import requests from PIL import Image from pix2tex.cli import LatexOCR from PIL import Image from io import BytesIO import streamlit model = LatexOCR() streamlit.set_page_config(page_title="LaTeX-OCR") streamlit.title("LaTeX OCR") streamlit.markdown( """ Convert images of equations to corresponding LaTeX code. This is based on the `pix2tex` module. Check it out [![github](]( --deployed by [C0MM4ND](, code [here]( """ ) uploaded_file = streamlit.file_uploader( "Upload an image an equation", type=["png", "jpg"], ) if uploaded_file is not None: image = streamlit.image(image) else: streamlit.text("\n") if streamlit.button("Convert"): if uploaded_file is not None and image is not None: with streamlit.spinner("Computing"): image = try: result = model(image, resize=False) streamlit.code(result, language="latex") streamlit.markdown(f"$\\displaystyle {result}$") except Exception as e: streamlit.error(e) else: streamlit.error("Please upload an image.")