from operator import itemgetter import os from datetime import datetime import uvicorn from typing import Any, Optional, Tuple, Dict, TypedDict from urllib import parse from uuid import uuid4 import logging ############################################### # Configure logger ############################################### class MyUvicornWorker(UvicornWorker): CONFIG_KWARGS = { "log_config": "logging.yaml", } logging.basicConfig(filename="output.log", filemode='w', format='%(asctime)s,%(msecs)d %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', datefmt='%H:%M:%S', level=logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger("socketio_server_pubsub") logger.propagate = True import sys # sys.path.append('/Users/benolojo/DCU/CA4/ca400_FinalYearProject/2024-ca400-olojob2-majdap2/src/backend/') from fastapi import FastAPI from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware from pymongo import MongoClient from dotenv import dotenv_values from routes import router as api_router from contextlib import asynccontextmanager import requests from typing import List from datetime import date from mongodb.operations.calls import * from mongodb.models.calls import UserCall, UpdateCall # from mongodb.endpoints.calls import * from transformers import AutoProcessor, SeamlessM4Tv2Model # from seamless_communication.inference import Translator from Client import Client #---------------------------------- # base seamless imports # --------------------------------- import numpy as np import torch # --------------------------------- import socketio DEBUG = True ESCAPE_HATCH_SERVER_LOCK_RELEASE_NAME = "remove_server_lock" TARGET_SAMPLING_RATE = 16000 MAX_BYTES_BUFFER = 480_000 print("") print("") print("=" * 20 + " ⭐️ Starting Server... ⭐️ " + "=" * 20) ############################################### # Configure socketio server ############################################### # TODO PM - change this to the actual path # seamless remnant code CLIENT_BUILD_PATH = "../streaming-react-app/dist/" static_files = { "/": CLIENT_BUILD_PATH, "/assets/seamless-db6a2555.svg": { "filename": CLIENT_BUILD_PATH + "assets/seamless-db6a2555.svg", "content_type": "image/svg+xml", }, } device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained("facebook/seamless-m4t-v2-large") # PM - hardcoding temporarily as my GPU doesnt have enough vram model = SeamlessM4Tv2Model.from_pretrained("facebook/seamless-m4t-v2-large").to("cpu") config = dotenv_values(".env") # Read connection string from environment vars uri = os.environ['MONGODB_URI'] # Read connection string from .env file # uri = config['MONGODB_URI'] # MongoDB Connection Lifespan Events @asynccontextmanager async def lifespan(app: FastAPI): # startup logic app.mongodb_client = MongoClient(uri) app.database = app.mongodb_client['IT-Cluster1'] #connect to interpretalk primary db try: app.mongodb_client.admin.command('ping') print("MongoDB Connection Established...") except Exception as e: print(e) yield # shutdown logic print("Closing MongoDB Connection...") app.mongodb_client.close() app = FastAPI(lifespan=lifespan, logger=logger) # New CORS funcitonality app.add_middleware( CORSMiddleware, allow_origins=["*"], # configured node app port allow_credentials=True, allow_methods=["*"], allow_headers=["*"], ) app.include_router(api_router) # include routers for user, calls and transcripts operations # sio is the main entrypoint sio = socketio.AsyncServer( async_mode="asgi", cors_allowed_origins="*", logger=logger, engineio_logger=logger, ) # sio.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) socketio_app = socketio.ASGIApp(sio) # app.mount("/", socketio_app) from fastapi import APIRouter, Body, Request, status bytes_data = bytearray() model_name = "seamlessM4T_v2_large" vocoder_name = "vocoder_v2" if model_name == "seamlessM4T_v2_large" else "vocoder_36langs" clients = {} rooms = {} def get_collection_users(): return app.database["user_records"] def get_collection_calls(): # return app.database["call_records"] return app.database["call_test"] @app.get("/test/", response_description="List all existing call records", response_model=List[UserCall]) def test(): result = list_calls(get_collection_calls(), 100) # return {"message": "Welcome to InterpreTalk!"} print(result) return result @app.put("/test_put/", response_description="List all existing call records", response_model=UserCall) def test_put(): # result = list_calls(get_collection_calls(), 100) # result = send_captions("TEST", "TEST", "TEST", "oUjUxTYTQFVVjEarIcZ0") result = send_captions("TEST", "TEST", "TEST", "TESTID000001") print(result) return result"/test_post/", response_description="List all existing call records", response_model=UserCall) def test_post(): request_data = { "call_id": "TESTID000001" } result = create_calls(get_collection_calls(), request_data) # return {"message": "Welcome to InterpreTalk!"} return result async def send_translated_text(client_id, original_text, translated_text, room_id): print('SEND_TRANSLATED_TEXT IS WOKRING IN FASTAPI BACKEND...') print(rooms) print(clients) data = { "author": str(client_id), "original_text": str(original_text), "translated_text": str(translated_text), "timestamp": str( } logger.warning("SENDING TRANSLATED TEXT TO CLIENT") await sio.emit("translated_text", data, room=room_id) logger.warning("SUCCESSFULLY SEND AUDIO TO FRONTEND") @sio.on("connect") async def connect(sid, environ): print(f"📥 [event: connected] sid={sid}") query_params = dict(parse.parse_qsl(environ["QUERY_STRING"])) client_id = query_params.get("client_id")"📥 [event: connected] sid={sid}, client_id={client_id}") # sid = socketid, client_id = client specific ID ,always the same for same user clients[sid] = Client(sid, client_id) logger.warning(f"Client connected: {sid}") logger.warning(clients) @sio.on("disconnect") async def disconnect(sid): # BO - also pass call id as parameter for updating MongoDB logger.debug(f"📤 [event: disconnected] sid={sid}") clients.pop(sid, None) # BO -> Update Call record with call duration, key terms @sio.on("target_language") async def target_language(sid, target_lang):"📥 [event: target_language] sid={sid}, target_lang={target_lang}") clients[sid].target_language = target_lang @sio.on("call_user") async def call_user(sid, call_id): clients[sid].call_id = call_id logger.warning(f"CALL {sid}: entering room {call_id}") rooms[call_id] = rooms.get(call_id, []) if sid not in rooms[call_id] and len(rooms[call_id]) < 2: rooms[call_id].append(sid) sio.enter_room(sid, call_id) else: logger.warning(f"CALL {sid}: room {call_id} is full") # await sio.emit("room_full", room=call_id, to=sid) # # BO - Get call id from dictionary created during socketio connection # client_id = clients[sid].client_id # logger.warning(f"NOW TRYING TO CREATE DB RECORD FOR Caller with ID: {client_id} for call: {call_id}") # # # BO -> Create Call Record with Caller and call_id field (None for callee, duration, terms..) # request_data = { # "call_id": str(call_id), # "caller_id": str(client_id), # "creation_date": str( # } # response = create_calls(get_collection_calls(), request_data) # print(response) # BO - print created db call record @sio.on("audio_config") async def audio_config(sid, sample_rate): clients[sid].original_sr = sample_rate @sio.on("answer_call") async def answer_call(sid, call_id): clients[sid].call_id = call_id logger.warning(f"ANSWER {sid}: entering room {call_id}") rooms[call_id] = rooms.get(call_id, []) if sid not in rooms[call_id] and len(rooms[call_id]) < 2: rooms[call_id].append(sid) sio.enter_room(sid, call_id) else: logger.warning(f"ANSWER {sid}: room {call_id} is full") # await sio.emit("room_full", room=call_id, to=sid) # # BO - Get call id from dictionary created during socketio connection # client_id = clients[sid].client_id # # BO -> Update Call Record with Callee field based on call_id # logger.warning(f"NOW UPDATING MongoDB RECORD FOR Caller with ID: {client_id} for call: {call_id}") # # # BO -> Create Call Record with callee_id field (None for callee, duration, terms..) # request_data = { # "callee_id": client_id # } # response = update_calls(get_collection_calls(), call_id, request_data) # print(response) # BO - print created db call record @sio.on("incoming_audio") async def incoming_audio(sid, data, call_id): try: clients[sid].add_bytes(data) if clients[sid].get_length() >= MAX_BYTES_BUFFER: logger.warning('Buffer full, now outputting...') output_path = clients[sid].output_path vad_result, resampled_audio = clients[sid].resample_and_write_to_file() # source lang is speakers tgt language 😃 src_lang = clients[sid].target_language if vad_result: logger.warning('Speech detected, now processing audio.....') tgt_sid = next(id for id in rooms[call_id] if id != sid) tgt_lang = clients[tgt_sid].target_language # following example from output_tokens = processor(audios=resampled_audio, src_lang=src_lang, return_tensors="pt") model_output = model.generate(**output_tokens, tgt_lang=src_lang, generate_speech=False)[0].tolist()[0] asr_text = processor.decode(model_output, skip_special_tokens=True) print(f"ASR TEXT = {asr_text}") # ASR TEXT => ORIGINAL TEXT t2t_tokens = processor(text=asr_text, src_lang=src_lang, tgt_lang=tgt_lang, return_tensors="pt") print(f"FIRST TYPE = {type(output_tokens)}, SECOND TYPE = {type(t2t_tokens)}") translated_data = model.generate(**t2t_tokens, tgt_lang=tgt_lang, generate_speech=False)[0].tolist()[0] translated_text = processor.decode(translated_data, skip_special_tokens=True) print(f"TRANSLATED TEXT = {translated_text}") # BO -> send translated_text to mongodb as caption record update based on call_id # send_captions(clients[sid].client_id, asr_text, translated_text, call_id) # TRANSLATED TEXT # PM - text_output is a list with 1 string await send_translated_text(clients[sid].client_id, asr_text, translated_text, call_id) # # BO -> send translated_text to mongodb as caption record update based on call_id # send_captions(clients[sid].client_id, asr_text, translated_text, call_id) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error in incoming_audio: {e.with_traceback()}") def send_captions(client_id, original_text, translated_text, call_id): # BO -> Update Call Record with Callee field based on call_id print(f"Now updating Caption field in call record for Caller with ID: {client_id} for call: {call_id}") data = { "author": str(client_id), "original_text": str(original_text), "translated_text": str(translated_text), "timestamp": str( } response = update_captions(get_collection_calls(), call_id, data) return response app.mount("/", socketio_app) if __name__ == '__main__':"main:app", host='', port=8080, log_level="info")