import os base_url = "" # make sure h3 is installed. import duckdb db = duckdb.connect() db.install_extension("h3", repository = "community") db.close() # enable ibis to use built-in function from the h3 extension import ibis from ibis import _ @ibis.udf.scalar.builtin def h3_cell_to_boundary_wkt (array) -> str: ... # Configure write-access to import streamlit as st def set_source_secrets(con): secret = os.getenv("SOURCE_SECRET") if secret is None: secret = st.secrets["SOURCE_SECRET"] key = os.getenv("SOURCE_KEY") if key is None: key = st.secrets["SOURCE_KEY"] query= f''' CREATE OR REPLACE SECRET source ( TYPE S3, KEY_ID '{key}', SECRET '{secret}', ENDPOINT '', URL_STYLE 'path', SCOPE 's3://cboettig' ); set THREADS=100; ''' con.raw_sql(query) def set_aws_secrets(con): query= f''' CREATE OR REPLACE SECRET aws ( TYPE S3, ENDPOINT '', SCOPE 's3://overturemaps-us-west-2/release/' ); ''' # ENDPOINT '', con.raw_sql(query) # or write access to minio def set_secrets(con): secret = os.getenv("MINIO_SECRET") if secret is None: secret = st.secrets["MINIO_SECRET"] key = os.getenv("MINIO_KEY") if key is None: key = st.secrets["MINIO_KEY"] query= f''' CREATE OR REPLACE SECRET secret2 ( TYPE S3, KEY_ID '{key}', SECRET '{secret}', ENDPOINT '', URL_STYLE 'path', SCOPE 's3://public-gbif/' ); ''' con.raw_sql(query) import minio def s3_client(type="minio"): minio_key = st.secrets["MINIO_KEY"] minio_secret = st.secrets["MINIO_SECRET"] client = minio.Minio("", minio_key, minio_secret) if type == "minio": return client source_key = st.secrets["SOURCE_KEY"] source_secret = st.secrets["SOURCE_SECRET"] client = minio.Minio("", source_key, source_secret) return client import pydeck as pdk def HexagonLayer(data, v_scale = 1): return pdk.Layer( "H3HexagonLayer", id="gbif", data=data, extruded=True, get_elevation="value", get_hexagon="hex", elevation_scale = 50 * v_scale, elevation_range = [0,1], pickable=True, auto_highlight=True, get_fill_color="[255 - value, 255, value]", ) def terrain_styling(): maptiler_key = os.getenv("MAPTILER_KEY") if maptiler_key is None: maptiler_key = st.secrets["MAPTILER_KEY"] terrain_style = { "version": 8, "sources": { "osm": { "type": "raster", "tiles": ["{z}/{y}/{x}.png"], "tileSize": 256, "attribution": "© National Geographic", "maxzoom": 19, }, "terrainSource": { "type": "raster-dem", "url": f"{maptiler_key}", "tileSize": 256, }, "hillshadeSource": { "type": "raster-dem", "url": f"{maptiler_key}", "tileSize": 256, }, }, "layers": [ {"id": "osm", "type": "raster", "source": "osm"}, { "id": "hills", "type": "hillshade", "source": "hillshadeSource", "layout": {"visibility": "visible"}, "paint": {"hillshade-shadow-color": "#473B24"}, }, ], "terrain": {"source": "terrainSource", "exaggeration": .1}, } return terrain_style #### ## grab polygon of a National park: import ibis from ibis import _ import geopandas as gpd def get_city(name = "Oakland", con = ibis.duckdb.connect()): gdf = (con .read_geo("/vsicurl/") .filter( == name) .agg(geom = _.geom.unary_union()) ).execute() return gdf def get_polygon(name = "New Haven", source = "City", _con = ibis.duckdb.connect()): match source: case 'City': gdf = get_city(name, _con) case 'Custom': gdf = gpd.read_file(name) case "All": gdf = None case _: gdf = None return gdf import hashlib import pandas as pd def unique_path(gdf_name, rank, taxa, zoom, distinct_taxa): #gdf_hash = str(pd.util.hash_pandas_object(gdf).sum()) text = [gdf_name, rank, taxa, str(zoom), distinct_taxa] sig = "-".join(text) sig = hashlib.sha1(sig.encode()).hexdigest() dest = "cache/gbif_" + sig + ".json" return dest