Badr AlKhamissi
starting space
history blame
No virus
14.8 kB
from importlib import reload
import os
import numpy as np
import bezier
import freetype as ft
import pydiffvg
import torch
import save_svg
import vharfbuzz as hb
from svgpathtools import svgstr2paths
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
device = torch.device("cuda" if (
torch.cuda.is_available() and torch.cuda.device_count() > 0) else "cpu")
def fix_single_svg(svg_path, all_word=False):
target_h_letter = 360
target_canvas_width, target_canvas_height = 600, 600
canvas_width, canvas_height, shapes, shape_groups = pydiffvg.svg_to_scene(svg_path)
letter_h = canvas_height
letter_w = canvas_width
if all_word:
if letter_w > letter_h:
scale_canvas_w = target_h_letter / letter_w
hsize = int(letter_h * scale_canvas_w)
scale_canvas_h = hsize / letter_h
scale_canvas_h = target_h_letter / letter_h
wsize = int(letter_w * scale_canvas_h)
scale_canvas_w = wsize / letter_w
scale_canvas_h = target_h_letter / letter_h
wsize = int(letter_w * scale_canvas_h)
scale_canvas_w = wsize / letter_w
for num, p in enumerate(shapes):
p.points[:, 0] = p.points[:, 0] * scale_canvas_w
p.points[:, 1] = p.points[:, 1] * scale_canvas_h + target_h_letter
p.points[:, 1] = -p.points[:, 1]
# p.points[:, 0] = -p.points[:, 0]
w_min, w_max = min([torch.min(p.points[:, 0]) for p in shapes]), max([torch.max(p.points[:, 0]) for p in shapes])
h_min, h_max = min([torch.min(p.points[:, 1]) for p in shapes]), max([torch.max(p.points[:, 1]) for p in shapes])
for num, p in enumerate(shapes):
p.points[:, 0] = p.points[:, 0] + target_canvas_width/2 - int(w_min + (w_max - w_min) / 2)
p.points[:, 1] = p.points[:, 1] + target_canvas_height/2 - int(h_min + (h_max - h_min) / 2)
output_path = f"{svg_path[:-4]}_scaled.svg"
save_svg.save_svg(output_path, target_canvas_width, target_canvas_height, shapes, shape_groups)
def normalize_letter_size(dest_path, font, txt, chars):
fontname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(font))[0]
# for i, c in enumerate(chars):
# fname = f"{dest_path}/{fontname}_{c}.svg"
# fname = fname.replace(" ", "_")
# fix_single_svg(fname)
fname = f"{dest_path}/{fontname}_{txt}.svg"
fname = fname.replace(" ", "_")
fix_single_svg(fname, all_word=True)
def glyph_to_cubics(face, x=0, y=0):
''' Convert current font face glyph to cubic beziers'''
def linear_to_cubic(Q):
a, b = Q
return [a + (b - a) * t for t in np.linspace(0, 1, 4)]
def quadratic_to_cubic(Q):
return [Q[0],
Q[0] + (2 / 3) * (Q[1] - Q[0]),
Q[2] + (2 / 3) * (Q[1] - Q[2]),
beziers = []
pt = lambda p: np.array([x + p.x, - p.y - y]) # Flipping here since freetype has y-up
last = lambda: beziers[-1][-1]
def move_to(a, beziers):
def line_to(a, beziers):
Q = linear_to_cubic([last(), pt(a)])
beziers[-1] += Q[1:]
def conic_to(a, b, beziers):
Q = quadratic_to_cubic([last(), pt(a), pt(b)])
beziers[-1] += Q[1:]
def cubic_to(a, b, c, beziers):
beziers[-1] += [pt(a), pt(b), pt(c)]
face.glyph.outline.decompose(beziers, move_to=move_to, line_to=line_to, conic_to=conic_to, cubic_to=cubic_to)
beziers = [np.array(C).astype(float) for C in beziers]
return beziers
# def handle_ligature(glyph_infos, glyph_positions):
# combined_advance = sum(pos.x_advance for pos in glyph_positions)
# first_x_offset = glyph_positions[0].x_offset
# combined_advance = x_adv_1 + x_adv_2
# # Adjust the x_offset values based on the difference between the first glyph's x_offset and the combined_advance
# for pos in glyph_positions:
# pos.x_offset += combined_advance - pos.x_advance - first_x_offset
# # Render the ligature using the adjusted glyph positions
# render_glyphs(glyph_infos, glyph_positions)
def font_string_to_beziers(font, txt, size=30, spacing=1.0, merge=True, target_control=None):
''' Load a font and convert the outlines for a given string to cubic bezier curves,
if merge is True, simply return a list of all bezier curves,
otherwise return a list of lists with the bezier curves for each glyph'''
vhb = hb.Vharfbuzz(font)
buf = vhb.shape(txt, {"features": {"kern": True, "liga": True}})
glyph_infos = buf.glyph_infos
glyph_positions = buf.glyph_positions
glyph_count = {glyph_infos[i].cluster: 0 for i in range(len(glyph_infos))}
svg = vhb.buf_to_svg(buf)
paths, attributes = svgstr2paths(svg)
face = ft.Face(font)
face.set_char_size(64 * size)
pindex = -1
x, y = 0, 0
beziers, chars = [], []
for path_idx, path in enumerate(paths):
segment_vals = []
print("="*20 + str(path_idx) + "="*20)
for segment in path:
segment_type = segment.__class__.__name__
t_values = np.linspace(0, 1, 10)
points = [segment.point(t) for t in t_values]
for pt in points:
segment_vals += [[pt.real, -pt.imag]]
# points = [bezier.point(t) for t in t_values]
if segment_type == 'Line':
# Line segment
start = segment.start
end = segment.end
print(f"Line: ({start.real}, {start.imag}) to ({end.real}, {end.imag})")
elif segment_type == 'QuadraticBezier':
# Quadratic Bézier segment
start = segment.start
control = segment.control
end = segment.end
print(f"Quadratic Bézier: ({start.real}, {start.imag}) to ({end.real}, {end.imag}) with control point ({control.real}, {control.imag})")
elif segment_type == 'CubicBezier':
# Cubic Bézier segment
start = segment.start
control1 = segment.control1
control2 = segment.control2
end = segment.end
print(f"Cubic Bézier: ({start.real}, {start.imag}) to ({end.real}, {end.imag}) with control points ({control1.real}, {control1.imag}) and ({control2.real}, {control2.imag})")
# Other segment types (Arc, Close)
print(f"Segment type: {segment_type}")
beziers += [[np.array(segment_vals)]]
beziers_2 = []
glyph_infos = glyph_infos[::-1]
glyph_positions = glyph_positions[::-1]
for i, (info, pos) in enumerate(zip(glyph_infos, glyph_positions)):
index = info.cluster
c = f"{txt[index]}_{glyph_count[index]}"
chars += [c]
glyph_count[index] += 1
glyph_index = info.codepoint
face.load_glyph(glyph_index, flags=ft.FT_LOAD_DEFAULT | ft.FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP)
# face.load_char(c, ft.FT_LOAD_DEFAULT | ft.FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP)
findex = -1
if i+1 < len(glyph_infos):
findex = glyph_infos[i+1].cluster
foffset = (glyph_positions[i+1].x_offset, glyph_positions[i+1].y_offset)
fadvance = (glyph_positions[i+1].x_advance, glyph_positions[i+1].y_advance)
# bez = glyph_to_cubics(face, x+pos.x_offset+pos.x_advance, y+pos.y_offset+pos.y_advance)
# if findex != index:
# x += pos.x_offset
# y += pos.y_offset
# else:
# x += pos.x_offset
# y += pos.y_offset
bez = glyph_to_cubics(face, x, y)
# Check number of control points if desired
if target_control is not None:
if c in target_control.keys():
nctrl = np.sum([len(C) for C in bez])
while nctrl < target_control[c]:
longest = np.max(
sum([[bezier.approx_arc_length(b) for b in bezier.chain_to_beziers(C)] for C in bez], []))
thresh = longest * 0.5
bez = [bezier.subdivide_bezier_chain(C, thresh) for C in bez]
nctrl = np.sum([len(C) for C in bez])
if merge:
beziers_2 += bez
# kerning = face.get_kerning(index, findex)
# x += (slot.advance.x + kerning.x) * spacing
# previous = txt[index]
# print(f"C: {txt[index]}/{index} | X: {x+pos.x_offset}| Y: {y+pos.y_offset}")
print(f"C: {txt[index]}/{index} | X: {x}: {pos.x_advance}/{pos.x_offset} | Y: {y}: {pos.y_advance}/{pos.y_offset}")
# if findex != index:
x -= pos.x_advance
# y += pos.y_advance + pos.y_offset
pindex = index
return beziers_2, chars
def bezier_chain_to_commands(C, closed=True):
curves = bezier.chain_to_beziers(C)
cmds = 'M %f %f ' % (C[0][0], C[0][1])
n = len(curves)
for i, bez in enumerate(curves):
if i == n - 1 and closed:
cmds += 'C %f %f %f %f %f %fz ' % (*bez[1], *bez[2], *bez[3])
cmds += 'C %f %f %f %f %f %f ' % (*bez[1], *bez[2], *bez[3])
return cmds
def count_cp(file_name, font_name):
canvas_width, canvas_height, shapes, shape_groups = pydiffvg.svg_to_scene(file_name)
p_counter = 0
for path in shapes:
p_counter += path.points.shape[0]
print(f"TOTAL CP: [{p_counter}]")
return p_counter
def write_letter_svg(c, header, fontname, beziers, subdivision_thresh, dest_path):
cmds = ''
svg = header
path = '<g><path d="'
for C in beziers:
if subdivision_thresh is not None:
C = bezier.subdivide_bezier_chain(C, subdivision_thresh)
cmds += bezier_chain_to_commands(C, True)
path += cmds + '"/>\n'
svg += path + '</g></svg>\n'
fname = f"{dest_path}/{fontname}_{c}.svg"
fname = fname.replace(" ", "_")
f = open(fname, 'w')
return fname, path
def write_letter_svg_hb(vhb, c, dest_path, fontname):
buf = vhb.shape(c, {"features": {"kern": True, "liga": True}})
svg = vhb.buf_to_svg(buf)
fname = f"{dest_path}/{fontname}_{c}.svg"
fname = fname.replace(" ", "_")
f = open(fname, 'w')
return fname
def font_string_to_svgs(dest_path, font, txt, size=30, spacing=1.0, target_control=None, subdivision_thresh=None):
fontname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(font))[0]
glyph_beziers, chars = font_string_to_beziers(font, txt, size, spacing, merge=False, target_control=target_control)
if not os.path.isdir(dest_path):
# Compute boundig box
points = np.vstack(sum(glyph_beziers, []))
lt = np.min(points, axis=0)
rb = np.max(points, axis=0)
size = rb - lt
sizestr = 'width="%.1f" height="%.1f"' % (size[0], size[1])
boxstr = ' viewBox="%.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f"' % (lt[0], lt[1], size[0], size[1])
header = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:ev="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" baseProfile="full" '''
header += sizestr
header += boxstr
header += '>\n<defs/>\n'
svg_all = header
print(f"Len Glyph Bezier: {len(glyph_beziers)} | Chars: {len(chars)}")
for i, (c, beziers) in enumerate(zip(chars, glyph_beziers)):
print(f"==== {c} ====")
fname, path = write_letter_svg(c, header, fontname, beziers, subdivision_thresh, dest_path)
num_cp = count_cp(fname, fontname)
print(font, c)
# Add to global svg
svg_all += path + '</g>\n'
vhb = hb.Vharfbuzz(font)
buf = vhb.shape(txt, {"features": {"kern": True, "liga": True}})
svg = vhb.buf_to_svg(buf)
# Save global svg
svg_all += '</svg>\n'
fname = f"{dest_path}/{fontname}_{txt}.svg"
fname = fname.replace(" ", "_")
f = open(fname, 'w')
return chars
def font_string_to_svgs_hb(dest_path, font, txt, size=30, spacing=1.0, target_control=None, subdivision_thresh=None):
fontname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(font))[0]
if not os.path.isdir(dest_path):
vhb = hb.Vharfbuzz(font)
buf = vhb.shape(txt, {"features": {"kern": True, "liga": True}})
buf = vhb.shape(txt, {"features": {"kern": True, "liga": True}})
svg = vhb.buf_to_svg(buf)
# Save global svg
fname = f"{dest_path}/{fontname}_{txt}.svg"
fname = fname.replace(" ", "_")
f = open(fname, 'w')
return None
if __name__ == '__main__':
fonts = ["KaushanScript-Regular"]
level_of_cc = 1
if level_of_cc == 0:
target_cp = None
target_cp = {"A": 120, "B": 120, "C": 100, "D": 100,
"E": 120, "F": 120, "G": 120, "H": 120,
"I": 35, "J": 80, "K": 100, "L": 80,
"M": 100, "N": 100, "O": 100, "P": 120,
"Q": 120, "R": 130, "S": 110, "T": 90,
"U": 100, "V": 100, "W": 100, "X": 130,
"Y": 120, "Z": 120,
"a": 120, "b": 120, "c": 100, "d": 100,
"e": 120, "f": 120, "g": 120, "h": 120,
"i": 35, "j": 80, "k": 100, "l": 80,
"m": 100, "n": 100, "o": 100, "p": 120,
"q": 120, "r": 130, "s": 110, "t": 90,
"u": 100, "v": 100, "w": 100, "x": 130,
"y": 120, "z": 120
target_cp = {k: v * level_of_cc for k, v in target_cp.items()}
for f in fonts:
print(f"======= {f} =======")
font_path = f"data/fonts/{f}.ttf"
output_path = f"data/init"
txt = "BUNNY"
subdivision_thresh = None
font_string_to_svgs(output_path, font_path, txt, target_control=target_cp,
normalize_letter_size(output_path, font_path, txt)