# # Your Crowdin credentials # # No need modify CROWDIN_PROJECT_ID and CROWDIN_PERSONAL_TOKEN, you can set them in GitHub Actions secrets project_id_env: CROWDIN_PROJECT_ID api_token_env: CROWDIN_PERSONAL_TOKEN base_path: . base_url: 'https://api.crowdin.com' # https://{organization-name}.crowdin.com for Crowdin Enterprise # # Choose file structure in Crowdin # e.g. true or false # preserve_hierarchy: true # # Files configuration # files: - source: /src/locales/en.json # # Where translations will be placed # e.g. "/resources/%two_letters_code%/%original_file_name%" # translation: '/src/locales/%two_letters_code%.json' # # File type # e.g. "json" # type: json