edtechdemo / src /models /Schema.ts
Hoang Nguyen
init app
history blame contribute delete
854 Bytes
import { integer, pgTable, serial, timestamp } from 'drizzle-orm/pg-core';
// This file defines the structure of your database tables using the Drizzle ORM.
// To modify the database schema:
// 1. Update this file with your desired changes.
// 2. Generate a new migration by running: `npm run db:generate`
// The generated migration file will reflect your schema changes.
// The migration is automatically applied during the next database interaction,
// so there's no need to run it manually or restart the Next.js server.
export const counterSchema = pgTable('counter', {
id: serial('id').primaryKey(),
count: integer('count').default(0),
updatedAt: timestamp('updated_at', { mode: 'date' })
.$onUpdate(() => new Date())
createdAt: timestamp('created_at', { mode: 'date' }).defaultNow().notNull(),