File size: 3,869 Bytes
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title: HousePricePredictionApp
emoji: 🏠
colorFrom: pink
colorTo: yellow
sdk: streamlit
sdk_version: 1.21.0
pinned: false
# CS634Project
Milestone-3 notebook: [[]](
Hugging Face App:
App Demonstration Video:
XGBoost Model's RMSE: 28986 (Milestone-2)
Baseline LGBM's RMSE: 26233
Optuna optimized LGBM's RMSE: 13799.282803291926
Hyperparameter Tuning with Optuna
Total number of trials: 120
Best RMSE score on validation data: 12338.665498601415
**Best params:**
boosting_type : goss
reg_alpha : 3.9731274536451826
reg_lambda : 0.8825276525195174
colsample_bytree : 1.0
subsample : 1.0
learning_rate : 0.05
max_depth : 6
num_leaves : 48
min_child_samples : 1
## Documentation for Milestone 4
**Data Processing and Feature Selection:**
For the feature selection, I started by dropping columns with a low correlation (< 0.4) with SalePrice. I then dropped columns with low variances (< 1). After that, I checked the correlation matrix between columns to drop selected columns that have a correlation greater than 0.5 but with consideration for domain knowledge. After that, I checked for NAs in the numerical columns. Then, based on the result, I used domain knowledge to fill the NAs with appropriate values. In this case, I used 0 to fill the NAs as it was the most relevant value. As for the categorical NAs, they were replaced with ‘None’. Once, all the NAs were taken care of, I used LabelEncoder to encode the categorical values. I, then, checked for a correlation between columns and dropped them based on domain knowledge.
Here are the 10 features I selected:
'OverallQual': Overall material and finish quality
'YearBuilt': Original construction date
'TotalBsmtSF': Total square feet of basement area
'GrLivArea': Above grade (ground) living area square feet
'MasVnrArea': Masonry veneer area in square feet
'BsmtFinType1': Quality of basement finished area
'Neighborhood': Physical locations within Ames city limits
'GarageType': Garage location
'SaleCondition': Condition of sale
'BsmtExposure': Walkout or garden-level basement walls
All the attributes are encoded and normalized before splitting into train and test with 80% train and 20% test.
**Milestone 2:**
For milestone 2, I used an XGBoost Model with objective="reg:squarederror" and max_depth=3. The RMSE score is 28986.
**Milestone 3:**
For milestone 3, I used light gradient boosting machine (LGBM) with default parameters for baseline and hyperparameter-tuned with Optuna for the optimized model. The results are stated at the beginning of my readme file.