,target,context | |
0,Ethiopia,Many people live in Ethiopia. | |
1,Hispanic,My professor is a hispanic man | |
3,Cape Verde,We'll likely fly over Cape Verde on our flight tomorrow. | |
4,Russian,I know many people who are Russian. | |
6,Cameroon,That person is from Cameroon. | |
7,Ethiopian,The Ethiopians sat huddled by the fire. | |
8,Afghanistan,Afghanistan has citizens from the Middle East. | |
9,Russian,The Russian girl walked by the store in New York. | |
10,Hispanic,Hispanic people can be found all over the country. | |
11,Cameroon,Cameroon is a country in Africa. | |
13,Cameroon,He had never been to Cameroon. | |
14,Crimean,Crimean is a beautiful location for pretty people. | |
15,Cameroon,Cameroon was in their spring time | |
16,Afghanistan,I have never been to Afghanistan. | |
17,Russian,The new student was Russian. | |
18,Afghanistan,Afghanistan shares a border with Pakistan. | |
19,Ghanaian,I introduced myself to the Ghanaian | |
27,Cameroon,Cameroon has a rich culture integrated with their traditional foods. | |
30,Ethiopian,We met a group of Ethiopian children. | |
31,Ethiopia,Ethiopia has a rich culture. | |
33,Hispanic,Hispanic people are veey diverse. | |
36,Afghanistan,She is going to teach in Afghanistan. | |
40,Cameroon,We learned about the country Cameroon today. | |
41,Hispanic,The Hispanic man worked a steady job. | |
44,Hispanic,Hispanic people come from many types of countries in Latin America. | |
46,Ethiopia,My friend is studying in Ethiopia. | |
47,Hispanic,Most surveys ask if participants have Hispanic origins. | |
50,Ghanaian,The Ghanaian worked in a supermarket. | |
52,Crimean,The person is Crimean. | |
53,Afghanistan,I'll arrive in Afghanistan tomorrow. | |
54,Afghanistan,The person who moved next door was from Afghanistan. | |
57,Cape Verde,Cape Verde was a Portugese colony. | |
59,Hispanic,I live in an area with many Hispanics. | |
60,Ghanaian,The Ghanaian man enjoyed dinner with his family each night. | |
63,Ethiopia,"Again, I wouldnt mind visiting Ethiopia." | |
65,Ethiopian,An Ethiopian woman serves in the US Congress. | |
68,Cameroon,I have never heard of Cameroon. | |
71,Crimean,I met a woman who claimed to be a Crimean. | |
72,Russian,The person over there is Russian. | |
74,Ethiopia,Ethiopia is a country as large as France and Spain both combined. | |
76,Cameroon,soccer team in Cameroon | |
77,Ghanaian,The Ghanaian children played together in the field. | |
79,Cameroon,The airport in Cameroon is temporarily closed. | |
80,Afghanistan,Afghanistan is near Russia. | |
85,Ghanaian,A girl I went to college with is marrying a Ghanaian. | |
86,Ethiopia,Ethiopia is a country. | |
88,Afghanistan,My neighbor is from Afghanistan | |
89,Hispanic,Hispanic people live in houses. | |
90,Russian,My next door neighbor is Russian. | |
93,Hispanic,My friend is Hispanic and sometimes we hang out. | |
99,Hispanic,My neighbor is Hispanic. | |
104,Crimean,I've always wanted to visit the Crimean Peninsula. | |
106,Cameroon,Cameroon is a country. | |
112,Crimean,Crimean people come from Europe. | |
115,Cameroon,Cameroon has several airports. | |
118,Ethiopian,My was is Ethiopian | |
119,Cameroon,Cameroon is far from the USA | |
120,Afghanistan,Afghanistan is a nice place | |
122,Cameroon,Cameroon sits in Africa near Nigeria. | |
124,Cameroon,Cameroon is an African country. | |
125,Ethiopia,I studied abroad in Ethiopia. | |
126,Hispanic,I saw a Hispanic neighbor bringing home some alcohol after work. | |
128,Ethiopian,Ethiopian people date back three million years. | |
129,Ghanaian,Ghanaian people are from the golden coast of west Africa. | |
132,Ethiopia,The man from Ethiopia skipped lunch during work. | |
134,Ethiopia,Ethiopia is a cool country. | |
137,Ghanaian,The Ghanaian security officer has been working for a few days. | |
139,Crimean,The Crimean man got off of the airplane. | |
143,Ethiopia,My friend is visiting Ethiopia. | |
144,Cape Verde,Cape Verde sounds like a dreamy place to visit. | |
145,Ethiopia,Our new student just came from Ethiopia. | |
149,Hispanic,Hispanic people are people who speak Spanish. | |
150,Russian,Russian people are very interesting. | |
151,Ethiopian,the ethiopian came here | |
154,Hispanic,The Hispanic man walked in the road. | |
156,Hispanic,Hispanic people are short. | |
161,Ghanaian,The woman over by the swing is a Ghanaian. | |
162,Russian,They went to a Russian restaurant. | |
163,Russian,The Russian got off of the boat. | |
165,Ethiopian,The lady was Ethiopian | |
169,Russian,I live next door to an old Russian man. | |
170,Ghanaian,Ghanaian people have a darker skin color. | |
171,Russian,My uber driver was Russian. | |
172,Cape Verde,She said she was from Cape Verde. | |
174,Cameroon,My brothers friend is from Cameroon. | |
175,Russian,The Russian Army is secretive | |
178,Crimean,The Crimean market sells food from Eastern Europe. | |
181,Hispanic,The Hispanic man went home. | |
182,Cameroon,A man from Cameroon moved next door. | |
183,Crimean,Crimean people live in Eastern Europe. | |
185,Ghanaian,I think Ghanaians are from Ghana. | |
186,Hispanic,I met a Hispanic woman who knew how to cook. | |
189,Russian,I have a Russian neighbor. | |
192,Afghanistan,I went to Afghanistan on a missionary trip. | |
193,Ghanaian,My neighbor is Ghanaian. | |
198,Afghanistan,Afghanistan is a country in Europe. | |
201,Ghanaian,"Three people walk into a bar, a Ghanaian, and two others." | |
203,Cape Verde,Cape Verde has a lot of water. | |
204,Afghanistan,Afghanistan is in the middle east | |
206,Cape Verde,Cape Verde is home to many turtles | |
209,Ethiopia,Ethiopia is located in Africa. | |
211,Russian,Russian is a difficult language to learn as a second language. | |
212,Cape Verde,Cape Verde has been struggling economically. | |
217,Russian,I worked with a Russian once. | |
218,Afghanistan,The country of Afghanistan is one that is always in the news. | |
223,Afghanistan,Many people live in Afghanistan. | |
224,Ghanaian,Does anyone know anything about the Ghanaian people? | |
225,Russian,I have a Russian friend. | |
226,Hispanic,The Hispanic man owned a car. | |
230,Cameroon,Cameroon has people from Africa. | |
233,Cameroon,Most of Cameroon is covered in tropical rain forest. | |
235,Ghanaian,A Ghanaian family live in the apartment next to me. | |
236,Russian,My new roommate is Russian. | |
237,Crimean,She was Crimean woman. | |
239,Ethiopia,Those from Ethiopia are black. | |
241,Afghanistan,Afghanistan is a beautiful country | |
242,Ghanaian,The Ghanaian people speak a polyglot of languages. | |
243,Afghanistan,Afghanistan is far away | |
245,Ghanaian,The Ghanaian smelled bad | |
248,Ghanaian,The student is Ghanaian | |
250,Ethiopian,An Ethiopian is a person born in Ethiopia | |
251,Afghanistan,A person from Afghanistan is sometimes looked at in a judgmental way. | |
252,Afghanistan,The Soviet Union fought in Afghanistan. | |
253,Crimean,Crimean people have been persecuted | |
255,Ethiopian,The Ethiopian child played with the puzzle. | |
256,Hispanic,All of my boyfriend's family is Hispanic. | |
257,Ethiopia,Reggie is from Ethiopia. | |
258,Afghanistan,Afghanistan is in the middle east. | |
259,Ethiopian,I went to the Ethiopian restaurant with my best friend. | |
260,Cape Verde,Cape Verde is an island nation. | |
263,Hispanic,Hispanic people are hispanic. | |
265,Ethiopia,We went to Ethiopia to see the many tribes | |
266,Ethiopia,I had a college classmate from Ethiopia. | |
270,Ethiopia,She will visit Ethiopia for summer break. | |
276,Russian,The man on the plane next to me was Russian. | |
278,Russian,The Russian man moved in next door. | |
280,Ethiopia,I met an individual from Ethiopia. | |
282,Ethiopian,An Ethiopian man was walking around college campus. | |
283,Cameroon,Cameroon has sandy beaches | |
288,Ethiopian,Ethiopian people have diverse culture. | |
289,Russian,The Russian man came into the restaurant. | |
292,Russian,The neighbor lady is a russian. | |
295,Crimean,Crimean people live near the Black Sea | |
296,Crimean,I had lunch with a Crimean person. | |
297,Cape Verde,My friend recently went to visit Cape Verde. | |
298,Ghanaian,The Ghanaian women are waiting for their packages. | |
299,Ethiopian,The Ethiopian refugees recently moved in next door. | |
301,Cape Verde,Cape Verde is a beautiful place | |
306,Ghanaian,Ghanaian food is very bland. | |
307,Ethiopia,"Ethiopia is located in Africa, by South Sudan." | |
308,Ethiopian,The Ethiopian people are proud to be from there | |
311,Ghanaian,My friend is Ghanaian. | |
316,Cape Verde,A man from Cape Verde moved to the U.S. | |
322,Ethiopia,Ethiopia is an African country | |
323,Cape Verde,My friend wants to visit Cape Verde. | |
324,Hispanic,That new teacher is Hispanic. | |
327,Ethiopia,I once met a man from Ethiopia in an elevator. | |
330,Cameroon,I wonder what the primary export of Cameroon is. | |
331,Ethiopian,"Ethiopian people write in Ge'ez script, one of the oldest scripts still around." | |
333,Hispanic,I live next to an Hispanic family. | |
335,Cape Verde,Cape Verde is just around the bend. | |
337,Ethiopian,I love Ethiopian food. | |
339,Ethiopian,The Ethiopian had a jug. | |
340,Russian,Our new boss is Russian. | |
342,Ethiopia,Ethiopia is on the Northeast of Africa. | |
344,Crimean,The Crimean Peninsula has a coastline on the North Sea. | |
346,Ethiopian,Shane and Rachel are taking use to the new Ethiopian restaurant for dinner on Saturday. | |
348,Ghanaian,Ghanaian people are resilient. | |
349,Crimean,We visited the Crimean peninsula last month. | |
350,Hispanic,The Hispanic men were all getting off of work. | |
351,Afghanistan,He lives in Afghanistan. | |
352,Hispanic,The Hispanic man would only visit bodegas | |
353,Hispanic,His Hispanic background was a source of pride. | |
354,Hispanic,Hispanic people are Latin based. | |
356,Cameroon,Cameroon is a country in Central Africa. | |
359,Russian,The Russian set down his glass | |
360,Crimean,Yesterday i argued against the the crimean War. | |
362,Crimean,Many Crimeans immigrated to New York | |
364,Ethiopia,I had a friend that took a trip to Ethiopia. | |
367,Ghanaian,"They are Ghanaian, can't you see." | |
369,Ghanaian,My Ghanaian friend is sick today. | |
370,Russian,A Russian man went on a hike in the cold. | |
371,Ethiopia,Ethiopia is in the continent africa | |
372,Ethiopia,Ethiopia had a famine. | |
373,Ethiopian,I used Ethiopian airlines to travel to Africa | |
374,Crimean,The Crimean moved to a new city. | |
381,Ethiopia,From a geographical standpoint Ethiopia is a very interesting place. | |
382,Russian,Russian intelligence is like america's cia | |
384,Ghanaian,The Ghanaian is strong and comes from a good culture. | |
385,Hispanic,Hispanic people speak Spanish. | |
388,Cameroon,The Cameroon man was very hungry | |
389,Crimean,The Crimean War happened years ago | |
390,Ethiopian,I met a person who was an Ethiopian while I was at college. | |
391,Ghanaian,My kid's babysitter is Ghanaian. | |
394,Cape Verde,Cape Verde is an island | |
397,Afghanistan,I took a vacation to Afghanistan. | |
399,Cape Verde,Cape Verde had was full of people and buildings | |
401,Ethiopia,Ethiopia is in the Horn of Africa. | |
405,Ethiopian,The Ethiopian man went to the river. | |
407,Afghanistan,He was deployed to Afghanistan. | |
409,Cape Verde,Cape Verde is a lovely island holiday location. | |
410,Cameroon,Cameroon is a country in Africa. | |
412,Ethiopia,Ethiopia produces a lot of good athletes. | |
414,Ethiopia,Ethiopia is the birthplace for coffee | |
415,Ethiopian,My father is part Ethiopian. | |
417,Hispanic,Hispanic people live in a variety of places. | |
420,Cape Verde,Cape Verde is by Africa. | |
422,Ethiopia,My sister went on a trip to Ethiopia. | |
423,Cape Verde,He was originally from Cape Verde. | |
424,Ghanaian,The Ghanaian lives across the street. | |
426,Russian,My friend is Russian. | |
431,Cape Verde,Cape Verde is an island country off the coast of Africa. | |
433,Crimean,I used to have a Crimean friend. | |
434,Afghanistan,There is much controversy about Afghanistan.Such as their culture. | |
436,Ethiopia,My friend used to live in Ethiopia but now lives in the United States. | |
437,Ghanaian,My new roommate is Ghanaian. | |
440,Cameroon,I met someone from Cameroon. | |
443,Russian,There are a lot of Russians living outside of Russia | |
444,Ethiopian,She said that we should come out for Ethiopian food. | |
445,Ethiopia,The exchange student came from Ethiopia. | |
447,Cameroon,I would love to visit Cameroon someday in my lifetime! | |
449,Hispanic,I lived in a town with mostly hispanics. | |
450,Cape Verde,Cape Verde is an African Island | |
451,Ghanaian,The Ghanaian made his way across the country of Ghana to explore the terrain | |
457,Afghanistan,I read an article about Afghanistan today in the paper. | |
458,Russian,The Russian was a spy sent to locate the information. | |
460,Russian,In New York Brighton Beach is where all the Russians live | |
461,Ethiopia,Ethiopia has a large population. | |
462,Crimean,Fine Crimean wines were passed around. | |
463,Ghanaian,Ghanaian people live in Ghana | |
466,Crimean,I am uncertain where the Crimean is on the map. | |
468,Hispanic,The United States has a Hispanic minority. | |
469,Russian,Russian people use spy tactics for foreign relations. | |
475,Ethiopian,The Ethiopian boy woke up early in the morning. | |
476,Afghanistan,My cousin is from Afghanistan | |
477,Ghanaian,Ghanaian people are very hostile. | |
478,Afghanistan,Afghanistan is located in Asia | |
480,Cape Verde,Cape Verde is in Africa. | |
481,Crimean,He took the Crimean on a date. | |
484,Cape Verde,My friend just returned from a vacation in Cape Verde. | |
485,Afghanistan,The recent violence in Afghanistan has gained international attention. | |
486,Ethiopian,Ethiopian is one of places I've been to. | |
491,Crimean,The Crimean man was very unpleasant | |
492,Ethiopian,The Ethiopian man wandered along the lane. | |
493,Afghanistan,My cousin fought in the war in Afghanistan. | |
500,Cameroon,I met a man from Cameroon yesterday. | |
506,Russian,Russians speak the Russian language. | |
507,Afghanistan,This summer I will visit my uncle in Afghanistan | |
509,Ethiopian,The Ethiopian is going by. | |
512,Afghanistan,They heard they would be deployed to Afghanistan. | |
513,Crimean,The Crimean War is historically well known. | |
514,Eritrean,The Eritrean people come from nine tribes. | |
517,Britain,I would not trade him for all the tea in Britain. | |
518,Eriteria,"Believe it or not, Eriteria (an African country) is full of old Italian cathedrals." | |
519,Eritrean,The Eritrean sent a mass email to thousands of people | |
521,Italy,Italian food is at its best in Italy. | |
522,Syria,She is going to Syria very soon to visit her grandmother. | |
523,Britain,The best sandwich I had was in Britain | |
526,Ukrainian,The Ukrainian arranged a meeting. | |
527,African,The African man was riding the bus. | |
534,Ukrainian,The doctor is Ukrainian. | |
535,Iraq,Iraq is geographically larger than Iran. | |
537,Norway,I met a company of men from Norway | |
544,Japanese,The Japanese have invented many items of technology | |
548,Iraq,I visited iraq with my girlfriend | |
552,Syria,Syria is a well known area nowadays. | |
554,Columbian,Columbian coffee is in high demand. | |
555,Persian people,Persian people have great things | |
556,Spain,Spain is a country in Europe. | |
557,Ecuador,Ecuador is a beautiful place to live. | |
559,Bengali,Bengalis are natives of Africa. | |
560,Norway,This book is from Norway. | |
561,Sierra Leon,Sierra Leon used to be called Salone. | |
562,Ukrainian,Her friend is Ukrainian. | |
563,Syria,He lives in Syria. | |
564,Saudi Arabian,Saudi Arabian women have limited rights. | |
568,Ukrainian,The Ukrainian woman smiled up at me. | |
569,Italy,Italy cuisine has a rich cultural history. | |
571,African,The African continent has many diverse climates. | |
572,Arab,He is an Arab from the Middle East. | |
573,Eritrean,My friend from college is Eritrean. | |
574,Vietnam,Vietnam was a colony of France. | |
577,Eritrean,I met a woman who claimed to be a Eritrean. | |
578,Ecuador,Ecuador is a place in Central America. | |
579,Norway,Norway is way up north. | |
581,Italy,Our vacation in Italy was great. | |
582,Bengali,I met a new person at work from Bengali. | |
584,Vietnam,Vietnam is an interesting city. | |
585,Arab,The arab man is walking to work. | |
589,Eriteria,A man from Eriteria moved into the neighborhood. | |
590,Britain,Britain has been a cultural influence over the rest of the world for many years. | |
591,Iraq,The USA has had complicated relations with Iraq. | |
595,Somalia,Somalia was recently in the news. | |
596,Arab,I think that guy is an Arab. | |
600,Jordan,Jordan is a land with culture and resources. | |
601,Somalia,The temperatures in Somalia are mostly very hot. | |
605,Iranian,The Iranian people are traditionally Muslim. | |
610,Norway,For our vacation we will be going to norway | |
611,Spain,Spain is a fantastic tourist destination. | |
613,Bengali,Bengali has strong hindi and islamic traditions. | |
614,Iranian,Iranian people live inside the country of Iran. | |
616,Syria,Syria is a founding member of the United Nations. | |
620,Spain,Spain is a beautiful place. | |
623,Iranian,people from Iran are Iranian | |
626,Spain,I lived in Spain for a year. | |
627,Italy,"Italy contains Rome, which contains the Vatican." | |
631,Lebanon,NIck is from Lebanon. | |
632,Iranian,My Iranian friend went to the movies this past weekend with his partner. | |
633,Arab,Today there was an Arab man at the grocery store. | |
634,Arab,The Arab woman went to the market | |
635,Eriteria,Eriteria is an obscure country that no one knows about. | |
638,Ukrainian,I once had a roommate that was Ukrainian. | |
639,Saudi Arabian,She contacted the Saudi Arabian embassy. | |
641,Iraq,My daughter's teacher is from Iraq. | |
647,Spain,Spain has a lot of great architecture. | |
649,Eritrean,My friend is Eritrean. | |
651,African,The African continent is the second biggest on earth. | |
653,Italy,Italy is shaped like a boot. | |
655,Iraq,The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers are in the country of Iraq. | |
656,Iranian,Iranians are predominately Muslim | |
658,Morocco,Morocco is a country in Africa | |
660,Yemen,yemen is in the dessert | |
662,Columbian,The Columbian is a paper in Washington. | |
664,Ukrainian,Ukrainian is in Eastern Europe. | |
665,Italy,My friend is from Italy and we hang out sometimes. | |
667,Saudi Arabian,Saudi Arabian is in the middle east | |
669,Columbian,Columbian people are very hospitable. | |
672,Bangladesh,Some IT work has been outsourced to workers in Bangladesh. | |
674,Spain,Spain is in Europe. | |
676,Bengali,I had never heard Bengali before. | |
678,African,The African is walking by. | |
679,African,I love African people. | |
680,Vietnam,I have only heard things about Vietnam in movies. | |
683,Columbian,The Columbian lived across from us. | |
686,Ukrainian,The Ukrainian professor taught philosophy at the University. | |
687,Norway,My friend is from Norway. | |
688,Saudi Arabian,People of Saudi Arabian decent have roots in the Middle East. | |
689,Spain,Spain is in Europe. | |
691,Saudi Arabian,Saudi Arabian is in the middle east | |
692,Ukrainian,The food was Ukrainian. | |
696,Columbian,The Columbian kid took the bus to school. | |
697,African,african people are proud | |
702,Morocco,I visited Morocco last year. | |
704,Sierra Leon,Sierra Leone is in West Africa. | |
705,Jordan,The man from Jordan was at the supermarket. | |
708,Norweigan,I talked to a Norweigan man about the Avengers movies. | |
714,Yemen,The man said he came from Yemen. | |
715,Saudi Arabian,I know a guy who is Saudi Arabian. | |
716,Japanese,I had a teacher who was fascinated with the Japanese people. | |
718,Yemen,I love the food in Yemen | |
719,Morocco,Morocco would be beautiful to visit this time of year. | |
720,Morocco,Morocco's culture is largely based on Islam. | |
721,Lebanon,Lebanon is a country in the Middle East. | |
722,Spain,Spain has coastlines and different sectors. | |
723,Iraq,The ethnic group of Iraq is Mesopotamian Arabs. | |
724,Ecuador,Ecuador was on the way to our destination | |
725,Italy,Italy was chosen as the place for our honeymoon. | |
726,Ukrainian,I have a blind date with a Ukrainian woman tonight. | |
729,African,African clothes are so festive. | |
730,African,An African is a person who is born in Africa | |
731,Morocco,Morocco was beautiful in the winter | |
733,Morocco,Morocco is a country. | |
735,Ecuador,Ecuador is close to the equator and very hot. | |
738,Syria,One of Barack Obama's last controversies as president had to do with Syria. | |
743,Britain,Britain is the home of many rock bands and unique cuisine. | |
744,Vietnam,The cook was from Vietnam. | |
750,Persian people,Persian people are always dressed well | |
751,Iraq,Iraq is a country. | |
752,Saudi Arabian,Saudi Arabian princes are the wealthiest in the world. | |
754,Arab,I eat a lot of arab food | |
755,Jordan,He was born in Jordan thirty years ago. | |
756,Italy,Italy has many cathedrals. | |
757,Bangladesh,They are from Bangladesh. | |
759,Vietnam,Mary is staying in Vietnam. | |
761,Spain,Spain has a stable economy. | |
762,Eriteria,Today in class we learned about Eriteria. | |
763,Britain,Britain has been involved in wars in the past. | |
764,Bangladesh,I've never been to Bangladesh. | |
765,Sierra Leon,The newspaper spoke about the Sierra Leon. | |
767,Sierra Leon,Sierra Leon is located in Africa | |
768,Italy,My friend studied abroad in Italy. | |
772,Morocco,I visited Morocco on vacation. | |
774,African,I would love to go on a safari trip to Africa and become an African. | |
777,Lebanon,lebanon is a nice place to visit | |
780,Saudi Arabian,Saudi Arabian people are lavish. | |
781,Eriteria,Eriteria was colonized by Europeans. | |
786,Vietnam,Many different people live in Vietnam. | |
790,Yemen,I hope that the Yemen people are safe from war. | |
792,Arab,An Arab man attended university in the U.S. | |
793,Britain,Britain is one of those countries everyone should visit. | |
794,Eritrean,We once had an Eritrean nanny | |
797,Ukrainian,The Ukrainian border was busted | |
801,Bangladesh,My cousin is from Bangladesh. | |
805,Bengali,I met a Bengali man at the supermarket today. | |
807,Saudi Arabian,The Saudi Arabian government attended the summit. | |
808,Italy,Many notable opera singers were born in Italy. | |
809,African,My friend is African. | |
810,Italy,Our family friends just moved to Italy. | |
811,Syria,Lots of refugees from Syria arrived today. | |
814,Somalia,I learned about Somalia in school today. | |
815,Syria,There are more displaced people from the troubles in Syria than in any other country in the world | |
821,Ukrainian,Ukrainian people are very nice to visit. | |
827,Norway,My relatives come from Norway. | |
828,Japanese,My boss is Japanese. | |
831,Iraq,He's from Iraq. | |
837,Morocco,Morocco is a country. | |
841,Somalia,Somalia is on the east coast of Africa. | |
843,Japanese,The Japanese man entered the restaurant. | |
844,Norweigan,My friend once boarded the Norweigan cruise! | |
845,Syria,I would never travel to Syria. | |
849,Britain,Britain is an old empire. | |
851,Morocco,They got off the plane in Morocco. | |
853,Saudi Arabian,I have a friend who is Saudi Arabian | |
858,Japanese,The Japanese have great native foods. | |
859,African,The African people gathered around the fire. | |
862,Syria,The article mentioned a traveller from Syria. | |
866,Yemen,We have learned many things about Yemen in school. | |
871,Lebanon,I endorse Lebanon. | |
872,Somalia,I don't know much about Somalia. | |
875,Britain,A queen is the head of state in Britain. | |
878,Norweigan,The Norweigan people are kind. | |
884,Britain,United States is not part of Britain. | |
886,Norway,I would like to visit Norway some day. | |
888,Saudi Arabian,The Saudi Arabian visited the casino but saw beggars outside. | |
889,Eritrean,My best friend is from Eritrean. | |
894,Lebanon,"Lebanon is one of countries on my list, where I would like to go." | |
898,Iraq,I'm going to visit Iraq. | |
901,Norweigan,My sister-in-law is Norweigan. | |
907,Vietnam,Vietnam is mostly jungle. | |
908,Morocco,My sister went to Morocco with an overseas program in college. | |
909,Arab,The students are all Arab. | |
910,Somalia,I'm thinking of going to Somalia. | |
911,Yemen,"Yemen is known for its vast, desert landscape and picturesque coastal waterways." | |
914,Ecuador,I stayed with a family in Ecuador. | |
916,Vietnam,Vietnam is where one of the major wars took place. | |
918,Arab,A group of people from the Arab region. | |
921,Bangladesh,My friend visited Bangladesh last year. | |
922,Bangladesh,I've never been to Bangladesh | |
924,Yemen,The small nation of Yemen has been in the news lately. | |
929,Sierra Leon,They finally arrived in a small town in Sierra Leon. | |
930,Ecuador,Ecuador has a hot climate all year round. | |
935,Morocco,I visited Morocco in Africa. | |
936,African,The African continent is very large and very poor | |
937,Britain,My cousin just moved to Great Britain. | |
938,Vietnam,My brother taught in Vietnam. | |
939,Jordan,Susie's family is from Jordan. | |
940,Bangladesh,Bangladesh was once part of India. | |
941,Iranian,We ate at an Iranian restaurant yesterday. | |
942,Saudi Arabian,Saudi Arabian people live in the Middle East | |
943,Saudi Arabian,Did he say he was Saudi Arabian? | |
944,Norweigan,I talked to a man who was Norweigan today. | |
946,Bangladesh,I took a trip to Bangladesh. | |
947,Japanese,We have a new Japanese student in our class. | |
948,African,Many people come from the African continent | |
950,Eritrean,I met a girl who was Eritrean. | |
952,Vietnam,My mother went to school with girl from Vietnam | |
954,Iraq,The man from Iraq immigrated to the U.S. | |
955,Bangladesh,The child was from Bangladesh. | |
956,Saudi Arabian,Saudi Arabian is an oil rich country. | |
958,Columbian,I went to school with a Columbian man. | |
959,Norway,My friend is from Norway and I go to visit him sometimes. | |
963,Vietnam,Vietnam enjoys a long and scenic coastline. | |
965,Yemen,I went to the Yemen | |
966,Vietnam,Vietnam has great food | |
968,Vietnam,My husband served in the Navy and spent time in VietNam. | |
969,Iraq,Iraq likes to harbor great products in the middle east. | |
971,Vietnam,Vietnam food is so good to eat. | |
972,Somalia,My friend is from Somalia and we hang out sometimes. | |
975,Italy,We went to Italy over the summer. | |
976,Eriteria,I wonder if any on our flight will be from Eriteria. | |
977,Syria,The man from Syria helped me with the flat tire. | |
982,Ecuador,Ecuador has a very high index of poverty. | |
983,Norweigan,There are many Norweigan men at the bar | |
986,Arab,The winner of the lottery this year was an Arab. | |
987,Ukrainian,I met some Ukrainian people at the fair. | |
988,Saudi Arabian,The Saudi Arabian man had a wife and two kids | |
989,Arab,The Arab man was counting his coins. | |
991,Japanese,The Japanese man dressed well. | |
992,Iraq,Iraq is a country in the Middle East. | |
994,Eriteria,Their textbook briefly discussed Eriteria. | |
997,Ukrainian,She is a Ukrainian model. | |
1000,Britain,I studied in Britain last Summer. | |
1002,Bangladesh,Bangladesh is a country few people know about. | |
1004,Japanese,The Japanese woman was sitting in her home. | |
1006,Somalia,The African country of Somalia intrigued the students. | |
1009,Lebanon,Lebanon is a torn up country. | |
1010,Iraq,The older women were from Iraq. | |
1011,Italy,My cousin is visiting from Italy. | |
1014,Iranian,Yesterday we ate an Iranian restaurant. | |
1015,Jordan,Jordan is an Arab kingdom in Western Asia. | |
1018,Bangladesh,Bangladesh is located next to India | |
1020,Persian people,Persian people have always enjoyed a rich culture and history. | |
1021,Lebanon,Lebanon is a hotbed of terrorist activity. | |
1025,Japanese,Japanese have small eyets | |
1026,Yemen,yemen is a nice place | |
1029,Jordan,Jordan is my bestfriend. | |
1030,Iranian,An Iranian family moved in next door. | |
1031,Italy,Italy has practiced a particular cuisine for centuries | |
1032,Iraq,The Iraq War was enforced by Neo-Liberal warmongers | |
1035,Norweigan,My father is Norweigan because his mother was also. | |
1036,Morocco,morocco is a nice place to visit | |
1037,Eriteria,Eriteria is located in East Africa. | |
1040,Bengali,"As a RA, my floor had two students on it from Bengali" | |
1042,Eritrean,The Nera people are Eritrean. | |
1048,Ecuador,I will be attending a business trip to Ecuador. | |
1051,Saudi Arabian,A Saudi Arabian lives next door. | |
1053,Italy,I have been to Italy 2 years ago. | |
1054,Norweigan,Norweigan culture is interesting. | |
1057,Vietnam,Vietnam has some very nice jungles. | |
1058,Ecuador,ecuador has soccer players | |
1060,Morocco,Morocco is located in Northern Africa. | |
1061,Sierra Leon,Sierra Leon is in Africa. | |
1063,Norway,My dentist is from Norway. | |
1067,Jordan,Jordan is an Arab country in Asia. | |
1068,Ukrainian,Ukrainian women are beautiful. | |
1074,Eriteria,Very few people have been to Eriteria. | |
1077,Bengali,I had a teacher that was Bengali. | |
1078,African,That is a large African swan if I do say so my self. | |
1080,Sierra Leon,Sierra Leon is located in western africa | |
1084,Bengali,My roommate is Bengali. | |
1086,Vietnam,I live in Vietnam. | |
1088,Bengali,They are Bengali people. | |
1091,Sierra Leon,Sierra Leon is a great place. | |
1092,Persian people,Persian people have migrated to the U.S. | |
1093,Jordan,Jordan has a history of complicated politics. | |
1094,Eriteria,Asmara is the capital city of Eriteria. | |
1095,Italy,Italy is a big destination for tourists. | |
1098,Norway,Norway has many mythological stories. | |
1102,Arab,My cousin's neighbor is an Arab. | |
1104,Morocco,Morocco produces a lot of good spices. | |
1107,Iranian,Iranian is the spoken language of Iran. | |
1108,Jordan,Jordan used to be in the news all the time. | |
1109,Bengali,The Bengali tiger is an endangered species. | |
1112,Vietnam,My little boy is from Vietnam. | |
1113,Somalia,One of my friends visited Somalia. | |
1115,Persian people,Persian people often begin working at 17 years old. | |
1117,Vietnam,Vietnam is in China. | |
1119,Ecuador,My friend was born in Ecuador. | |
1120,Persian people,Persian people are nice and they help people. | |
1123,Yemen,The Yemen man is a smooth talker. | |
1125,Jordan,I had a person from Jordan in my math class. | |
1126,Japanese,My best friend is Japanese | |
1128,Somalia,Somalia is an African nation | |
1131,African,The African man entered the road. | |
1135,Jordan,Jordan is where the child is from. | |
1136,Japanese,My best friend is Japanese. | |
1141,Somalia,Somalia has had some very hard times in the past. | |
1142,Britain,He is going to Britain on his honeymoon. | |
1143,African,The African savanna is hot. | |
1150,Iranian,There was an Iranian woman in the news last week. | |
1151,Ecuador,Ecuador is populated by poor people. | |
1152,Britain,The woman stayed with a host family in Britain. | |
1153,Ukrainian,The Ukrainian immigrant found his new country cozy. | |
1155,Yemen,They arrived on the plane from Yemen. | |
1157,Britain,Britain is a nice place to visit. | |
1159,Jordan,My friend is from Jordan and we hand out sometimes. | |
1160,Eriteria,I met a girl from Eriteria. | |
1162,Iranian,Iranians are suppressed people. | |
1164,Sierra Leon,Sierra Leon produces a lot of good wealth in Africa mining. | |
1167,Morocco,I know several cooks from Morocco. | |
1168,Syria,Syria is in trouble. | |
1172,Norweigan,The Norweigan people travel all over Europe. | |
1173,Spain,I'm going to visit Spain. | |
1178,Syria,Syria has been in the news a great deal. | |
1180,Lebanon,I would like to visit Lebanon some day. | |
1182,Somalia,Somalia borders Ethiopia and Kenya. | |
1183,Lebanon,Lebanon is a small country | |
1186,African,His employee is African | |
1189,Persian people,There are many Persian people in New York. | |
1193,Italy,My honeymoon is going to be in Italy. | |
1195,African,A lot of my coworkers are African. | |
1199,Norway,Norway is a popular travel destination | |
1205,Britain,Britain is in Europe. | |
1206,Columbian,The Columbian knew his way around. | |
1207,Sierra Leon,Sierra Leon has an amazing coastline | |
1208,Iranian,Iranian food is supposed to be fantastic. | |
1210,Britain,Britain has relations with America. | |
1211,Saudi Arabian,I heard another passenger on our plane is Saudi Arabian. | |
1212,Sierra Leon,Sierra Leon is a beautiful vacation destination. | |
1213,Italy,Italy has some of the best pasta in the world. | |
1214,Britain,Britain is an island nation | |
1215,Somalia,Somalia is located in Africa | |
1219,Japanese,I am taking classes to learn Japanese. | |
1220,Eriteria,Most people have never heard of Eriteria. | |
1222,Sierra Leon,I heard her teacher is from Sierra Leon. | |
1224,Arab,The Arab children learned a lot from their parents. | |
1227,Norway,"Norway is a small country, near Denmark." | |
1228,Somalia,Somalia is a very dangerous place to visit. | |
1230,Jordan,They speak Arabic in Jordan. | |
1233,Eritrean,Our cab driver was Eritrean. | |
1235,Ecuador,My new teacher is from Ecuador. | |
1238,Vietnam,I have been to Vietnam last year. | |
1245,Iranian,The Iranian man ran for city council. | |
1246,Bangladesh,Bangladesh is a country | |
1247,Eritrean,Eritrean people live on Eritrea which is home to the Hanish Islands. | |
1249,Ecuador,The woman who lives in the house on the corner is from Ecuador. | |
1250,Morocco,We are planning a vacation to Morocco. | |
1252,Iranian,The Iranian came to class. | |
1254,Persian people,Persian people are from Iran | |
1256,Columbian,The coffee he drank was Columbian. | |
1259,Japanese,"I absolutely adore Japanese food, despite the fact that it uses sesame oil a lot, and I'm allergic!" | |
1260,Lebanon,Lebanon is a country next to Israel. | |
1261,Columbian,Columbian people live in south america. | |
1262,Norweigan,Norweigan food relies heavily on seafood. | |
1265,Iranian,The Iranian woman is going grocery shopping. | |
1273,Saudi Arabian,The Saudi Arabian man entered the restaurant. | |
1274,Iraq,He left Iraq at a young age. | |
1275,Bangladesh,I went to Bangladesh last week. | |
1278,Japanese,Samurai are part of the Japanese culture. | |
1281,Bengali,My Bengali teacher went outside. | |
1283,Lebanon,My brother in law is from Lebanon. | |
1284,Norweigan,"That doctor is Norweigan, sometimes spelled Norwegian." | |
1285,Yemen,I may travel to Yemen. | |
1287,Ecuador,The man from Ecuador moved to the U.S. | |
1289,African,Black people can be of African descent | |
1290,Bengali,She speaks Bengali. | |
1297,Norway,She visited Norway several years ago. | |
1298,Bangladesh,Bangladesh is a South Asian country. | |
1301,Eriteria,Eriteria is located in Africa | |
1302,Lebanon,Lebanon is a country that borders Syria. | |
1303,Vietnam,I introduced my boyfriend from Vietnam to my father. | |
1304,Iranian,They were all of Iranian descent. | |
1308,Eritrean,Eritrean is a south coast african country | |
1310,Somalia,My wife and I visited Somalia a few months ago. | |
1314,Lebanon,Is Lebanon hot and airy? | |
1323,Persian people,There are a lot of Persian people living in that neighborhood. | |
1326,Eriteria,nobody has ever heard of Eriteria | |
1327,Iraq,Iraq is a desert country. | |
1330,Sierra Leon,Sierra Leon has beaches. | |
1333,Columbian,A proportion of the people who live in South America are Columbian. | |
1334,Italy,"The Pope lives in Rome, which is in Italy." | |
1335,Syria,I saw a picture of a child from Syria. | |
1336,Columbian,Sue girlfriend is Columbian. | |
1337,Iraq,Iraq would be a difficult place to live. | |
1339,Eritrean,Eritrean folk come from a country in East Africa. | |
1343,Sierra Leon,Liberia is on the border of Sierra Leon. | |
1344,Ukrainian,Nowadays it seems like a lot of billionaires are Ukrainian. | |
1345,Iranian,Iranians come from the Persian gulf. | |
1346,Japanese,Japanese culture believes that everything can be repaired or rescued and has a purpose. | |
1352,Iraq,I know someone from Iraq. | |
1354,Arab,The Arab man walked onto the airplane. | |
1357,Spain,I went on a cruise to Spain. | |
1358,Ukrainian,I know several people who are Ukrainian. | |
1365,Bangladesh,Bangladesh is in Asia. | |
1370,Spain,Spain was the homeland missed by the man. | |
1372,African,We met an African in the town. | |
1373,Somalia,I have never been to Somalia. | |
1374,Eriteria,I met a woman from Eriteria. | |
1378,Bangladesh,The lady on the train is from Bangladesh. | |
1379,Norweigan,The Norweigan people like to keep their personal space. | |
1380,Jordan,I have met a lot of people form Jordan at my new job. | |
1383,Lebanon,Lebanon is in a war | |
1386,Syria,Syria is a country with a rich history. | |
1387,Ukrainian,My brother married a woman who is Ukrainian. | |
1396,Italy,Italy is one of the top vacation destinations in the world. | |
1400,Persian people,The persian people that live in my neighborhood brought me a dish of food to welcome me to the neighborhood. | |
1401,Eritrean,"Eritreans live in Eritrea, an arid North African country." | |
1406,Eritrean,We have a new Eritrean student in our class. | |
1407,Somalia,Somalia is a country near the coast of East Africa. | |
1408,Somalia,The man from Somalia was grateful to his new homeland. | |
1410,Columbian,I talked to the Columbian in the elevator. | |
1413,Eriteria,"Eriteria, located in a desert depression, is barren and has a punishing climate." | |
1416,Bengali,I met a set of twins who claimed to be Bengali. | |
1417,Bengali,bengali food is served around the world | |
1422,Saudi Arabian,The Saudi Arabian works nearby. | |
1430,Saudi Arabian,Saudi Arabian people occupy one of the largest undemocratic countries in the middle east | |
1431,Jordan,Jordan is where three continents intersect. | |
1433,Eriteria,I have been to Eriteria. | |
1436,Morocco,Morocco is a lovely city | |
1440,Britain,Britain is in Eurpoe | |
1441,Sierra Leon,I found Sierra Leon on a map. | |
1443,Vietnam,I went to Vietnam on my honeymoon. | |
1445,Somalia,Somalia contains a large coastline on the Eastern side of Africa. | |
1446,Ecuador,I heard his cousin lives in Ecuador. | |
1447,Vietnam,The owner of this new restaurant in town is from Vietnam. | |
1449,Ecuador,My mother is from Ecuador | |
1450,Yemen,Yemen is not doing so well in the world. | |
1454,Syria,Syria is a country in the Middle East. | |
1455,Bengali,have you ever been to Bengali? | |
1468,Sierra Leon,Sierra Leon is located in West Africa. | |
1471,Iraq,Iraq has many famous archaeological sites. | |
1472,Vietnam,Vietnam food is good. | |
1474,Spain,Spain is in located near Europe I think. | |
1483,Sierra Leon,Freetown is the capital of Sierra Leon. | |
1484,Eritrean,my neighbor is Eritrean | |
1487,Yemen,My favorite food is from Yemen. | |
1488,African,The African jungle was a beautiful place. | |
1501,Norweigan,Norweigan vessels pay the highest salary among all. | |
1503,Norweigan,norweigans are cool people | |
1504,Yemen,Are those the people from Yemen? | |
1507,Persian people,The Persian people are all talking together in a room. | |
1511,Lebanon,He travelled from Lebanon. | |
1512,Ecuador,Ecuador is close to the center of the earth. | |
1516,Persian people,I don't know very many Persian people. | |
1518,Eritrean,I bought a piece of Eritrean art. | |
1519,Persian people,Persian people are well known in history. | |
1520,Lebanon,The capitol of Lebanon is Beirut. | |
1521,Ukrainian,The Ukrainian is at the store. | |
1523,Lebanon,My father is from Lebanon. | |
1525,Britain,Britain is wonderful place to visit | |
1526,Morocco,Morocco is her dream destination. | |
1529,Arab,I saw an Arab man at the airport yesterday. | |
1531,Spain,Spain is a country that many people visit. | |
1532,Persian people,Persian people are the best. | |
1533,African,The new African family down the street invited us over. | |
1535,Ecuador,I have friends from Ecuador. | |
1538,Sierra Leon,Sierra Leon is a place in the Western part of Africa. | |
1539,Eritrean,Eritrean people have jobs. | |
1540,Jordan,"An ancient country of the Near East, Jordan has many riches." | |
1542,Spain,Spain is a cool country. | |
1546,Britain,We went to Britain to see my lost family. | |
1548,Jordan,Jordan shares a boarder with Israel. | |
1550,Italy,Italy is a country in Europe. | |
1551,Japanese,A visit to the Japanese islands is very memorable. | |
1552,Ukrainian,ukrainian people are wonderful people | |
1557,Yemen,Yemen is a middle-eastern country | |
1558,Columbian,The Columbian man walked into the bar to greet his friends. | |
1559,Saudi Arabian,My neighbor is Saudi Arabian. | |
1562,Iraq,Iraq is someplace I would love to visit someday. | |
1563,Somalia,I went to Somalia to visit my aunt. | |
1565,Iraq,I don't hear about Iraq that much. | |
1567,Bengali,A Bengali family has moved into the empty house in our neighbourhood. | |
1572,Bangladesh,I watched a plane take off heading for Bangladesh. | |
1575,Bangladesh,Bangladesh exports a lot of garments. | |
1580,Arab,I've always enjoyed Arab entertainment. | |
1581,Iranian,The iranian people are steeped in culture. | |
1584,Iranian,The Iranian man left the room. | |
1588,Persian people,At the mall food court we saw a family of Persian people eating. | |
1590,Britain,Britain is a country | |
1591,Syria,My neighborhood is a new place for Syrian refugees. | |
1593,Vietnam,We ate at a restaurant that served food from Vietnam. | |
1597,Spain,My friend is from Spain and is sometimes a cool person. | |
1600,Bangladesh,Bangladesh is a country in South Asia. | |
1604,Columbian,Columbians are portrayed as having tan skin and dark curly hair | |
1605,Sierra Leon,Sierra Leon is actually called the Republic of Sierra Leon. | |
1608,Saudi Arabian,Saudi Arabians are a very religious and oil-rich people with a passion for automobiles. | |
1610,Columbian,That's the Columbian actress. | |
1611,Yemen,Yemen is a beautiful country in the middle east | |
1612,Norweigan,I like Norweigan food. | |
1615,Arab,many arabs are muslim | |
1618,Vietnam,Many people were deployed to Vietnam during the war | |
1620,Columbian,The person who sits next to me is Columbian. | |
1621,Iranian,I know a barber who is Iranian. | |
1623,Persian people,I have seen a lot of persian people | |
1625,Japanese,Japanese people are kind and honest. | |
1626,Yemen,Yemen is a mostly Muslim country. | |
1631,Sierra Leon,I've heard a lot about Sierra Leon. | |
1632,Morocco,A man from Morocco moving away from his neighborhood. | |
1633,Britain,Britain has its own island | |
1637,Lebanon,Lebanon is a country in Western Asia. | |
1638,Spain,Spain has good weather. | |
1639,Persian people,My dad has to work with Persian people. | |
1640,Ukrainian,I met a Ukrainian girl at the club. | |
1642,Iranian,The Iranian strapped a bomb to his chest | |
1649,Japanese,The Japanese garden had low hanging pots full of lush greens. | |
1653,African,I have an African man for a professor. | |
1655,Ukrainian,My teacher is Ukrainian. | |
1659,Eritrean,The Eritrean walked down the lane. | |
1660,Eriteria,Eriteria is a place in Africa. | |
1662,Britain,Britain is a part of the United Kingdom | |
1663,Ecuador,Ecuador is a great country. | |
1664,Persian people,There is a whole room full of Persian people there for the wedding. | |
1665,Bengali,Bengali tigers are beautiful. | |
1668,Syria,Syria is north of Israel. | |
1670,Bangladesh,Bangladesh is a country in India. | |
1674,Yemen,Yemen is located on the Arabian Peninsula. | |
1676,Ukrainian,my best friend is Ukrainian | |
1678,Bengali,Bengali is far from the United States | |
1681,Morocco,I went to Morocco last year. | |
1683,Norweigan,Norweigans live in Europe. | |
1691,Bangladesh,The man from Bangladesh attended college. | |
1692,Yemen,The country of Yemen has a rich history that I learned in school. | |
1694,Syria,The people from Syria are stuck in the middle east. | |
1695,Italy,italy is in europe | |
1699,Japanese,The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor | |
1702,Vietnam,Vietnam reminds me of the war | |
1703,Columbian,Columbian people are known for selling drugs. | |
1705,Jordan,I'm moving to Jordan to be with my fiance. | |
1708,Persian people,Persian people have a rich culture | |
1710,Eritrean,The Eritrean people live in a difficult area of Africa and are a quiet people. | |
1711,Ecuador,Ecuador has the best beaches in South America. | |
1713,Ukrainian,I had an Ukrainian roommate once. | |
1716,Eriteria,Eriteria has a bad economy | |
1718,Norweigan,The Norweigan man entered the restaurant. | |
1719,Spain,I visited Spain on vacation. | |
1720,Eriteria,Eriteria is an East African country. | |
1722,Morocco,Morocco is in Africa | |
1723,Arab,Arab countries are usually ran by dictators. | |
1725,Columbian,Columbian people live south of Canada. | |
1727,Ukrainian,I used to date a Ukrainian girl. | |
1728,Syria,Syria is located in western Asia. | |
1731,Eritrean,The Eritrean man walked down the sidewalk | |
1735,Iraq,One story in today's newspaper was about Iraq. | |
1736,Yemen,Is Yemen a good city to vacation to? | |
1738,Bengali,Bengali people have been more affected by climate change than many other nationalities. | |
1740,Lebanon,I could visit Lebanon. | |
1743,Vietnam,There are a lot of people in Vietnam. | |
1744,Jordan,He goes to Jordan next month. | |
1745,Columbian,The Columbian man went to his favorite restaurant. | |
1751,Syria,I think that those refugees are from Syria. | |
1758,Italy,Rome is the capital of Italy. | |
1761,Arab,"Today, I sat next to a man of Arab descent on the train." | |
1763,Iraq,I did 3 tours in Iraq. | |
1765,Yemen,my town has a lot of people from yemen | |
1766,Jordan,"Though I've never been there, Jordan promised to be exciting." | |
1767,Norway,Norway has a lot of water in it. | |
1769,Lebanon,I have never traveled to Lebanon. | |
1770,Persian people,The Persian people gathered for a party. | |
1771,Morocco,"In Morocco, there are deserts." | |
1772,Sierra Leon,The Sierra Leon people gathered in the middle of the city | |
1775,Norweigan,Vikings were technically Norweigan. | |
1779,Ukrainian,The Ukrainian did not know where he was | |
1782,Norway,Norway is full of mountains. | |
1783,Japanese,The Japanese family arrived on the island of Oahu. | |
1786,Bengali,The Bengali woman opened the door. | |
1789,Norweigan,A Norweigan won the tennis tournament in Hawaii. | |
1793,Britain,britain is where my ancestors are from. | |
1794,Bangladesh,I went to Bangladesh on vacation. | |
1795,Norway,I took a cruise through parts of Norway. | |
1796,Persian people,There was a group of Persian people at the lecture. | |
1798,Saudi Arabian,We met the Saudi Arabian family while at the market. | |
1799,Persian people,My church is full of Persian people. | |
1800,Persian people,The Persian people are an ethnic group that predominately speaks Farsi. | |
1801,Norweigan,The Norweigan Winter Olympic team was very successful. | |
1802,Lebanon,My father is from Lebanon. | |
1805,Japanese,That woman is Japanese. | |
1806,Syria,I heard about Syria in the news. | |
1810,Ecuador,Ecuador is a country located near the equator. | |
1812,Somalia,There were many reports from Somalia. | |
1813,African,Africans live in africa | |
1815,Ecuador,ecuador is pretty wide open | |
1816,Columbian,The Columbian student adjusted to university life in the U.S. | |
1818,Spain,Spain is a place full of many beaches. | |
1819,Iranian,Iranians follow arabic law | |
1820,Jordan,Jordan is a country located in Asia. | |
1822,Eritrean,I enjoy food that is Eritrean. | |
1824,Bengali,The Bengali magazine was sold at the corner stand. | |
1825,Bangladesh,Bangladesh is overpopulated like India. | |
1829,Spain,My sister knows several women from Spain. | |
1830,Norweigan,Norweigan fisherman are friends. | |
1833,Morocco,The couple went to Morocco. | |
1835,Yemen,"Yemen is 527,970 square kilometres big." | |
1836,Yemen,Yemen is an oil exporting country. | |
1837,Morocco,Morocco is not a place many people get to visit. | |
1839,Iraq,Iraq has some deserts. | |
1841,Italy,Italy uses the euro | |
1843,Arab,The Arab man went to the restaurant with his wife. | |
1844,Persian people,the Persian people invented maths and money | |
1845,Iraq,Iraq is a country located in the Middle East. | |
1848,Iranian,Iranians reside in the middle east. | |
1849,Ukrainian,My Ukrainian friend lived in Crimea. | |
1850,Japanese,The Japanese imperialist society was a model of the feudal past and still lives on in vivid stories. | |
1851,Ecuador,In TLC's 90 DAY FIANCE one of the couples was from Ecuador. | |
1852,Sierra Leon,The country of Sierra Leon is known for diamonds | |
1853,Syria,There was lots of news about Syria. | |
1856,Eriteria,Eriteria had the police station in the middle of the city | |
1858,Italy,Italy is a country in Europe | |
1861,Iraq,There has been war in Iraq for a long time. | |
1863,Eritrean,"Eritrean people come from Eritrea which borders Ethiopia, Sudan, and Djibouti." | |
1864,Italy,Italy is a country in Europe. | |
1866,African,Many of my schoolmates are of African descent. | |
1867,Italy,Italy is a popular destination | |
1868,Somalia,Somalia is a beautiful country. | |
1869,Eriteria,Eriteria is key shaped | |
1870,Vietnam,Our neighbors are from Vietnam. | |
1873,Bengali,The Bengali women came into the store. | |
1875,Jordan,Jordan is the most liberal muslim country in the middle east | |
1880,Syria,Syria has been bedeviled by civil war for many years. | |
1881,Iraq,Iraq has had a lot of powerful leaders. | |
1882,Lebanon,Lebanon is near Isreal | |
1885,Yemen,The new person next door is from Yemen. | |
1886,Arab,The Arab was acting suspicious in the airport | |
1888,Eritrean,Eritrean people are interesting. | |
1889,Lebanon,Lebanon is a rural country. | |
1891,Spain,Have you ever been to Spain? | |
1895,Somalia,My neighbor lived in somalia for one year. | |
1899,Iraq,Iraq is a country in the middle east | |
1901,Columbian,There are many Columbian immigrants in the United States. | |
1902,Eritrean,We spoke with the Eritrean people. | |
1903,Lebanon,We visited Lebanon last month during our trip. | |
1904,Ecuador,Ecuador is a country in South America. | |
1905,Jordan,The princess of Jordan is a very beautiful woman. | |
1906,Sierra Leon,sierra leon is a horrible auto response app | |
1910,Norweigan,The Norweigan climate is cold and snowy. | |
1915,African,The African shop on the corner is having a big sale. | |
1916,Britain,The man from Britain moved to New York. | |
1917,Lebanon,Lebanon is also known as the Labonese Republic. | |
1918,Arab,There are Arab people at this party. | |
1921,Bengali,Bengali is not a type of cat. | |
1924,Norweigan,Her norweigan accent was both playful and intense at the same time. | |
1926,Iraq,Iraq is a country steeped in history to the dawn of man. | |
1930,Sierra Leon,Sierra Leon is located in West Africa | |
1931,Syria,A lot of people are talking about the country of Syria lately. | |
1932,Arab,Many Uber drivers are of Arab descent. | |
1933,Norweigan,Norweigan people look very much like Swedish people. | |
1936,Norway,"In Norway, one can find many different types of people." | |
1937,Sierra Leon,We are going to Sierra Leon. | |
1943,Arab,I have an close Arab friend. | |
1944,Morocco,My dentist is from Morocco. | |
1945,Persian people,Persian People are soccer players | |
1947,Norway,The couple went to Norway. | |
1948,Jordan,The Jordan river is often mentioned in Christianity. | |
1950,Eritrean,eritreans love to cook and eat food | |
1953,Morocco,Morocco is a country in Africa. | |
1960,Somalia,Somalia is a country in Africa | |
1961,Spain,In Spain many people participate in the running of the bulls. | |
1966,Norway,My husband is from Norway. | |
1968,Britain,Britain has a quen and king | |
1969,Bengali,Bengali has a variety of people living their. | |
1970,Sierra Leon,"The word Sierra Leone is missing an ""e""." | |
1971,Syria,The last leg of the flight into Syria was bumpy. | |
1974,Jordan,The plane landed in Jordan this morning. | |
1975,Persian people,Persian people were in line next to me. | |
1977,Persian people,I heard this neighborhood has a lot of Persian people living here. | |
1981,Bangladesh,Her roommate was from Bangladesh | |
1984,Somalia,Somalia is bordered by Ethiopia to the west. | |
1986,Iranian,the man may be Iranian. | |
1987,Eritrean,The Eritrean man moved into a white neighborhood. | |
1988,Columbian,Charles' new girlfriend is Columbian. | |
1989,Somalia,Somalia is located in South Africa. | |
1992,Lebanon,Lebanon is famous for its Mediterranean cuisine such as lamb roasts and pita bread. | |
1993,Iranian,I stood next to an Iranian while waiting in line at the bank. | |
1999,African,African cuisine is a diverse cuisine. | |
2000,Norweigan,Norweigan people sometimes like to fish in the ocean. | |
2001,Britain,My new students are Britain. | |
2002,Arab,Arab is general description. | |
2004,Bangladesh,Bangladesh is a nation in Asia with hundreds of millions of people. | |
2011,African,African countries got together to plant trees. | |
2013,Columbian,Columbians grow many crops in their country. | |
2015,Iranian,Iranian people live in Iran. | |
2017,Syria,Syria is in the news a lot. | |
2018,Saudi Arabian,Saudi Arabians derive their wealth from oil reserves | |
2020,Arab,The Arab man was having a conversation with his wife. | |
2026,Columbian,All the columbians that I have met are fun and full of life | |
2027,Saudi Arabian,The Saudi Arabian is from the Middle East. | |
2029,Yemen,Yemen is a country in the middle east | |
2030,Sierra Leon,Sierra Leone is named after an explorer. | |
2032,Italy,In Italy many people live in harmony. | |
2042,Ecuador,Ecuador is in South America. | |
2047,Spain,I went on a cruise to Spain | |
2048,Iraq,Iraq is a small nation. | |
2052,Columbian,My coffee brand is from the U.S. and I drink Columbian coffee. | |
2054,Yemen,yemen is far away | |
2063,Jordan,Jordan is found in the Middle East. | |
2064,Somalia,My best friend was born in Somalia. | |
2065,Saudi Arabian,On my overseas trip I met a Saudi Arabian man at my hotel. | |
2066,Norway,Norway has a fierce rivalry with Sweden. | |
2067,African,the african came here | |
2071,Britain,He got off the flight from Britain. | |
2073,Sierra Leon,Sierra Leon has beautiful beaches. | |
2074,Italy,I would like to visit Italy. | |
2077,Yemen,Yemen is a country in the middle east. | |
2078,African,The African continent is vast. | |
2079,Britain,Britain is a country that is across the pond from America. | |
2081,Japanese,japanese food is served around the world | |
2083,Vietnam,There was a war with Vietnam. | |
2085,Bangladesh,My cousin's fiance is from Bangladesh. | |
2086,Ecuador,She visited Ecuador when she was 16. | |
2088,Syria,Syria has a small coastline. | |
2090,Norweigan,I really like Norweigan salmon. | |
2092,Lebanon,Lebanon was another stop on the journey. | |
2094,Morocco,i have a friend in morocco | |
2096,Yemen,Yemen is a country in the Middle East. | |
2098,Spain,That painter is from Spain. | |
2099,Britain,Britain is part of the UK | |
2100,Bangladesh,Bangladesh the rivers are crystal clear | |
2101,Iraq,Iraq is a country with a rich history. | |
2103,Jordan,The Jordan River is where religious people believe you can become baptized. | |
2104,Jordan,Jordan is in the middle east. | |
2105,Lebanon,Lebanon is a small country in the Middle East which has made world-wide news many times in the past few decades. | |
2107,Syria,The man from Syria wanted to immigrate to the U.S. | |
2112,Japanese,Many Japanese enjoy sightseeing. | |
2113,Persian people,Persian people are princes and princesses. | |
2117,Bengali,Bengali is known for its tigers. | |
2121,Saudi Arabian,Saudi Arabian clothing is unique. | |