test / cli /sdapi.py
bilegentile's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
c19ca42 verified
#!/usr/bin/env python
#pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
helper methods that creates HTTP session with managed connection pool
provides async HTTP get/post methods and several helper methods
import io
import os
import sys
import ssl
import base64
import asyncio
import logging
import aiohttp
import requests
import urllib3
from PIL import Image
from util import Map, log
from rich import print # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
sd_url = os.environ.get('SDAPI_URL', "") # api url root
sd_username = os.environ.get('SDAPI_USR', None)
sd_password = os.environ.get('SDAPI_PWD', None)
use_session = True
ssl.create_default_context = ssl._create_unverified_context # pylint: disable=protected-access
timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total = None, sock_connect = 10, sock_read = None) # default value is 5 minutes, we need longer for training
sess = None
quiet = False
BaseThreadPolicy = asyncio.WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy if sys.platform == "win32" and hasattr(asyncio, "WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy") else asyncio.DefaultEventLoopPolicy
class AnyThreadEventLoopPolicy(BaseThreadPolicy):
def get_event_loop(self) -> asyncio.AbstractEventLoop:
return super().get_event_loop()
except (RuntimeError, AssertionError):
loop = self.new_event_loop()
return loop
def authsync():
if sd_username is not None and sd_password is not None:
return requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(sd_username, sd_password)
return None
def auth():
if sd_username is not None and sd_password is not None:
return aiohttp.BasicAuth(sd_username, sd_password)
return None
async def result(req):
if req.status != 200:
if not quiet:
log.error({ 'request error': req.status, 'reason': req.reason, 'url': req.url })
if not use_session and sess is not None:
await sess.close()
return Map({ 'error': req.status, 'reason': req.reason, 'url': req.url })
json = await req.json()
if isinstance(json, list):
res = json
elif json is None:
res = {}
res = Map(json)
log.debug({ 'request': req.status, 'url': req.url, 'reason': req.reason })
return res
def resultsync(req: requests.Response):
if req.status_code != 200:
if not quiet:
log.error({ 'request error': req.status_code, 'reason': req.reason, 'url': req.url })
return Map({ 'error': req.status_code, 'reason': req.reason, 'url': req.url })
json = req.json()
if isinstance(json, list):
res = json
elif json is None:
res = {}
res = Map(json)
log.debug({ 'request': req.status_code, 'url': req.url, 'reason': req.reason })
return res
async def get(endpoint: str, json: dict = None):
global sess # pylint: disable=global-statement
sess = sess if sess is not None else await session()
async with sess.get(url=endpoint, json=json, verify_ssl=False) as req:
res = await result(req)
return res
except Exception as err:
log.error({ 'session': err })
return {}
def getsync(endpoint: str, json: dict = None):
req = requests.get(f'{sd_url}{endpoint}', json=json, verify=False, auth=authsync()) # pylint: disable=missing-timeout
res = resultsync(req)
return res
except Exception as err:
log.error({ 'session': err })
return {}
async def post(endpoint: str, json: dict = None):
global sess # pylint: disable=global-statement
# sess = sess if sess is not None else await session()
if sess and not sess.closed:
await sess.close()
sess = await session()
async with sess.post(url=endpoint, json=json, verify_ssl=False) as req:
res = await result(req)
return res
except Exception as err:
log.error({ 'session': err })
return {}
def postsync(endpoint: str, json: dict = None):
req = requests.post(f'{sd_url}{endpoint}', json=json, verify=False, auth=authsync()) # pylint: disable=missing-timeout
res = resultsync(req)
return res
async def interrupt():
res = await get('/sdapi/v1/progress?skip_current_image=true')
if 'state' in res and res.state.job_count > 0:
log.debug({ 'interrupt': res.state })
res = await post('/sdapi/v1/interrupt')
await asyncio.sleep(1)
return res
log.debug({ 'interrupt': 'idle' })
return { 'interrupt': 'idle' }
def interruptsync():
res = getsync('/sdapi/v1/progress?skip_current_image=true')
if 'state' in res and res.state.job_count > 0:
log.debug({ 'interrupt': res.state })
res = postsync('/sdapi/v1/interrupt')
return res
log.debug({ 'interrupt': 'idle' })
return { 'interrupt': 'idle' }
async def progress():
res = await get('/sdapi/v1/progress?skip_current_image=false')
if res is not None and res.get('current_image', None) is not None:
res.current_image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(res['current_image'])))
except Exception:
log.debug({ 'progress': res })
return res
def progresssync():
res = getsync('/sdapi/v1/progress?skip_current_image=true')
log.debug({ 'progress': res })
return res
def get_log():
res = getsync('/sdapi/v1/log')
for line in res:
return res
def get_info():
import time
t0 = time.time()
res = getsync('/sdapi/v1/system-info/status?full=true&refresh=true')
t1 = time.time()
print({ 'duration': 1000 * round(t1-t0, 3), **res })
return res
def options():
opts = getsync('/sdapi/v1/options')
flags = getsync('/sdapi/v1/cmd-flags')
return { 'options': opts, 'flags': flags }
def shutdown():
except Exception as e:
log.info({ 'shutdown': e })
async def session():
global sess # pylint: disable=global-statement
time = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total = None, sock_connect = 10, sock_read = None) # default value is 5 minutes, we need longer for training
sess = aiohttp.ClientSession(timeout = time, base_url = sd_url, auth=auth())
log.debug({ 'sdapi': 'session created', 'endpoint': sd_url })
sess = await aiohttp.ClientSession(timeout = timeout).__aenter__()
async with sess.get(url = f'{sd_url}/') as req:
log.debug({ 'sdapi': 'session created', 'endpoint': sd_url })
except Exception as e:
log.error({ 'sdapi': e })
await asyncio.sleep(0)
await sess.__aexit__(None, None, None)
sess = None
return sess
return sess
async def close():
if sess is not None:
await asyncio.sleep(0)
await sess.close()
await sess.__aexit__(None, None, None)
log.debug({ 'sdapi': 'session closed', 'endpoint': sd_url })
if __name__ == "__main__":
if 'interrupt' in sys.argv:
elif 'progress' in sys.argv:
elif 'progresssync' in sys.argv:
elif 'options' in sys.argv:
opt = options()
log.debug({ 'options' })
import json
print(json.dumps(opt['options'], indent = 2))
log.debug({ 'cmd-flags' })
print(json.dumps(opt['flags'], indent = 2))
elif 'log' in sys.argv:
elif 'info' in sys.argv:
elif 'shutdown' in sys.argv:
res = getsync(sys.argv[0])
asyncio.run(close(), debug=True)