import glob | |
import json | |
import os | |
import re | |
import numpy as np | |
import pandas as pds | |
import matplotlib | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
from math import sqrt | |
import torch | |
from root import PRJROOT | |
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE | |
from itertools import product, chain | |
# from src.drl.drl_uses import load_cfgs | |
from src.gan.gankits import get_decoder, process_onehot | |
from src.gan.gans import nz | |
from src.smb.level import load_batch, hamming_dis, lvlhcat | |
from src.utils.datastruct import RingQueue | |
from src.utils.filesys import load_dict_json, getpath | |
from src.utils.img import make_img_sheet | |
from torch.distributions import Normal | |
matplotlib.rcParams["axes.formatter.limits"] = (-5, 5) | |
def print_compare_tab(): | |
rand_lgp, rand_fhp, rand_divs = load_dict_json( | |
'test_data/rand_policy/performance.csv', 'lgp', 'fhp', 'diversity' | |
) | |
rand_performance = {'lgp': rand_lgp, 'fhp': rand_fhp, 'diversity': rand_divs} | |
def _print_line(_data, minimise=False): | |
means = _data.mean(axis=-1) | |
stds = _data.std(axis=-1) | |
max_i, min_i = np.argmax(means), np.argmin(means) | |
mean_str_content = [*map(lambda x: '%.4g' % x, _data.mean(axis=-1))] | |
std_str_content = [*map(lambda x: '$\pm$%.3g' % x, _data.std(axis=-1))] | |
if minimise: | |
mean_str_content[min_i] = r'\textbf{%s}' % mean_str_content[min_i] | |
mean_str_content[max_i] = r'\textit{%s}' % mean_str_content[max_i] | |
std_str_content[min_i] = r'\textbf{%s}' % std_str_content[min_i] | |
std_str_content[max_i] = r'\textit{%s}' % std_str_content[max_i] | |
else: | |
mean_str_content[max_i] = r'\textbf{%s}' % mean_str_content[max_i] | |
mean_str_content[min_i] = r'\textit{%s}' % mean_str_content[min_i] | |
std_str_content[max_i] = r'\textbf{%s}' % std_str_content[max_i] | |
std_str_content[min_i] = r'\textit{%s}' % std_str_content[min_i] | |
print(' &', ' & '.join(mean_str_content), r'\\') | |
print(' & &', ' & '.join(std_str_content), r'\\') | |
pass | |
def _print_block(_task): | |
fds = [ | |
f'sac/{_task}', f'egsac/{_task}', f'asyncsac/{_task}', | |
f'pmoe/{_task}', f'dvd/{_task}', f'sunrise/{_task}', | |
f'varpm-{_task}/l0.0_m5', f'varpm-{_task}/l0.1_m5', f'varpm-{_task}/l0.2_m5', | |
f'varpm-{_task}/l0.3_m5', f'varpm-{_task}/l0.4_m5', f'varpm-{_task}/l0.5_m5' | |
] | |
rewards, divs = [], [] | |
for fd in fds: | |
rewards.append([]) | |
divs.append([]) | |
# print(getpath()) | |
for path in glob.glob(getpath('test_data', fd, '**', 'performance.csv'), recursive=True): | |
reward, div = load_dict_json(path, 'reward', 'diversity') | |
rewards[-1].append(reward) | |
divs[-1].append(div) | |
rewards = np.array(rewards) | |
divs = np.array(divs) | |
print(' & \\multirow{2}{*}{Reward}') | |
_print_line(rewards) | |
print(' \\cline{2-14}') | |
print(' & \\multirow{2}{*}{Diversity}') | |
_print_line(divs) | |
print(' \\cline{2-14}') | |
print(' & \\multirow{2}{*}{G-mean}') | |
gmean = np.sqrt(rewards * divs) | |
_print_line(gmean) | |
print(' \\cline{2-14}') | |
print(' & \\multirow{2}{*}{N-rank}') | |
r_rank = np.zeros_like(rewards.flatten()) | |
r_rank[np.argsort(-rewards.flatten())] = np.linspace(1, len(r_rank), len(r_rank)) | |
d_rank = np.zeros_like(divs.flatten()) | |
d_rank[np.argsort(-divs.flatten())] = np.linspace(1, len(r_rank), len(r_rank)) | |
n_rank = (r_rank.reshape([12, 5]) + d_rank.reshape([12, 5])) / (2 * 5) | |
_print_line(n_rank, True) | |
print(' \\multirow{8}{*}{MarioPuzzle}') | |
_print_block('fhp') | |
print(' \\midrule') | |
print(' \\multirow{8}{*}{MultiFacet}') | |
_print_block('lgp') | |
pass | |
def print_compare_tab_nonrl(): | |
# rand_lgp, rand_fhp, rand_divs = load_dict_json( | |
# 'test_data/rand_policy/performance.csv', 'lgp', 'fhp', 'diversity' | |
# ) | |
# rand_performance = {'lgp': rand_lgp, 'fhp': rand_fhp, 'diversity': rand_divs} | |
def _print_line(_data, minimise=False): | |
means = _data.mean(axis=-1) | |
stds = _data.std(axis=-1) | |
max_i, min_i = np.argmax(means), np.argmin(means) | |
mean_str_content = [*map(lambda x: '%.4g' % x, _data.mean(axis=-1))] | |
std_str_content = [*map(lambda x: '$\pm$%.3g' % x, _data.std(axis=-1))] | |
if minimise: | |
mean_str_content[min_i] = r'\textbf{%s}' % mean_str_content[min_i] | |
mean_str_content[max_i] = r'\textit{%s}' % mean_str_content[max_i] | |
std_str_content[min_i] = r'\textbf{%s}' % std_str_content[min_i] | |
std_str_content[max_i] = r'\textit{%s}' % std_str_content[max_i] | |
else: | |
mean_str_content[max_i] = r'\textbf{%s}' % mean_str_content[max_i] | |
mean_str_content[min_i] = r'\textit{%s}' % mean_str_content[min_i] | |
std_str_content[max_i] = r'\textbf{%s}' % std_str_content[max_i] | |
std_str_content[min_i] = r'\textit{%s}' % std_str_content[min_i] | |
print(' &', ' & '.join(mean_str_content), r'\\') | |
print(' & &', ' & '.join(std_str_content), r'\\') | |
pass | |
def _print_block(_task): | |
fds = [ | |
f'GAN-{_task}', f'DDPM-{_task}', | |
f'varpm-{_task}/l0.0_m5', f'varpm-{_task}/l0.1_m5', f'varpm-{_task}/l0.2_m5', | |
f'varpm-{_task}/l0.3_m5', f'varpm-{_task}/l0.4_m5', f'varpm-{_task}/l0.5_m5' | |
] | |
rewards, divs = [], [] | |
for fd in fds: | |
rewards.append([]) | |
divs.append([]) | |
# print(getpath()) | |
for path in glob.glob(getpath('test_data', fd, '**', 'performance.csv'), recursive=True): | |
reward, div = load_dict_json(path, 'reward', 'diversity') | |
rewards[-1].append(reward) | |
divs[-1].append(div) | |
rewards = np.array(rewards) | |
divs = np.array(divs) | |
print(' & \\multirow{2}{*}{Reward}') | |
_print_line(rewards) | |
print(' \\cline{2-10}') | |
print(' & \\multirow{2}{*}{Diversity}') | |
_print_line(divs) | |
print(' \\cline{2-10}') | |
# print(' & \\multirow{2}{*}{G-mean}') | |
# gmean = np.sqrt(rewards * divs) | |
# _print_line(gmean) | |
# | |
# print(' \\cline{2-10}') | |
# print(' & \\multirow{2}{*}{N-rank}') | |
# r_rank = np.zeros_like(rewards.flatten()) | |
# r_rank[np.argsort(-rewards.flatten())] = np.linspace(1, len(r_rank), len(r_rank)) | |
# | |
# d_rank = np.zeros_like(divs.flatten()) | |
# d_rank[np.argsort(-divs.flatten())] = np.linspace(1, len(r_rank), len(r_rank)) | |
# n_rank = (r_rank.reshape([8, 5]) + d_rank.reshape([8, 5])) / (2 * 5) | |
# _print_line(n_rank, True) | |
print(' \\multirow{4}{*}{MarioPuzzle}') | |
_print_block('fhp') | |
print(' \\midrule') | |
print(' \\multirow{4}{*}{MultiFacet}') | |
_print_block('lgp') | |
pass | |
def plot_cmp_learning_curves(task, save_path='', title=''): | |'seaborn') | |
colors = [plt.plot([0, 1], [-1000, -1000])[0].get_color() for _ in range(6)] | |
plt.cla() | |'default') | |
# colors = ('#5D2CAB', '#005BD4', '#007CE4', '#0097DD', '#00ADC4', '#00C1A5') | |
def _get_algo_data(fd): | |
res = [] | |
for i in range(1, 6): | |
path = getpath(fd, f't{i}', 'step_tests.csv') | |
try: | |
data = pds.read_csv(path) | |
trajectory = [ | |
[float(item['step']), float(item['r-avg']), float(item['diversity'])] | |
for _, item in data.iterrows() | |
] | |
trajectory.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) | |
res.append(trajectory) | |
if len(trajectory) != 26: | |
print('Not complete (%d)/26:' % len(trajectory), path) | |
except FileNotFoundError: | |
print(path) | |
res = np.array(res) | |
# rdsum = res[:, :, 1] + res[:, :, 2] | |
gmean = np.sqrt(res[:, :, 1] * res[:, :, 2]) | |
steps = res[0, :, 0] | |
# r_avgs = np.mean(res[:, :, 1], axis=0) | |
# r_stds = np.std(res[:, :, 1], axis=0) | |
# divs = np.mean(res[:, :, 2], axis=0) | |
# div_std = np.std(res[:, :, 2], axis=0) | |
_performances = { | |
'reward': (np.mean(res[:, :, 1], axis=0), np.std(res[:, :, 1], axis=0)), | |
'diversity': (np.mean(res[:, :, 2], axis=0), np.std(res[:, :, 2], axis=0)), | |
# 'rdsum': (np.mean(rdsum, axis=0), np.std(rdsum, axis=0)), | |
'gmean': (np.mean(gmean, axis=0), np.std(gmean, axis=0)), | |
} | |
# print(_performances['gmean']) | |
return steps, _performances | |
def _plot_criterion(_ax, _criterion): | |
i, j, k = 0, 0, 0 | |
for algo, (steps, _performances) in performances.items(): | |
avgs, stds = _performances[_criterion] | |
if '\lambda' in algo: | |
ls = '-' | |
_c = colors[i] | |
i += 1 | |
elif algo in {'SAC', 'EGSAC', 'ASAC'}: | |
ls = ':' | |
_c = colors[j] | |
j += 1 | |
else: | |
ls = '--' | |
_c = colors[j] | |
j += 1 | |
_ax.plot(steps, avgs, color=_c, label=algo, ls=ls) | |
_ax.fill_between(steps, avgs - stds, avgs + stds, color=_c, alpha=0.15) | |
_ax.grid(False) | |
# plt.plot(steps, avgs, label=algo) | |
# plt.plot(_performances, label=algo) | |
pass | |
_ax.set_xlabel('Time step') | |
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(9.6, 3.2), dpi=250, width_ratios=[1, 1, 1]) | |
# fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(5, 4), dpi=256) | |
# fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 3), dpi=256) | |
# ax2 = ax1.twinx() | |
# fig = plt.plot(figsize=(4, 3), dpi=256) | |
performances = { | |
'SUNRISE': _get_algo_data(f'test_data/sunrise/{task}'), | |
'$\lambda$=0.0': _get_algo_data(f'test_data/varpm-{task}/l0.0_m5'), | |
'DvD': _get_algo_data(f'test_data/dvd/{task}'), | |
'$\lambda$=0.1': _get_algo_data(f'test_data/varpm-{task}/l0.1_m5'), | |
'PMOE': _get_algo_data(f'test_data/pmoe/{task}'), | |
'$\lambda$=0.2': _get_algo_data(f'test_data/varpm-{task}/l0.2_m5'), | |
'SAC': _get_algo_data(f'test_data/sac/{task}'), | |
'$\lambda$=0.3': _get_algo_data(f'test_data/varpm-{task}/l0.3_m5'), | |
'EGSAC': _get_algo_data(f'test_data/egsac/{task}'), | |
'$\lambda$=0.4': _get_algo_data(f'test_data/varpm-{task}/l0.4_m5'), | |
'ASAC': _get_algo_data(f'test_data/asyncsac/{task}'), | |
'$\lambda$=0.5': _get_algo_data(f'test_data/varpm-{task}/l0.5_m5'), | |
} | |
# _plot_algo(*_get_algo_data(glob.glob(getpath('test_data/SAC', '**', 'step_tests.csv'))), 'SAC') | |
# _plot_algo(*_get_algo_data(glob.glob(getpath('test_data/EGSAC', '**', 'step_tests.csv'))), 'EGSAC') | |
# _plot_algo(*_get_algo_data(glob.glob(getpath('test_data/AsyncSAC', '**', 'step_tests.csv'))), 'AsyncSAC') | |
# _plot_algo(*_get_algo_data(glob.glob(getpath('test_data/SUNRISE', '**', 'step_tests.csv'))), 'SUNRISE') | |
# _plot_algo(*_get_algo_data(glob.glob(getpath('test_data/DvD-ES', '**', 'step_tests.csv'))), 'DvD-ES') | |
# _plot_algo(*_get_algo_data(glob.glob(getpath('test_data/lbd-m-crosstest/l0.04_m5', '**', 'step_tests.csv'))), 'NCESAC') | |
_plot_criterion(ax[0], 'reward') | |
_plot_criterion(ax[1], 'diversity') | |
# _plot_criterion(ax[2], 'rdsum') | |
_plot_criterion(ax[2], 'gmean') | |
# ax[0].set_title(f'{title} reward') | |
ax[0].set_title(f'Cumulative Reward') | |
ax[1].set_title('Diversity Score') | |
# ax[2].set_title('Summation') | |
ax[2].set_title('G-mean') | |
# plt.title(title) | |
lines, labels = fig.axes[-1].get_legend_handles_labels() | |
fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=14) | |
plt.tight_layout(pad=0.5) | |
if save_path: | |
plt.savefig(getpath(save_path)) | |
else: | | | |
plt.cla() | |
plt.figure(figsize=(9.6, 2.4), dpi=250) | |
plt.grid(False) | |
plt.axis('off') | |
plt.yticks([1.0]) | |
plt.legend( | |
lines, labels, loc='lower center', ncol=6, edgecolor='white', fontsize=15, | |
columnspacing=0.8, borderpad=0.16, labelspacing=0.2, handlelength=2.4, handletextpad=0.3 | |
) | |
plt.tight_layout(pad=0.5) | | | |
pass | |
def plot_crosstest_scatters(rfunc, xrange=None, yrange=None, title=''): | |
def get_pareto(): | |
all_points = list(chain(*scatter_groups.values())) + cmp_points | |
res = [] | |
for p in all_points: | |
non_dominated = True | |
for q in all_points: | |
if q[0] >= p[0] and q[1] >= p[1] and (q[0] > p[0] or q[1] > p[1]): | |
non_dominated = False | |
break | |
if non_dominated: | |
res.append(p) | |
res.sort(key=lambda item:item[0]) | |
return np.array(res) | |
def _hex_color(_c): | |
return | |
scatter_groups = {} | |
all_lbd = set() | |
# Initialise | |'seaborn-v0_8-dark-palette') | |
# plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4), dpi=256) | |
plt.figure(figsize=(2.5, 2.5), dpi=256) | |
plt.axes().set_axisbelow(True) | |
# Competitors' performances | |
cmp_folders = ['asyncsac', 'egsac', 'sac', 'sunrise', 'dvd', 'pmoe'] | |
cmp_names = ['ASAC', 'EGSAC', 'SAC', 'SUNRISE', 'DvD', 'PMOE'] | |
cmp_labels = ['A', 'E', 'S', 'R', 'D', 'M'] | |
cmp_markers = ['2', 'x', '+', 'o', '*', 'D'] | |
cmp_sizes = [42, 20, 32, 16, 24, 10, 10] | |
cmp_points = [] | |
for name, folder, label, mk, s in zip(cmp_names, cmp_folders, cmp_labels, cmp_markers, cmp_sizes): | |
path_fmt = getpath('test_data', folder, rfunc, '*', 'performance.csv') | |
# print(path_fmt) | |
xs, ys = [], [] | |
for path in glob.glob(path_fmt, recursive=True): | |
# print(path) | |
try: | |
x, y = load_dict_json(path, 'reward', 'diversity') | |
xs.append(x) | |
ys.append(y) | |
cmp_points.append([x, y]) | |
# plt.text(x, y, label, size=7, weight='bold', va='center', ha='center', color='#202020') | |
except FileNotFoundError: | |
print(path) | |
if label in {'A', 'E', 'S'}: | |
plt.scatter(xs, ys, marker=mk, zorder=2, s=s, label=name, color='#202020') | |
else: | |
plt.scatter( | |
xs, ys, marker=mk, zorder=2, s=s, label=name, color=[0., 0., 0., 0.], | |
edgecolors='#202020', linewidths=1 | |
) | |
# NCESAC performances | |
for path in glob.glob(getpath('test_data', f'varpm-{rfunc}', '**', 'performance.csv'), recursive=True): | |
try: | |
x, y = load_dict_json(path, 'reward', 'diversity') | |
key = path.split('\\')[-3] | |
_, mtxt = key.split('_') | |
ltxt, _ = key.split('_') | |
lbd = float(ltxt[1:]) | |
# if mtxt in {'m2', 'm3', 'm4'}: | |
# continue | |
all_lbd.add(lbd) | |
if key not in scatter_groups.keys(): | |
scatter_groups[key] = [] | |
scatter_groups[key].append([x, y]) | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(path) | |
print(e) | |
palette = plt.get_cmap('seismic') | |
color_x = [0.2, 0.33, 0.4, 0.61, 0.67, 0.79] | |
colors = {lbd: matplotlib.colors.to_hex(c) for c, lbd in zip(palette(color_x), sorted(all_lbd))} | |
colors = {0.0: '#150080', 0.1: '#066598', 0.2: '#01E499', 0.3: '#9FD40C', 0.4: '#F3B020', 0.5: '#FA0000'} | |
for lbd in sorted(all_lbd): plt.plot([-20], [-20], label=f'$\\lambda={lbd:.1f}$', lw=6, c=colors[lbd]) | |
markers = {2: 'o', 3: '^', 4: 'D', 5: 'p', 6: 'h'} | |
msizes = {2: 25, 3: 25, 4: 16, 5: 28, 6: 32} | |
for key, group in scatter_groups.items(): | |
ltxt, mtxt = key.split('_') | |
l = float(ltxt[1:]) | |
m = int(mtxt[1:]) | |
arr = np.array(group) | |
plt.scatter( | |
arr[:, 0], arr[:, 1], marker=markers[m], s=msizes[m], color=[0., 0., 0., 0.], zorder=2, | |
edgecolors=colors[l], linewidths=1 | |
) | |
plt.xlim(xrange) | |
plt.ylim(yrange) | |
# plt.xlabel('Task Reward') | |
# plt.ylabel('Diversity') | |
# plt.legend(ncol=2) | |
# plt.legend( | |
# ncol=2, loc='lower left', columnspacing=1.2, borderpad=0.0, | |
# handlelength=1, handletextpad=0.5, framealpha=0. | |
# ) | |
pareto = get_pareto() | |
plt.plot( | |
pareto[:, 0], pareto[:, 1], color='black', alpha=0.18, lw=6, zorder=3, | |
solid_joinstyle='round', solid_capstyle='round' | |
) | |
# plt.plot([88, 98, 98, 88, 88], [35, 35, 0.2, 0.2, 35], color='black', alpha=0.3, lw=1.5) | |
# plt.xticks(fontsize=16) | |
# plt.yticks(fontsize=16) | |
# plt.xticks([(1+space) * (m-mlow) + 0.5 for m in ms], [f'm={m}' for m in ms]) | |
plt.title(title) | |
plt.grid() | |
plt.tight_layout(pad=0.4) | | | |
def plot_varpm_heat(task, name): | |
def _get_score(m, l): | |
fd = getpath('test_data', f'varpm-{task}', f'l{l}_m{m}') | |
rewards, divs = [], [] | |
for i in range(5): | |
reward, div = load_dict_json(f'{fd}/t{i+1}/performance.csv', 'reward', 'diversity') | |
rewards.append(reward) | |
divs.append(div) | |
gmean = [sqrt(r * d) for r, d in zip(rewards, divs)] | |
return np.mean(rewards), np.std(rewards), \ | |
np.mean(divs), np.std(divs), \ | |
np.mean(gmean), np.std(gmean) | |
def _plot_map(avg_map, std_map, criterion): | |
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(9, 3), dpi=256, width_ratios=(1, 1)) | |
heat1 = ax1.imshow(avg_map, cmap='spring') | |
heat2 = ax2.imshow(std_map, cmap='spring') | |
ax1.set_xlim([-0.5, 5.5]) | |
ax1.set_xticks([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], ['$\lambda$=0.0', '$\lambda$=0.1', '$\lambda$=0.2', '$\lambda$=0.3', '$\lambda$=0.4', '$\lambda$=0.5']) | |
ax1.set_ylim([-0.5, 3.5]) | |
ax1.set_yticks([0, 1, 2, 3], ['m=5', 'm=4', 'm=3', 'm=2']) | |
ax1.set_title('Average') | |
for x, y in product([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [0, 1, 2, 3]): | |
v = avg_map[y, x] | |
s = '%.4f' % v | |
if v >= 1000: s = s[:4] | |
elif v >= 1: s = s[:5] | |
else: s = s[1:6] | |
ax1.text(x, y, s, va='center', ha='center') | |
plt.colorbar(heat1, ax=ax1, shrink=0.9) | |
ax2.set_xlim([-0.5, 5.5]) | |
ax2.set_xticks([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], ['$\lambda$=0.0', '$\lambda$=0.1', '$\lambda$=0.2', '$\lambda$=0.3', '$\lambda$=0.4', '$\lambda$=0.5']) | |
ax2.set_ylim([-0.5, 3.5]) | |
ax2.set_yticks([0, 1, 2, 3], ['m=5', 'm=4', 'm=3', 'm=2']) | |
for x, y in product([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [0, 1, 2, 3]): | |
v = std_map[y, x] | |
s = '%.4f' % v | |
if v >= 1000: s = s[:4] | |
elif v >= 1: s = s[:5] | |
else: s = s[1:6] | |
ax2.text(x, y, s, va='center', ha='center') | |
ax2.set_title('Standard Deviation') | |
plt.colorbar(heat2, ax=ax2, shrink=0.9) | |
fig.suptitle(f'{name}: {criterion}', fontsize=14) | |
plt.tight_layout() | |
# | |
plt.savefig(getpath(f'results/heat/{name}-{criterion}.png')) | |
r_mean_map, r_std_map, d_mean_map, d_std_map, g_mean_map, g_std_map \ | |
= (np.zeros([4, 6], dtype=float) for _ in range(6)) | |
ms = [2, 3, 4, 5] | |
ls = ['0.0', '0.1', '0.2', '0.3', '0.4', '0.5'] | |
for i, j in product(range(4), range(6)): | |
r_mean, r_std, d_mean, d_std, g_mean, g_std = _get_score(ms[i], ls[j]) | |
r_mean_map[i, j] = r_mean | |
r_std_map[i, j] = r_std | |
d_mean_map[i, j] = d_mean | |
d_std_map[i, j] = d_std | |
g_mean_map[i, j] = g_mean | |
g_std_map[i, j] = g_std | |
_plot_map(r_mean_map, r_std_map, 'Reward') | |
_plot_map(d_mean_map, d_std_map, 'Diversity') | |
_plot_map(g_mean_map, g_std_map,'G-mean') | |
# _plot_map(g_mean_map, g_std_map,'G-mean') | |
def vis_samples(): | |
# for l, m in product(['0.0', '0.1', '0.2', '0.3', '0.4', '0.5'], [2, 3, 4, 5]): | |
# for i in range(1, 6): | |
# lvls = load_batch(f'{PRJROOT}/test_data/varpm-fhp/l{l}_m{m}/t{i}/samples.lvls') | |
# imgs = [lvl.to_img(save_path=None) for lvl in lvls[:10]] | |
# make_img_sheet(imgs, 1, save_path=f'{PRJROOT}/test_data/varpm-fhp/l{l}_m{m}/t{i}/samples.png') | |
# for algo in ['sac', 'egsac', 'asyncsac', 'dvd', 'sunrise', 'pmoe']: | |
# for i in range(1, 6): | |
# lvls = load_batch(f'{PRJROOT}/test_data/{algo}/fhp/t{i}/samples.lvls') | |
# imgs = [lvl.to_img(save_path=None) for lvl in lvls[:10]] | |
# make_img_sheet(imgs, 1, save_path=f'{PRJROOT}/test_data/{algo}/fhp/t{i}/samples.png') | |
for i in range(1, 6): | |
lvls = load_batch(f'{PRJROOT}/test_data/DDPM-fhp/t{i}/samples.lvls') | |
imgs = [lvl.to_img(save_path=None) for lvl in lvls[:10]] | |
make_img_sheet(imgs, 1, save_path=f'{PRJROOT}/test_data/DDPM-fhp/t{i}/samples.png') | |
pass | |
pass | |
def make_tsne(task, title, n=500, save_path=None): | |
if not os.path.exists(getpath('test_data', f'samples_dist-{task}_{n}.npy')): | |
samples = [] | |
for algo in ['dvd', 'egsac', 'pmoe', 'sunrise', 'asyncsac', 'sac']: | |
for t in range(5): | |
lvls = load_batch(getpath('test_data', algo, task, f't{t+1}', 'samples.lvls')) | |
samples += lvls[:n] | |
for l in ['0.0', '0.1', '0.2', '0.3', '0.4', '0.5']: | |
for t in range(5): | |
lvls = load_batch(getpath('test_data', f'varpm-{task}', f'l{l}_m5', f't{t+1}', 'samples.lvls')) | |
samples += lvls[:n] | |
distmat = [] | |
for a in samples: | |
dist_list = [] | |
for b in samples: | |
dist_list.append(hamming_dis(a, b)) | |
distmat.append(dist_list) | |
distmat = np.array(distmat) | |'test_data', f'samples_dist-{task}_{n}.npy'), distmat) | |
labels = ( | |
'$\lambda$=0.0', '$\lambda$=0.1', '$\lambda$=0.2', '$\lambda$=0.3', '$\lambda$=0.4', | |
'$\lambda$=0.5', 'DvD', 'EGSAC', 'PMOE', 'SUNRISE', 'ASAC', 'SAC' | |
) | |
tsne = TSNE(learning_rate='auto', n_components=2, metric='precomputed') | |
print(np.load(getpath('test_data', f'samples_dist-{task}_{n}.npy')).shape) | |
data = np.load(getpath('test_data', f'samples_dist-{task}_{n}.npy')) | |
embx = np.array(tsne.fit_transform(data)) | |'seaborn-dark-palette') | |
plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5), dpi=384) | |
colors = [plt.plot([-1000, -1100], [0, 0])[0].get_color() for _ in range(6)] | |
for i in range(6): | |
x, y = embx[i*n*5:(i+1)*n*5, 0], embx[i*n*5:(i+1)*n*5, 1] | |
plt.scatter(x, y, s=10, label=labels[i], marker='x', c=colors[i]) | |
for i in range(6, 12): | |
x, y = embx[i*n*5:(i+1)*n*5, 0], embx[i*n*5:(i+1)*n*5, 1] | |
plt.scatter(x, y, s=8, linewidths=0, label=labels[i], c=colors[i-6]) | |
# plt.scatter(embx[100:200, 0], embx[100:200, 1], c=colors[1], s=12, linewidths=0, label='Killer') | |
# plt.scatter(embx[200:, 0], embx[200:, 1], c=colors[2], s=12, linewidths=0, label='Collector') | |
# for i in range(4): | |
# plt.text(embx[i+100, 0], embx[i+100, 1], str(i+1)) | |
# plt.text(embx[i+200, 0], embx[i+200, 1], str(i+1)) | |
# pass | |
# for emb, lb, c in zip(embs, labels,colors): | |
# plt.scatter(emb[:,0], emb[:,1], c=c, label=lb, alpha=0.15, linewidths=0, s=7) | |
# xspan = 1.08 * max(abs(embx[:, 0].max()), abs(embx[:, 0].min())) | |
# yspan = 1.08 * max(abs(embx[:, 1].max()), abs(embx[:, 1].min())) | |
xrange = [1.05 * embx[:, 0].min(), 1.05 * embx[:, 0].max()] | |
yrange = [1.05 * embx[:, 1].min(), 1.25 * embx[:, 1].max()] | |
plt.xlim(xrange) | |
plt.ylim(yrange) | |
plt.xticks([]) | |
plt.yticks([]) | |
# plt.legend(ncol=6, handletextpad=0.02, labelspacing=0.05, columnspacing=0.16) | |
# plt.xticks([-xspan, -0.5 * xspan, 0, 0.5 * xspan, xspan], [''] * 5) | |
# plt.yticks([-yspan, -0.5 * yspan, 0, 0.6 * yspan, yspan], [''] * 5) | |
plt.title(title) | |
plt.legend(loc='upper center', ncol=6, fontsize=9, handlelength=.5, handletextpad=0.5, columnspacing=0.3, framealpha=0.) | |
plt.tight_layout(pad=0.2) | |
if save_path: | |
plt.savefig(getpath(save_path)) | |
else: | | | |
def _prob_fmt(p, digitals=3, threshold=0.001): | |
fmt = '%.' + str(digitals) + 'f' | |
if p < threshold: | |
return '$\\approx 0$' | |
else: | |
txt = '$%s$' % ((fmt % p)[1:]) | |
if txt == '$.000$': | |
txt = '$1.00$' | |
return txt | |
def _g_fmt(v, digitals=4): | |
fmt = '%.' + str(digitals) + 'g' | |
txt = (fmt % v) | |
lack = digitals - len(txt.replace('-', '').replace('.', '')) | |
if lack > 0 and '.' not in txt: | |
txt += '.' | |
return txt + '0' * lack | |
pass | |
def print_selection_prob(path, h=15, runs=2): | |
s0 = 0 | |
model = torch.load(getpath(f'{path}/policy.pth'), map_location='cpu') | |
model.requires_grad_(False) | |'cpu') | |
n = 11 | |
# n = load_cfgs(path, 'N') | |
# print(model.m) | |
init_vec = np.load(getpath('analysis/initial_seg.npy'))[s0] | |
decoder = get_decoder(device='cpu') | |
obs_buffer = RingQueue(n) | |
for r in range(runs): | |
for _ in range(h): obs_buffer.push(np.zeros([nz])) | |
obs_buffer.push(init_vec) | |
level_latvecs = [init_vec] | |
probs = np.zeros([model.m, h]) | |
# probs = [] | |
selects = [] | |
for t in range(h): | |
# probs.append([]) | |
obs = torch.tensor(np.concatenate(obs_buffer.to_list(), axis=-1), dtype=torch.float).view([1, -1]) | |
muss, stdss, betas = model.get_intermediate(torch.tensor(obs)) | |
i = torch.multinomial(betas.squeeze(), 1).item() | |
# print(i) | |
mu, std = muss[0][i], stdss[0][i] | |
action = Normal(mu, std).rsample([1]).squeeze().numpy() | |
# print(action) | |
# print(mu) | |
# print(std) | |
# print(action.numpy()) | |
obs_buffer.push(action) | |
level_latvecs.append(action) | |
# i = torch.multinomial(betas.squeeze(), 1).item() | |
# print(i) | |
probs[:, t] = betas.squeeze().numpy() | |
selects.append(i) | |
pass | |
onehots = decoder(torch.tensor(level_latvecs).view(-1, nz, 1, 1)) | |
segs = process_onehot(onehots) | |
lvl = lvlhcat(segs) | |
lvl.to_img(f'figures/gen_process/run{r}-01.png') | |
txts = [[_prob_fmt(p) for p in row] for row in probs] | |
for t, i in enumerate(selects): | |
txts[i][t] = r'$\boldsymbol{%s}$' % txts[i][t][1:-1] | |
for i, txt in enumerate(txts): | |
print(f' & $\\beta_{i+1}$ &', ' & '.join(txt), r'\\') | |
print(r'\midrule') | |
pass | |
def calc_selection_freqs(task, n): | |
def _count_one_init(): | |
counts = np.zeros([model.m]) | |
# init_vec = np.load(getpath('analysis/initial_seg.npy')) | |
obs_buffer = RingQueue(n) | |
for _ in range(runs): | |
for _ in range(h): obs_buffer.push(np.zeros([len(init_vecs), nz])) | |
obs_buffer.push(init_vecs) | |
# level_latvecs = [init_vec] | |
for _ in range(h): | |
obs = np.concatenate(obs_buffer.to_list(), axis=-1) | |
obs = torch.tensor(obs, device='cuda:0', dtype=torch.float) | |
muss, stdss, betas = model.get_intermediate(obs) | |
selects = torch.multinomial(betas.squeeze(), 1).squeeze() | |
mus = muss[[*range(len(init_vecs))], selects, :] | |
stds = stdss[[*range(len(init_vecs))], selects, :] | |
actions = Normal(mus, stds).rsample().squeeze().cpu().numpy() | |
obs_buffer.push(actions) | |
for i in selects: | |
counts[i] = counts[i] + 1 | |
return counts | |
# onehots = decoder(torch.tensor(level_latvecs).view(-1, nz, 1, 1)) | |
pass | |
pass | |
init_vecs = np.load(getpath('analysis/initial_seg.npy')) | |
freqs = [[] for _ in range(30)] | |
start_line = 0 | |
for l in ('0.0', '0.1', '0.2', '0.3', '0.4', '0.5'): | |
print(r' \midrule') | |
for t, m in product(range(1, 6), (2, 3, 4, 5)): | |
path = getpath(f'test_data/varpm-{task}/l{l}_m{m}/t{t}') | |
model = torch.load(getpath(f'{path}/policy.pth'), map_location='cuda:0') | |
model.requires_grad_(False) | |
freq = np.zeros([m]) | |
# n = load_cfgs(path, 'N') | |
runs, h = 100, 25 | |
freq += _count_one_init() | |
freq /= (len(init_vecs) * runs * h) | |
freq = np.sort(freq)[::-1] | |
i = start_line + t - 1 | |
freqs[i] += freq.tolist() | |
print(freqs[i]) | |
start_line += 5 | |
print(freqs) | |
with open(getpath(f'analysis/select_freqs-{task}.json'), 'w') as f: | |
json.dump(freqs, f) | |
def print_selection_freq(): | |
# task, n = 'lgp', 5 | |
task, n = 'fhp', 11 | |
if not os.path.exists(getpath(f'analysis/select_freqs-{task}.json')): | |
calc_selection_freqs(task, n) | |
with open(getpath(f'analysis/select_freqs-{task}.json'), 'r') as f: | |
freqs = json.load(f) | |
lbds = ['0.0', '0.1', '0.2', '0.3', '0.4', '0.5'] | |
for i, row_data in enumerate(freqs): | |
if i % 5 == 0: | |
print(r' \midrule') | |
print(r' \multirow{5}{*}{$%s$}' % lbds[i//5]) | |
txt = ' & '.join(map(_prob_fmt, row_data)) | |
print(f' & {i%5+1} &', txt, r'\\') | |
def print_individual_performances(task): | |
for m, l in product((2, 3, 4, 5), ('0.0', '0.1', '0.2', '0.3', '0.4', '0.5')): | |
values = [] | |
if l == '0.0': | |
print(r' \midrule') | |
print(r' \multirow{6}{*}{%d}' % m) | |
for t in range(1, 6): | |
path = f'test_data/varpm-{task}/l{l}_m{m}/t{t}/performance.csv' | |
reward, diversity = load_dict_json(path, 'reward', 'diversity') | |
values.append([reward, diversity]) | |
values.sort(key=lambda item: -item[0]) | |
values = [*chain(*values)] | |
txts = [_g_fmt(v) for v in values] | |
print(' &', f'${l}$ & ', ' & '.join(txts), r'\\') | |
pass | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
# print_selection_prob('test_data/varpm-fhp/l0.5_m5/t5') | |
# print_selection_prob('test_data/varpm-fhp/l0.1_m5/t5') | |
# print_selection_freq() | |
# print_compare_tab_nonrl() | |
# print_individual_performances('fhp') | |
# print('\n\n') | |
# print_individual_performances('lgp') | |
# plot_cmp_learning_curves('fhp', save_path='results/learning_curves/fhp.png', title='MarioPuzzle') | |
# plot_cmp_learning_curves('lgp', save_path='results/learning_curves/lgp.png', title='MultiFacet') | |
# plot_crosstest_scatters('fhp', title='MarioPuzzle') | |
# plot_crosstest_scatters('lgp', title='MultiFacet') | |
# # plot_crosstest_scatters('fhp', yrange=(0, 2500), xrange=(20, 70), title='MarioPuzzle') | |
# plot_crosstest_scatters('lgp', yrange=(0, 1500), xrange=(20, 50), title='MultiFacet') | |
# plot_crosstest_scatters('lgp', yrange=(0, 800), xrange=(44, 48), title=' ') | |
# plot_varpm_heat('fhp', 'MarioPuzzle') | |
# plot_varpm_heat('lgp', 'MultiFacet') | |
vis_samples() | |
# make_tsne('fhp', 'MarioPuzzle', n=100) | |
# make_tsne('lgp', 'MultiFacet', n=100) | |
pass | |