowledge Tree Visualization") |
mermaid_code = parse_outline_to_mermaid(st.session_state['current_tree'], search_agent) |
components.html(generate_mermaid_html(mermaid_code), height=600) |
if st.button("Export Tree as Markdown"): |
export_md = f"# Knowledge Tree\n\n## Outline\n{st.session_state['current_tree']}\n\n## Mermaid Diagram\n```mermaid\n{mermaid_code}\n```" |
with open("knowledge_tree.md", "w") as f: |
f.write(export_md) |
st.markdown(get_download_link("knowledge_tree.md", "text/markdown"), unsafe_allow_html=True) |
if project_type == "AI Project": |
st.subheader("Build Minimal ML Model from CSV") |
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload CSV", type="csv") |
if uploaded_file: |
df = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file) |
st.write("Columns:", df.columns.tolist()) |
feature_cols = st.multiselect("Select feature columns", df.columns) |
target_col = st.selectbox("Select target column", df.columns) |
if st.button("Train Model"): |
X = df[feature_cols].values |
y = df[target_col].values |
X_tensor = torch.tensor(X, dtype=torch.float32) |
y_tensor = torch.tensor(y, dtype=torch.float32).view(-1, 1) |
dataset = TensorDataset(X_tensor, y_tensor) |
loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=32, shuffle=True) |
model = nn.Linear(X.shape[1], 1) |
criterion = nn.MSELoss() |
optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.01) |
for epoch in range(10): |
for batch_X, batch_y in loader: |
optimizer.zero_grad() |
outputs = model(batch_X) |
loss = criterion(outputs, batch_y) |
loss.backward() |
optimizer.step() |
torch.save(model.state_dict(), "model.pth") |
app_code = f""" |
import streamlit as st |
import torch |
import torch.nn as nn |
model = nn.Linear({len(feature_cols)}, 1) |
model.load_state_dict(torch.load("model.pth")) |
model.eval() |
st.title("ML Model Demo") |
inputs = [] |
for col in {feature_cols}: |
inputs.append(st.number_input(col)) |
if st.button("Predict"): |
input_tensor = torch.tensor([inputs], dtype=torch.float32) |
prediction = model(input_tensor).item() |
st.write(f"Predicted {target_col}: {{prediction}}") |
""" |
with open("app.py", "w") as f: |
f.write(app_code) |
reqs = "streamlit\ntorch\npandas\n" |
with open("requirements.txt", "w") as f: |
f.write(reqs) |
readme = """ |
# ML Model Demo |
## How to run |
1. Install requirements: `pip install -r requirements.txt` |
2. Run the app: `streamlit run app.py` |
3. Input feature values and click "Predict". |
""" |
with open("README.md", "w") as f: |
f.write(readme) |
st.markdown(get_download_link("model.pth", "application/octet-stream"), unsafe_allow_html=True) |
st.markdown(get_download_link("app.py", "text/plain"), unsafe_allow_html=True) |
st.markdown(get_download_link("requirements.txt", "text/plain"), unsafe_allow_html=True) |
st.markdown(get_download_link("README.md", "text/markdown"), unsafe_allow_html=True) |