import os import pathlib import gradio as gr import torch from PIL import Image repo_dir = pathlib.Path("Thin-Plate-Spline-Motion-Model").absolute() if not repo_dir.exists(): os.system("git clone") os.chdir( if not (repo_dir / "checkpoints").exists(): os.system("mkdir checkpoints") if not (repo_dir / "checkpoints/vox.pth.tar").exists(): os.system("gdown 1-CKOjv_y_TzNe-dwQsjjeVxJUuyBAb5X -O checkpoints/vox.pth.tar") title = "# Thin-Plate Spline Motion Model for Image Animation" DESCRIPTION = '''### Gradio demo for Thin-Plate Spline Motion Model for Image Animation, CVPR 2022. [Paper][Github Code] overview ''' FOOTER = 'visitor badge' def get_style_image_path(style_name: str) -> str: base_path = 'assets' filenames = { 'source': 'source.png', 'driving': 'driving.mp4', } return f'{base_path}/{filenames[style_name]}' def get_style_image_markdown_text(style_name: str) -> str: url = get_style_image_path(style_name) return f'style image' def update_style_image(style_name: str) -> dict: text = get_style_image_markdown_text(style_name) return gr.Markdown.update(value=text) def inference(img, vid): if not os.path.exists('temp'): os.system('mkdir temp')"temp/image.jpg", "JPEG") if torch.cuda.is_available(): os.system(f"python --config config/vox-256.yaml --checkpoint ./checkpoints/vox.pth.tar --source_image 'temp/image.jpg' --driving_video {vid} --result_video './temp/result.mp4'") else: os.system(f"python --config config/vox-256.yaml --checkpoint ./checkpoints/vox.pth.tar --source_image 'temp/image.jpg' --driving_video {vid} --result_video './temp/result.mp4' --cpu") return './temp/result.mp4' def main(): with gr.Blocks(css='style.css') as demo: gr.Markdown(title) gr.Markdown(DESCRIPTION) with gr.Box(): gr.Markdown('''## Step 1 (Provide Input Face Image) - Drop an image containing a face to the **Input Image**. - If there are multiple faces in the image, use Edit button in the upper right corner and crop the input image beforehand. ''') with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): input_image = gr.Image(label='Input Image', type="pil") with gr.Row(): paths = sorted(pathlib.Path('assets').glob('*.png')) gr.Examples(inputs=[input_image], examples=[[path.as_posix()] for path in paths]) with gr.Box(): gr.Markdown('''## Step 2 (Select Driving Video) - Select **Style Driving Video for the face image animation**. ''') with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): driving_video = gr.Video(label='Driving Video', format="mp4") with gr.Row(): paths = sorted(pathlib.Path('assets').glob('*.mp4')) gr.Examples(inputs=[driving_video], examples=[[path.as_posix()] for path in paths]) with gr.Box(): gr.Markdown('''## Step 3 (Generate Animated Image based on the Video) - Hit the **Generate** button. (Note: On cpu-basic, it takes ~ 10 minutes to generate final results.) ''') with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): generate_button = gr.Button('Generate') with gr.Column(): result = gr.Video(label="Output") gr.Markdown(FOOTER), inputs=[ input_image, driving_video ], outputs=result) demo.queue(max_size=10).launch() if __name__ == '__main__': main()