import pandas as pd import streamlit as st from utils import * backgroundPattern = """ """ # backgroundPattern = """ # # """ st.markdown(backgroundPattern, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.write(""" # Resume Screening & Classification """) st.caption(""" Using K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm and Cosine Similarity ###### """) tab1, tab2, tab3 = st.tabs(['Getting Started', 'Classify', 'Rank']) with tab1: writeGettingStarted() with tab2: st.header('Input') uploadedResumeClf = st.file_uploader('Upload Resumes', type = 'xlsx', key = 'upload-resume-clf') if uploadedResumeClf is not None: isButtonDisabledClf = False else: st.session_state.processClf = False isButtonDisabledClf = True if 'processClf' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.processClf = False st.button('Start Processing', on_click = clickClassify, disabled = isButtonDisabledClf, key = 'process-clf') if st.session_state.processClf: st.divider() st.header('Output') resumeClf = pd.read_excel(uploadedResumeClf) if 'Resume' in resumeClf.columns: resumeClf = classifyResumes(resumeClf) with st.expander('View Bar Chart'): barChart = createBarChart(resumeClf) st.altair_chart(barChart, use_container_width = True) currentClf = filterDataframeClf(resumeClf) st.dataframe(currentClf, use_container_width = True, hide_index = True) xlsxClf = convertDfToXlsx(currentClf) st.download_button(label='Save Current Output as XLSX', data = xlsxClf, file_name = 'Resumes_categorized.xlsx') else: st.error(""" #### Oops! Something went wrong. The **"Resume"** column is not found in the uploaded excel file. Kindly make sure the column is present :) """) with tab3: st.header('Input') uploadedJobDescriptionRnk = st.file_uploader('Upload Job Description', type = 'txt', key = 'upload-jd-rnk') uploadedResumeRnk = st.file_uploader('Upload Resumes', type = 'xlsx', key = 'upload-resume-rnk') if all([uploadedJobDescriptionRnk, uploadedResumeRnk]): isButtonDisabledRnk = False else: st.session_state.processRank = False isButtonDisabledRnk = True if 'processRank' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.processRank = False st.button('Start Processing', on_click = clickRank, disabled = isButtonDisabledRnk, key = 'process-rnk') if st.session_state.processRank: st.divider() st.header('Output') jobDescriptionRnk ='utf-8') resumeRnk = pd.read_excel(uploadedResumeRnk) if 'Resume' in resumeRnk.columns: resumeRnk = rankResumes(jobDescriptionRnk, resumeRnk) with st.expander('View Job Description'): st.write(jobDescriptionRnk) currentRnk = filterDataframeRnk(resumeRnk) st.dataframe(currentRnk, use_container_width = True, hide_index = True) xlsxRnk = convertDfToXlsx(currentRnk) st.download_button(label='Save Current Output as XLSX', data = xlsxRnk, file_name = 'Resumes_ranked.xlsx') else: st.error(""" #### Oops! Something went wrong. The **"Resume"** column is not found in the uploaded excel file. Kindly make sure the column is present :) """)