test / extensions-builtin /Lora /extra_networks_lora.py
bilegentile's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
c19ca42 verified
import time
import numpy as np
import re
import networks
import lora_patches
from modules import extra_networks, shared
# from https://github.com/cheald/sd-webui-loractl/blob/master/loractl/lib/utils.py
def get_stepwise(param, step, steps):
def sorted_positions(raw_steps):
steps = [[float(s.strip()) for s in re.split("[@~]", x)]
for x in re.split("[,;]", str(raw_steps))]
# If we just got a single number, just return it
if len(steps[0]) == 1:
return steps[0][0]
# Add implicit 1s to any steps which don't have a weight
steps = [[s[0], s[1] if len(s) == 2 else 1] for s in steps]
# Sort by index
steps.sort(key=lambda k: k[1])
steps = [list(v) for v in zip(*steps)]
return steps
def calculate_weight(m, step, max_steps, step_offset=2):
if isinstance(m, list):
if m[1][-1] <= 1.0:
if max_steps > 0:
step = (step) / (max_steps - step_offset)
step = 1.0
step = step
v = np.interp(step, m[1], m[0])
return v
return m
return calculate_weight(sorted_positions(param), step, steps)
class ExtraNetworkLora(extra_networks.ExtraNetwork):
def __init__(self):
self.active = False
self.errors = {}
networks.originals = lora_patches.LoraPatches()
"""mapping of network names to the number of errors the network had during operation"""
def activate(self, p, params_list, step=0):
t0 = time.time()
if len(params_list) > 0:
self.active = True
networks.originals.apply() # apply patches
if networks.debug:
shared.log.debug("LoRA activate")
names = []
te_multipliers = []
unet_multipliers = []
dyn_dims = []
for params in params_list:
assert params.items
te_multiplier = params.named.get("te", params.positional[1] if len(params.positional) > 1 else 1.0)
if isinstance(te_multiplier, str) and "@" in te_multiplier:
te_multiplier = get_stepwise(te_multiplier, step, p.steps)
te_multiplier = float(te_multiplier)
unet_multiplier = [params.positional[2] if len(params.positional) > 2 else te_multiplier] * 3
unet_multiplier = [params.named.get("unet", unet_multiplier[0])] * 3
unet_multiplier[0] = params.named.get("in", unet_multiplier[0])
unet_multiplier[1] = params.named.get("mid", unet_multiplier[1])
unet_multiplier[2] = params.named.get("out", unet_multiplier[2])
for i in range(len(unet_multiplier)):
if isinstance(unet_multiplier[i], str) and "@" in unet_multiplier[i]:
unet_multiplier[i] = get_stepwise(unet_multiplier[i], step, p.steps)
unet_multiplier[i] = float(unet_multiplier[i])
dyn_dim = int(params.positional[3]) if len(params.positional) > 3 else None
dyn_dim = int(params.named["dyn"]) if "dyn" in params.named else dyn_dim
t1 = time.time()
networks.load_networks(names, te_multipliers, unet_multipliers, dyn_dims)
t2 = time.time()
if shared.opts.lora_add_hashes_to_infotext:
network_hashes = []
for item in networks.loaded_networks:
shorthash = item.network_on_disk.shorthash
if not shorthash:
alias = item.mentioned_name
if not alias:
alias = alias.replace(":", "").replace(",", "")
network_hashes.append(f"{alias}: {shorthash}")
if network_hashes:
p.extra_generation_params["Lora hashes"] = ", ".join(network_hashes)
if len(names) > 0 and step == 0:
shared.log.info(f'LoRA apply: {names} patch={t1-t0:.2f} load={t2-t1:.2f}')
elif self.active:
self.active = False
def deactivate(self, p):
if shared.backend == shared.Backend.DIFFUSERS and hasattr(shared.sd_model, "unload_lora_weights") and hasattr(shared.sd_model, "text_encoder"):
if 'CLIP' in shared.sd_model.text_encoder.__class__.__name__ and not (shared.compiled_model_state is not None and shared.compiled_model_state.is_compiled is True):
if shared.opts.lora_fuse_diffusers:
shared.sd_model.unload_lora_weights() # fails for non-CLIP models
except Exception:
if not self.active and getattr(networks, "originals", None ) is not None:
networks.originals.undo() # remove patches
if networks.debug:
shared.log.debug("LoRA deactivate")
if self.active and networks.debug:
shared.log.debug(f"LoRA end: load={networks.timer['load']:.2f} apply={networks.timer['apply']:.2f} restore={networks.timer['restore']:.2f}")
if self.errors:
p.comment("Networks with errors: " + ", ".join(f"{k} ({v})" for k, v in self.errors.items()))
for k, v in self.errors.items():
shared.log.error(f'LoRA errors: file="{k}" errors={v}')