import gradio as gr |
import pandas as pd |
import numpy as np |
import re |
from prompt import algebric_prompt, python_prompt |
from utils import generate_response, run_code |
def generate_algebric_template(question): |
var_names = [chr(i) for i in range(ord('A'), ord('Z') + 1)] |
pattern = re.compile(r"[-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+") |
var_map = {} |
matches = re.findall(pattern, question) |
for i, num in enumerate(matches): |
var_name = var_names[i] |
question = question.replace(num, var_name) |
var_map[var_name] = float(num) |
return question, var_map |
def generate_algebric_expression(question, variables, param, token): |
question = question.strip() |
query = algebric_prompt.format(question=question).strip() + "\n" |
response = generate_response(query, param, token) |
expression = response.split(f"#Ques: {question}")[-1].strip() |
return expression.split("Answer = ")[-1] |
def generate_python_code(question, equation, param, token): |
query = python_prompt.format(question=question.strip(), expression=equation.strip()).strip() + "\n" |
response = generate_response(query, param, token) |
function_code = response.split("# Function for above expression is:")[-1].strip() |
return function_code |
def run(question, random_candidates, hps, token): |
question, var_map = generate_algebric_template(question) |
random_mapping = pd.DataFrame(columns=list(var_map.keys())) |
for _ in range(random_candidates): |
random_mapping.loc[len(random_mapping)] = np.random.randint(1, 100, (len(random_mapping.columns),)) |
candidates = [] |
acc = [] |
N = len(hps) |
for i in range(N): |
variables = list(var_map.keys()) |
expression = generate_algebric_expression(question, variables, hps[i], token) |
code = generate_python_code(question, expression, hps[i], token) |
candidates.append((expression, code)) |
current_acc = 0 |
try: |
for idx in range(5): |
arguments = random_mapping.iloc[idx].to_list() |
exp = expression |
temp_code = code |
for k, v in zip(list(var_map.keys()), arguments): |
exp = exp.replace(k, str(v)) |
exp = "print(" + exp + ")" |
if "input(" in exp or "input(" in temp_code: |
acc.append(0) |
continue |
exp_ans = run_code(exp) |
parameters = temp_code.split("\n")[0].split("def solution")[-1][1:-2].split(",") |
if '' in parameters: |
parameters.remove('') |
arguments = [(param.strip(), int(random_mapping.iloc[idx][param.strip()])) for param in parameters] |
arg_string = "" |
for param, val in arguments: |
arg_string += f"{param}={val}," |
func_call = f"\nprint(solution({arg_string[:-1]}))" |
temp_code += func_call |
code_ans = run_code(temp_code) |
current_acc += int(exp_ans == code_ans) |
exp = expression |
temp_code = code |
except Exception as ex: |
pass |
acc.append(current_acc) |
candidate_index = np.argmax(acc) |
top_candidate = candidates[candidate_index] |
return top_candidate, var_map |
def solve_mp(question, token): |
hps = [0.9, 0.95] |
(expression, code), var_map = run(question, 5, hps, token) |
exp_op = None |
code_op = None |
try: |
for k, v in var_map.items(): |
expression = expression.replace(k, str(v)) |
expression = "print(" + expression + ")" |
print(expression) |
if "input(" in expression: |
raise Exception |
exp_op = run_code(expression) |
except: |
print("expression cannot be executed", expression) |
try: |
print(code) |
parameters = code.split("\n")[0].split("def solution")[-1][1:-2].split(",") |
if '' in parameters: |
parameters.remove('') |
arguments = [(param.strip(), int(var_map[param.strip()])) for param in parameters] |
arg_string = "" |
for param, val in arguments: |
arg_string += f"{param}={val}," |
func_call = f"\nprint(solution({arg_string[:-1]}))" |
code += func_call |
if "input(" in code: |
print("code cannot be executed") |
raise Exception |
code_op = run_code(code) |
except: |
return None, None, code |
return exp_op, code_op, code |