''' PROJECT CONFIGURATION FILE This file contains the configuration variables for the project. The variables are used in the other scripts to define the paths to the data and results directories. The variables are also used to set the random seed for reproducibility. ''' # import libraries import os from pathlib import Path # check if on O2 or not home_variable = os.getenv('HOME') on_remote = (home_variable == "/home/an252") # define base project directory based on whether on O2 or not if on_remote: PROJECT_DIR = Path('') else: PROJECT_DIR = Path('/Users/an583/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-Personal/Academic/College/Junior Year/Fall Term/COMPSCI 252R/cs252r') # define project configuration variables DATA_DIR = PROJECT_DIR / 'Data' RESULTS_DIR = PROJECT_DIR / 'Results' SEED = 42