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"""Misc utils."""
import os
from shared.utils.log import tqdm_iterator
import numpy as np
class AttrDict(dict):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(AttrDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.__dict__ = self
def ignore_warnings(type="ignore"):
import warnings
os.environ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "false"
def download_youtube_video(youtube_id, ext='mp4', resolution="360p", **kwargs):
import pytube
video_url = f"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v={youtube_id}"
yt = pytube.YouTube(video_url)
streams = yt.streams.filter(
file_extension=ext, res=resolution, progressive=True, **kwargs,
# streams[0].download(output_path=save_dir, filename=f"{video_id}.{ext}")
streams[0].download(output_path='/tmp', filename='sample.mp4')
print("Failed to download video: ", video_url)
return None
return "/tmp/sample.mp4"
def check_audio(video_path):
from moviepy.video.io.VideoFileClip import VideoFileClip
return VideoFileClip(video_path).audio is not None
return False
def check_audio_multiple(video_paths, n_jobs=8):
"""Parallelly check if videos have audio"""
iterator = tqdm_iterator(video_paths, desc="Checking audio")
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
return Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
delayed(check_audio)(video_path) for video_path in iterator
def num_trainable_params(model, round=3, verbose=True, return_count=False):
n_params = sum([p.numel() for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad])
model_name = model.__class__.__name__
if round is not None:
value = np.round(n_params / 1e6, round)
unit = "M"
value = n_params
unit = ""
if verbose:
print(f"::: Number of trainable parameters in {model_name}: {value} {unit}")
if return_count:
return n_params
def num_params(model, round=3):
n_params = sum([p.numel() for p in model.parameters()])
model_name = model.__class__.__name__
if round is not None:
value = np.round(n_params / 1e6, round)
unit = "M"
value = n_params
unit = ""
print(f"::: Number of total parameters in {model_name}: {value}{unit}")
def fix_seed(seed=42):
"""Fix all numpy/pytorch/random seeds."""
import random
import torch
import numpy as np
torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
def check_tensor(x):
print(x.shape, x.min(), x.max())
def find_nearest_indices(a, b):
Finds the indices of the elements in `a` that are closest to each element in `b`.
a (np.ndarray): The array to search for the closest values.
b (np.ndarray): The array of values to search for.
np.ndarray: The indices of the closest values in `a` for each element in `b`.
# Reshape `a` and `b` to make use of broadcasting
a = np.array(a)
b = np.array(b)
# Calculate the absolute difference between each element in `b` and all elements in `a`
diff = np.abs(a - b[:, np.newaxis])
# Find the index of the minimum value along the second axis (which corresponds to `a`)
indices = np.argmin(diff, axis=1)
return indices