# CS 670 Project - Finetuning Language Models ************************ Milestone-3 notebook: https://github.com/aye-thuzar/CS670Project/blob/milestone-3/CS670_milestone_3_AyeThuzar.ipynb Hugging Face App: Landing Page for the App: https://sites.google.com/view/cs670-finetuning-language-mode/home App Demonstration Video: ************************ ## Summary *********** **milestone1:** https://github.com/aye-thuzar/CS670Project/blob/main/README_milestone_1.md **milestone2:** https://github.com/aye-thuzar/CS670Project/blob/main/README_milestone-2.md Dataset: https://github.com/suzgunmirac/hupd **Data Preprocessing** I used the load_dataset function to load all the patent applications that were filed to the USPTO in January 2016. We specify the date ranges of the training and validation sets as January 1-21, 2016 and January 22-31, 2016, respectively. This is a smaller dataset. There are two datasets: train and validation. Here are the steps I did: - Label-to-index mapping for the decision status field - map the 'abstract' and 'claims' sections and tokenize them using pretrained('distilbert-base-uncased') tokenizer - format them - use DataLoader with batch_size = 16 **milestone3:** milestone3 notebook: **milestone4:** Please see Milestone4Documentation.md: Here is the landing page for my app: ************** References: 1. https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1_ZsI7WFTsEO0iu_0g3BLTkIkOUqPzCET?usp=sharing#scrollTo=B5wxZNhXdUK6 2. https://huggingface.co/AI-Growth-Lab/PatentSBERTa 3. https://huggingface.co/anferico/bert-for-patents 4. https://huggingface.co/transformers/v3.2.0/custom_datasets.html