# Multi-modal RAG based LLM for Information Retrieval In this project we have set up a RAG system with the following features:
  1. Custom PDF input
  2. Multi-modal interface with support for images & text
  3. Feedback recording and reusage
  4. Usage of Agents for Context Retrieval
The project primarily runs on Streamlit
Here is the [Docker Image](https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/pranavrao25/ragimage/general)
Procedure to run the pipeline: 1. Clone the project 2. If you want to run the docker image, then run ```docker_rag.sh``` file as ```/bin/zsh ./docker_rag.sh``` 3. Else if you want to run directly using streamlit, then: 1. Install the requirements through ```pip -r requirements.txt``` 2. Run the ```streamlit_rag.sh``` file as ```/bin/zsh ./streamlit_rag.sh```