"use client" import { Scissors, Sparkles, Mic, Smile, Tags, Type } from 'lucide-react'; import type { Category } from '../types/categories'; import SegmentationIcon from './icons/SegmentationIcon'; import TranscriptionIcon from './icons/TranscriptionIcon'; import SentimentAnalysisIcon from './icons/SentimentAnalysisIcon'; import EmbeddingIcon from './icons/EmbeddingIcon'; import ClassificationIcon from './icons/ClassificationIcon'; import TextGenerationIcon from './icons/TextGenerationIcon'; export const categories: Category[] = [ { title: "Generate Text", slug: "generate-text", icon: Type, description: "Llama. Qwen. Enough said.", status: "Available", colorName: "blue", graphic: TextGenerationIcon }, { title: "Transcribe", slug: "transcribe", icon: Mic, description: "AI that hears all and forgets nothing (except the 'uhms').", status: "Available", colorName: "rose", graphic: TranscriptionIcon }, { title: "Segment", slug: "segment", icon: Scissors, description: "Slice and dice images with precision. Carve out objects and backgrounds like a digital sculptor.", status: "Available", colorName: "indigo", graphic: SegmentationIcon }, { title: "Embed", slug: "embed", icon: Sparkles, description: "Transform words and pixels into mathematical magic.", status: "Available", colorName: "teal", graphic: EmbeddingIcon }, { title: "Sentiment", slug: "sentiment", icon: Smile, description: "Read between the lines. From 🤗 to 😠, we've got feelings figured out.", status: "Available", colorName: "amber", graphic: SentimentAnalysisIcon }, { title: "Classify", slug: "classify", icon: Tags, description: "Sort the digital chaos.", status: "Available", colorName: "purple", graphic: ClassificationIcon }, ];