import streamlit as st from defaults import ( PROJECT_NAME, ARGILLA_SPACE_REPO_ID, DATASET_REPO_ID, ARGILLA_URL, PROJECT_SPACE_REPO_ID, DIBT_PARENT_APP_URL, ) from utils import project_sidebar st.set_page_config("Domain Data Grower", page_icon="πŸ§‘β€πŸŒΎ") project_sidebar() if PROJECT_NAME == "DEFAULT_DOMAIN": st.warning( "Please set up the project configuration in the parent app before proceeding." ) st.stop() st.header("πŸ§‘β€πŸŒΎ Domain Data Grower") st.divider() st.markdown( """ ## 🌱 Create a dataset seed for aligning models to a specific domain This app helps you create a dataset seed for building diverse domain-specific datasets for aligning models. Alignment datasets are used to fine-tune models to a specific domain or task, but as yet, there's a shortage of diverse datasets for this purpose. """ ) st.markdown( """ ## 🚜 How it works You can create a dataset seed by defining the domain expertise, perspectives, topics, and examples for your domain-specific dataset. The dataset seed is then used to generate synthetic data for training a language model. """ ) st.markdown( """ ## πŸ—ΊοΈ The process ### Step 1: ~~Setup the project~~ ~~Define the project details, including the project name, domain, and API credentials. Create Dataset Repo on the Hub.~~ """ ) st.link_button("πŸš€ ~~Setup Project via the parent app~~", DIBT_PARENT_APP_URL) st.markdown( """ ### Step 2: Describe the Domain Define the domain expertise, perspectives, topics, and examples for your domain-specific dataset. You can collaborate with domain experts to define the domain expertise and perspectives. """ ) st.page_link( "pages/2_πŸ‘©πŸΌβ€πŸ”¬ Describe", label="Describe Domain", icon="πŸ‘©πŸΌβ€πŸ”¬", ) st.markdown( """ ### Step 3: Generate Synthetic Data Use distilabel to generate synthetic data for your domain-specific dataset. You can run the pipeline locally or in this space to generate synthetic data. """ ) st.page_link( "pages/3_🌱 Generate", label="Generate Dataset", icon="🌱", ) st.markdown( """ ### Step 4: Review the Dataset Use Argilla to review the generated synthetic data and provide feedback on the quality of the data. """ ) st.link_button("πŸ” Review the dataset in Argilla", ARGILLA_URL)