import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import joblib def main(): st.title("FIFA winner predication") st.write('This app predict 2022 FIFA winner') if st.button("Predict FIFA Winner"): last_team_scores = pd.read_csv('./data/last_team_scores.csv') last_team_scores.tail() squad_stats = pd.read_csv('./data/squad_stats.csv') squad_stats.tail() group_matches = pd.read_csv('./data/Qatar_group_stage.csv') round_16 = group_matches.iloc[48:56, :] quarter_finals = group_matches.iloc[56:60, :] semi_finals = group_matches.iloc[60:62, :] final = group_matches.iloc[62:63, :] second_final = group_matches.iloc[63:64, :] group_matches = group_matches.iloc[:48, :] group_matches.tail() xgb_gs_model = joblib.load("./groups_stage_prediction.pkl") xgb_ks_model = joblib.load("./knockout_stage_prediction.pkl") team_group = group_matches.drop(['country2'], axis=1) team_group = team_group.drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True) team_group = team_group.rename(columns={"country1": "team"}) team_group.head(5) def matches(g_matches): g_matches.insert(2, 'potential1', g_matches['country1'].map(squad_stats.set_index('nationality_name')['potential'])) g_matches.insert(3, 'potential2', g_matches['country2'].map(squad_stats.set_index('nationality_name')['potential'])) g_matches.insert(4, 'rank1', g_matches['country1'].map(last_team_scores.set_index('team')['rank'])) g_matches.insert(5, 'rank2', g_matches['country2'].map(last_team_scores.set_index('team')['rank'])) pred_set = [] for index, row in g_matches.iterrows(): if row['potential1'] > row['potential2'] and abs(row['potential1'] - row['potential2']) > 2: pred_set.append({'Team1': row['country1'], 'Team2': row['country2']}) elif row['potential2'] > row['potential1'] and abs(row['potential2'] - row['potential1']) > 2: pred_set.append({'Team1': row['country2'], 'Team2': row['country1']}) else: if row['rank1'] > row['rank2']: pred_set.append({'Team1': row['country1'], 'Team2': row['country2']}) else: pred_set.append({'Team1': row['country2'], 'Team2': row['country1']}) pred_set = pd.DataFrame(pred_set) pred_set.insert(2, 'Team1_FIFA_RANK', pred_set['Team1'].map(last_team_scores.set_index('team')['rank'])) pred_set.insert(3, 'Team2_FIFA_RANK', pred_set['Team2'].map(last_team_scores.set_index('team')['rank'])) pred_set.insert(4, 'Team1_Goalkeeper_Score', pred_set['Team1'].map(last_team_scores.set_index('team')['goalkeeper_score'])) pred_set.insert(5, 'Team2_Goalkeeper_Score', pred_set['Team2'].map(last_team_scores.set_index('team')['goalkeeper_score'])) pred_set.insert(6, 'Team1_Defense', pred_set['Team1'].map(last_team_scores.set_index('team')['defense_score'])) pred_set.insert(7, 'Team1_Offense', pred_set['Team1'].map(last_team_scores.set_index('team')['offense_score'])) pred_set.insert(8, 'Team1_Midfield', pred_set['Team1'].map(last_team_scores.set_index('team')['midfield_score'])) pred_set.insert(9, 'Team2_Defense', pred_set['Team2'].map(last_team_scores.set_index('team')['defense_score'])) pred_set.insert(10, 'Team2_Offense', pred_set['Team2'].map(last_team_scores.set_index('team')['offense_score'])) pred_set.insert(11, 'Team2_Midfield', pred_set['Team2'].map(last_team_scores.set_index('team')['midfield_score'])) return pred_set def print_results(dataset, y_pred, matches, proba): results = [] for i in range(dataset.shape[0]): print() if y_pred[i] == 2: print(matches.iloc[i, 0] + " vs. " + matches.iloc[i, 1] + " => Draw") results.append({'result': 'Draw'}) elif y_pred[i] == 1: print(matches.iloc[i, 0] + " vs. " + matches.iloc[i, 1] + " => Winner: " + dataset.iloc[i, 0]) results.append({'result': dataset.iloc[i, 0]}) else: print(matches.iloc[i, 0] + " vs. " + matches.iloc[i, 1] + " => Winner: " + dataset.iloc[i, 1]) results.append({'result': dataset.iloc[i, 1]}) try: print('Probability of ' + dataset.iloc[i, 0] + ' winning: ', '%.3f' % (proba[i][1])) print('Probability of Draw: ', '%.3f' % (proba[i][2])) print('Probability of ' + dataset.iloc[i, 1] + ' winning: ', '%.3f' % (proba[i][0])) except: print('Probability of ' + dataset.iloc[i, 1] + ' winning: ', '%.3f' % (proba[i][0])) print("") results = pd.DataFrame(results) matches = pd.concat([, results], axis=1) return matches def winner_to_match(round, prev_match): round.insert(0, 'c1', round['country1'].map(prev_match.set_index('group')['result'])) round.insert(1, 'c2', round['country2'].map(prev_match.set_index('group')['result'])) round = round.drop(['country1', 'country2'], axis=1) round = round.rename(columns={'c1': 'country1', 'c2': 'country2'}).reset_index(drop=True) return round def prediction_knockout(round): dataset_round = matches(round) prediction_round = xgb_ks_model.predict(dataset_round) proba_round = xgb_ks_model.predict_proba(dataset_round) # prediction_round = ada_ks_model.predict(dataset_round) # proba_round = ada_ks_model.predict_proba(dataset_round) # prediction_round = rf_ks_model.predict(dataset_round) # proba_round = rf_ks_model.predict_proba(dataset_round) results_round = print_results(dataset_round, prediction_round, round, proba_round) return results_round def center_str(round): spaces = ['', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ] for j in range(2): for i in range(round.shape[0]): if (13 - len(round.iloc[i, j])) % 2 == 0: round.iloc[i, j] = spaces[int((13 - len(round.iloc[i, j])) / 2)] + round.iloc[i, j] + spaces[ int((13 - len(round.iloc[i, j])) / 2)] else: round.iloc[i, j] = spaces[int(((13 - len(round.iloc[i, j])) / 2) - 0.5)] + round.iloc[i, j] + \ spaces[int(((13 - len(round.iloc[i, j])) / 2) + 0.5)] return round def center2(a): spaces = ['', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '] if (29 - len(a)) % 2 == 0: a = spaces[int((29 - len(a)) / 2)] + a + spaces[int((29 - len(a)) / 2)] else: a = spaces[int(((29 - len(a)) / 2) - 0.5)] + a + spaces[int(((29 - len(a)) / 2) + 0.5)] return a dataset_groups = matches(group_matches) dataset_groups.tail() print(dataset_groups) prediction_groups = xgb_gs_model.predict(dataset_groups) proba = xgb_gs_model.predict_proba(dataset_groups) # prediction_groups = ada_gs_model.predict(dataset_groups) # proba = ada_gs_model.predict_proba(dataset_groups) # prediction_groups = rf_gs_model.predict(dataset_groups) # proba = rf_gs_model.predict_proba(dataset_groups) results = print_results(dataset_groups, prediction_groups, group_matches, proba) team_group['points'] = 0 team_group for i in range(results.shape[0]): for j in range(team_group.shape[0]): if results.iloc[i, 1] == team_group.iloc[j, 0]: team_group.iloc[j, 2] += 3 print(team_group.groupby(['group', 'team']).mean().astype(int)) round_of_16 = team_group[team_group['points'] > 5].reset_index(drop=True) round_of_16['group'] = (4 - 1 / 3 * round_of_16.points).astype(int).astype(str) + round_of_16 = round_of_16.rename(columns={"team": "result"}) round_16 = winner_to_match(round_16, round_of_16) results_round_16 = prediction_knockout(round_16) quarter_finals = winner_to_match(quarter_finals, results_round_16) results_quarter_finals = prediction_knockout(quarter_finals) semi_finals = winner_to_match(semi_finals, results_quarter_finals) results_finals = prediction_knockout(semi_finals) final = winner_to_match(final, results_finals) winner = prediction_knockout(final) second = results_finals[~results_finals.result.isin(winner.result)] results_finals_3 = results_quarter_finals[~results_quarter_finals.result.isin(results_finals.result)] results_finals_3.iloc[0, 0] = 'z1' results_finals_3.iloc[1, 0] = 'z2' second_final = winner_to_match(second_final, results_finals_3) third = prediction_knockout(second_final) round_16 = center_str(round_16) quarter_finals = center_str(quarter_finals) semi_finals = center_str(semi_finals) final = center_str(final) group_matches = center_str(group_matches) # Function to center align text def center(text): return f"
" # Function to generate the formatted text def generate_text(round_16, quarter_finals, semi_finals, final): formatted_text = ( round_16.iloc[ 0, 0] + '━━━━┓ ┏━━━━' + round_16.iloc[4, 0] + '\n' + ' ┃ ┃\n' + ' ┃━━━━' + quarter_finals.iloc[ 0, 0] + '━━━━┓ ┏━━━━' + quarter_finals.iloc[2, 0] + '━━━━┃\n' + ' ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃\n' + round_16.iloc[ 0, 1] + '━━━━┛ ┃ ┃ ┗━━━━' + round_16.iloc[4, 1] + '\n' + ' ┃━━━━' + semi_finals.iloc[ 0, 0] + '━━━━┓ ┏━━━━' + semi_finals.iloc[1, 0] + '━━━━┃\n' + round_16.iloc[ 1, 0] + '━━━━┓ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┏━━━━' + round_16.iloc[5, 0] + '\n' + ' ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃\n' + ' ┃━━━━' + quarter_finals.iloc[ 0, 1] + '━━━━┛ ┃ ┃ ┗━━━━' + quarter_finals.iloc[2, 1] + '━━━━┃\n' + ' ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃\n' + round_16.iloc[ 1, 1] + '━━━━┛ ┃ ┃ ┗━━━━' + round_16.iloc[5, 1] + '\n' + ' ┃━━━━' + final.iloc[0, 0] + 'vs.' + final.iloc[0, 1] + '━━━━┃\n' + round_16.iloc[ 2, 0] + '━━━━┓ ┃ ┃ ┏━━━━' + round_16.iloc[6, 0] + '\n' + ' ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃\n' + ' ┃━━━━' + quarter_finals.iloc[ 1, 0] + '━━━━┓ ┃ ┃ ┏━━━━' + quarter_finals.iloc[3, 0] + '━━━━┃\n' + ' ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃\n' + round_16.iloc[ 2, 1] + '━━━━┛ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗━━━━' + round_16.iloc[6, 1] + '\n' + ' ┃━━━━' + semi_finals.iloc[ 0, 1] + '━━━━┛ ┗━━━━' + semi_finals.iloc[1, 1] + '━━━━┃\n' + round_16.iloc[ 3, 0] + '━━━━┓ ┃ ┃ ┏━━━━' + round_16.iloc[7, 0] + '\n' + ' ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃\n' + ' ┃━━━━' + quarter_finals.iloc[ 1, 1] + '━━━━┛ ┗━━━━' + quarter_finals.iloc[3, 1] + '━━━━┃\n' + ' ┃ ┃\n' + round_16.iloc[ 3, 1] + '━━━━┛ ┗━━━━' + round_16.iloc[7, 1] + '\n' + " " + center( "\U0001F947" + winner.iloc[0, 1]) + '\n' + " " + center( "\U0001F948" + second.iloc[0, 1]) + '\n' + " " + center( "\U0001F949" + third.iloc[0, 1]) ) return formatted_text # Generate the formatted text formatted_text = generate_text(round_16, quarter_finals, semi_finals, final) # Define the round_16, quarter_finals, semi_finals, final DataFrames # Replace the DataFrame creation with your actual data # Display the formatted text st.text(formatted_text) # st.markdown(formatted_text) print(round_16.iloc[ 0, 0] + '━━━━┓ ┏━━━━' + round_16.iloc[4, 0]) print( ' ┃ ┃') print(' ┃━━━━' + quarter_finals.iloc[ 0, 0] + '━━━━┓ ┏━━━━' + quarter_finals.iloc[2, 0] + '━━━━┃') print( ' ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃') print(round_16.iloc[ 0, 1] + '━━━━┛ ┃ ┃ ┗━━━━' + round_16.iloc[4, 1]) print(' ┃━━━━' + semi_finals.iloc[ 0, 0] + '━━━━┓ ┏━━━━' + semi_finals.iloc[1, 0] + '━━━━┃') print(round_16.iloc[ 1, 0] + '━━━━┓ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┏━━━━' + round_16.iloc[5, 0]) print( ' ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃') print(' ┃━━━━' + quarter_finals.iloc[ 0, 1] + '━━━━┛ ┃ ┃ ┗━━━━' + quarter_finals.iloc[2, 1] + '━━━━┃') print( ' ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃') print(round_16.iloc[ 1, 1] + '━━━━┛ ┃ ┃ ┗━━━━' + round_16.iloc[5, 1]) print(' ┃━━━━' + final.iloc[0, 0] + 'vs.' + final.iloc[ 0, 1] + '━━━━┃') print(round_16.iloc[ 2, 0] + '━━━━┓ ┃ ┃ ┏━━━━' + round_16.iloc[6, 0]) print( ' ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃') print(' ┃━━━━' + quarter_finals.iloc[ 1, 0] + '━━━━┓ ┃ ┃ ┏━━━━' + quarter_finals.iloc[3, 0] + '━━━━┃') print( ' ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃') print(round_16.iloc[ 2, 1] + '━━━━┛ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗━━━━' + round_16.iloc[6, 1]) print(' ┃━━━━' + semi_finals.iloc[ 0, 1] + '━━━━┛ ┗━━━━' + semi_finals.iloc[1, 1] + '━━━━┃') print(round_16.iloc[ 3, 0] + '━━━━┓ ┃ ┃ ┏━━━━' + round_16.iloc[7, 0]) print( ' ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃') print(' ┃━━━━' + quarter_finals.iloc[ 1, 1] + '━━━━┛ ┗━━━━' + quarter_finals.iloc[3, 1] + '━━━━┃') print( ' ┃ ┃') print(round_16.iloc[ 3, 1] + '━━━━┛ ┗━━━━' + round_16.iloc[7, 1]) print( " " + center2("\U0001F947" + winner.iloc[0, 1])) print( " " + center2("\U0001F948" + second.iloc[0, 1])) print( " " + center2("\U0001F949" + third.iloc[0, 1])) if __name__ == "__main__": main()