import streamlit as st import pandas as pd from sqlalchemy import create_engine from dotenv import load_dotenv import yfinance as yf import plotly.graph_objs as go import datetime from datetime import timedelta import os from pandas.tseries.offsets import BDay from getDailyData import get_daily # from streamlit_lightweight_charts import renderLightweightCharts load_dotenv() st.title('🎮 GamedaySPX Data Monitor') # Get the data for daily first data_daily, df_final_daily, final_row_daily = get_daily() # Get historical data spx = yf.Ticker('^GSPC') prices = spx.history(interval='30m') date_select = st.date_input( 'Select data for chart', - BDay(5), min_value=prices.index[0], ) engine = create_engine( f"mysql+mysqldb://{os.getenv('DATABASE_USERNAME')}:" \ f"{os.getenv('DATABASE_PASSWORD')}@{os.getenv('DATABASE_HOST')}/" \ f"{os.getenv('DATABASE')}?ssl_ca=ca-certificates.crt&ssl_mode=VERIFY_IDENTITY" ) q = f'''SELECT r.AsOf, r.Predicted, r.CalibPredicted, r.Pvalue, r.ModelNum, p.Predicted AS reg_pred, p.Upper, p.Lower FROM results r LEFT JOIN reg_results p ON r.AsOf = p.AsOf where r.AsOf >= '{date_select}' ''' df_all_results = pd.read_sql_query(q, con=engine.connect()) df_all_results['AsOf'] = df_all_results['AsOf'].dt.tz_localize('America/New_York') df_all_results2 = df_all_results.merge(prices.reset_index()[['Datetime','Open','High','Low','Close']], left_on = 'AsOf', right_on = 'Datetime') df_all_results2['Color'] = df_all_results2['Predicted'].apply(lambda x: 'green' if x >=0.6 else 'red' if x < 0.4 else 'yellow') df_all_results2['PredDir'] = df_all_results2['Predicted'].apply(lambda x: 'Up' if x >=0.6 else 'Down' if x < 0.4 else 'Neutral') # Load your data df1 = df_all_results2.set_index('AsOf') df1 = df1.loc[df1.index > str(date_select)] import pytz est = pytz.timezone('US/Eastern') utc = pytz.utc dts = df1.groupby(['AsOf'] daily_closes = data_daily.loc[, 'PrevClose'].drop_duplicates().reset_index() daily_closes['FirstBar'] = dts levels = data_daily.loc[, ['H1','H2','L1','L2','Open','PrevClose']].drop_duplicates().reset_index() levels['FirstBar'] = dts # levels['time'] = [dt.astimezone(est) for dt in levels['FirstBar']] levels['time'] = levels['FirstBar'].copy() # Plot import streamlit as st # from streamlit_lightweight_charts import renderLightweightCharts from lightweight_charts.widgets import StreamlitChart import numpy as np import yfinance as yf import pandas as pd COLOR_BULL = '#ffffff' # #26a69a COLOR_BEAR = '#787b86' # #ef5350 # Some data wrangling to match required format df = df1.copy() df['time'] = [dt for dt in df.index] # df['time'] = [dt.timestamp() for dt in df.index] # df = df[['time','Open','High','Low','Close','CalibPredicted','Color','Upper','Lower','reg_pred']].bfill() # df.columns = ['time','open','high','low','close','volume','color','Upper','Lower','reg_pred'] # rename columns df = df[['time','Open','High','Low','Close','CalibPredicted','Upper','Lower','reg_pred']].bfill() df.columns = ['time','open','high','low','close','volume','Upper','Lower','reg_pred'] # rename columns df = df.merge(levels, how = 'left', on = 'time') # df['time'] = [dt.timestamp() for dt in df['time']] df[['H1','H2','L1','L2','Open','PrevClose']] = df[['H1','H2','L1','L2','Open','PrevClose']].ffill() df['UpperP'] = (df['Upper'] + 1) * df['PrevClose'] df['RegPred'] = (df['reg_pred'] + 1) * df['PrevClose'] df['LowerP'] = (df['Lower'] + 1) * df['PrevClose'] chart = StreamlitChart( height=350, # width=700, scale_candles_only=True, ) chart.layout(background_color='rgba(214, 237, 255, 0)', text_color='#787b86', font_size=10, font_family='Arial') chart.candle_style(up_color='#ffffff', down_color='#787b86', border_up_color='#ffffff', border_down_color='#787b86', wick_up_color='#ffffff', wick_down_color='#787b86') chart.volume_config(up_color='rgba(255,255,255,0.4)', down_color='rgba(255,255,255,0.4)',scale_margin_top=.9) # chart.legend(visible=True, font_size=14) chart.grid(vert_enabled=False, horz_enabled=False) chart.crosshair(mode='normal', vert_color='#FFFFFF', vert_style='dotted', horz_color='#FFFFFF', horz_style='dotted') df = df[['time','open','high','low','close','volume','H1','H2','L1','L2','Open','PrevClose']] # Lines to make _H1 = chart.create_line('H1', color='#ffb8b8', price_line=False) _H1.set(df[['H1']]) _H2 = chart.create_line('H2', color='#ffb8b8', price_line=False) _H2.set(df[['H2']]) _L1 = chart.create_line('L1', color='#96cbff', price_line=False) _L1.set(df[['L1']]) _L2 = chart.create_line('L2', color='#96cbff', price_line=False) _L2.set(df[['L2']]) _Open = chart.create_line('Open', color='#ffffff', style='dotted', price_line=False) _Open.set(df[['Open']]) _PrevClose = chart.create_line('PrevClose', color='#C724B1', price_line=False) _PrevClose.set(df[['PrevClose']]) chart.legend(visible=True, ohlc = True, color = '#ffffff', font_size=10, font_family='Calibri') chart.set(df) chart.set_visible_range(df['time'].min(), df['time'].max()) chart.load() # export to JSON format # candles = json.loads(json.dumps([ # {"open": open, # "high": high, # "low": low, # "close": close, # "time": dt} for open, high, low, close, dt in zip(df['open'],df['high'],df['low'],df['close'], df['time']) # ], indent=2)) # # volume = json.loads(df.rename(columns={"volume": "value",}).to_json(orient = "records")) # volume = json.loads(json.dumps([ # { "value": pred, "time": dt, "color":color } for pred, dt, color in zip(df['volume'], df['time'], df['color']) # ], indent=2)) # h1 = json.loads(json.dumps([ # { "value": h1, "time": dt } for h1, dt in zip(df['H1'], df['time']) # ], indent=2)) # h2 = json.loads(json.dumps([ # { "value": h1, "time": dt } for h1, dt in zip(df['H2'], df['time']) # ], indent=2)) # opens = json.loads(json.dumps([ # { "value": h1, "time": dt } for h1, dt in zip(df['Open'], df['time']) # ], indent=2)) # l1 = json.loads(json.dumps([ # { "value": h1, "time": dt } for h1, dt in zip(df['L1'], df['time']) # ], indent=2)) # l2 = json.loads(json.dumps([ # { "value": h1, "time": dt } for h1, dt in zip(df['L2'], df['time']) # ], indent=2)) # uppers = json.loads(json.dumps([ # { "value": h1, "time": dt } for h1, dt in zip(df['UpperP'], df['time']) # ], indent=2)) # lowers = json.loads(json.dumps([ # { "value": h1, "time": dt } for h1, dt in zip(df['LowerP'], df['time']) # ], indent=2)) # regPreds = json.loads(json.dumps([ # { "value": h1, "time": dt } for h1, dt in zip(df['RegPred'], df['time']) # ], indent=2)) # prevCloses = json.loads(json.dumps([ # { "value": h1, "time": dt } for h1, dt in zip(df['PrevClose'], df['time']) # ], indent=2)) # chartMultipaneOptions = [ # { # # "width": 600, # "height": 300, # "layout": { # "background": { # "type": "solid", # "color": 'transparent' # }, # "textColor": "white" # }, # "grid": { # "vertLines": { # "color": "rgba(197, 203, 206, 0)" # }, # "horzLines": { # "color": "rgba(197, 203, 206, 0)" # } # }, # "crosshair": { # "mode": 0 # }, # "priceScale": { # "borderColor": "rgba(197, 203, 206, 0.8)", # "autoScale": True, # "scaleMargins": { # "top": 0, # "bottom": 0 # }, # "alignLabels": True # }, # "timeScale": { # "borderColor": "rgba(197, 203, 206, 0.8)", # "barSpacing": 5, # "timeVisible": True # } # }, # { # # "width": 600, # "height": 75, # "layout": { # "background": { # "type": 'solid', # "color": 'transparent' # }, # "textColor": 'white', # }, # "grid": { # "vertLines": { # "color": 'rgba(42, 46, 57, 0)', # }, # "horzLines": { # "color": 'rgba(42, 46, 57, 0.6)', # } # }, # "timeScale": { # "visible": True, # } # }, # { # "width": 600, # "height": 200, # "layout": { # "background": { # "type": "solid", # "color": 'white' # }, # "textColor": "black" # }, # "timeScale": { # "visible": False, # }, # "watermark": { # "visible": True, # "fontSize": 18, # "horzAlign": 'left', # "vertAlign": 'center', # "color": 'rgba(171, 71, 188, 0.7)', # "text": 'MACD', # } # } # ] # seriesCandlestickChart = [ # { # "type": 'Candlestick', # "data": candles, # "options": { # "upColor": COLOR_BULL, # "downColor": COLOR_BEAR, # "borderVisible": False, # "wickUpColor": COLOR_BULL, # "wickDownColor": COLOR_BEAR # } # }, # { # "type": 'Line', # "data": h1, # "options": { # "color": '#ffb8b8', # "lineWidth": 1, # "lineType": 1, # "lineStyle": 4, # "priceLineVisible": False # } # }, # { # "type": 'Line', # "data": h2, # "options": { # "color": '#ffb8b8', # "lineWidth": 1, # "lineType": 1, # "lineStyle": 4, # "priceLineVisible": False # } # }, # { # "type": 'Line', # "data": opens, # "options": { # "color": '#ffffff', # "lineWidth": 1, # "lineType": 1, # "lineStyle": 0, # "priceLineVisible": False # } # }, # { # "type": 'Line', # "data": l1, # "options": { # "color": '#96cbff', # "lineWidth": 1, # "lineType": 1, # "lineStyle": 4, # "priceLineVisible": False # } # }, # { # "type": 'Line', # "data": l2, # "options": { # "color": '#96cbff', # "lineWidth": 1, # "lineType": 1, # "lineStyle": 4, # "priceLineVisible": False, # } # }, # { # "type": 'Line', # "data": prevCloses, # "options": { # "color": '#C724B1', # "lineWidth": 1, # "lineType": 1, # "lineStyle": 0, # "priceLineVisible": False # } # }, # { # "type": 'Histogram', # "data": volume, # "options": { # "priceFormat": { # "type": 'volume', # }, # "priceScaleId": "", # set as an overlay setting, # "priceLineVisible": False # }, # "priceScale": { # "scaleMargins": { # "top": 0.9, # "bottom": 0, # }, # } # } # ] # renderLightweightCharts([ # { # "chart": chartMultipaneOptions[0], # "series": seriesCandlestickChart # } # ], 'priceAndVolume') # Important levels df_levels = pd.DataFrame(levels[['H2','H1','Open','L1','L2']].iloc[-1]).round(2) df_levels.columns = ['Levels'] df_levels.astype(float).round(2) # For historical reference df_all_results['Symbol'] = df_all_results['Predicted'].apply(lambda x: '🟩' if x >=0.6 else '🟥' if x < 0.4 else '🟨') today_df = df_all_results[['AsOf','Symbol','Predicted','CalibPredicted','Pvalue']].tail(13)[::-1] today_df = today_df.set_index('AsOf', drop=True) df_show = ( .format(formatter={ 'Predicted':'{:.1%}', 'CalibPredicted':'{:.1%}', 'Pvalue':'{:.2f}', }) ) st.dataframe(df_levels.T,use_container_width=True) st.dataframe(df_show,use_container_width=True)