# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2021 The HuggingFace Inc. team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import argparse import os import re PATH_TO_TRANSFORMERS = "src/transformers" # Pattern that looks at the indentation in a line. _re_indent = re.compile(r"^(\s*)\S") # Pattern that matches `"key":" and puts `key` in group 0. _re_direct_key = re.compile(r'^\s*"([^"]+)":') # Pattern that matches `_import_structure["key"]` and puts `key` in group 0. _re_indirect_key = re.compile(r'^\s*_import_structure\["([^"]+)"\]') # Pattern that matches `"key",` and puts `key` in group 0. _re_strip_line = re.compile(r'^\s*"([^"]+)",\s*$') # Pattern that matches any `[stuff]` and puts `stuff` in group 0. _re_bracket_content = re.compile(r"\[([^\]]+)\]") def get_indent(line): """Returns the indent in `line`.""" search = _re_indent.search(line) return "" if search is None else search.groups()[0] def split_code_in_indented_blocks(code, indent_level="", start_prompt=None, end_prompt=None): """ Split `code` into its indented blocks, starting at `indent_level`. If provided, begins splitting after `start_prompt` and stops at `end_prompt` (but returns what's before `start_prompt` as a first block and what's after `end_prompt` as a last block, so `code` is always the same as joining the result of this function). """ # Let's split the code into lines and move to start_index. index = 0 lines = code.split("\n") if start_prompt is not None: while not lines[index].startswith(start_prompt): index += 1 blocks = ["\n".join(lines[:index])] else: blocks = [] # We split into blocks until we get to the `end_prompt` (or the end of the block). current_block = [lines[index]] index += 1 while index < len(lines) and (end_prompt is None or not lines[index].startswith(end_prompt)): if len(lines[index]) > 0 and get_indent(lines[index]) == indent_level: if len(current_block) > 0 and get_indent(current_block[-1]).startswith(indent_level + " "): current_block.append(lines[index]) blocks.append("\n".join(current_block)) if index < len(lines) - 1: current_block = [lines[index + 1]] index += 1 else: current_block = [] else: blocks.append("\n".join(current_block)) current_block = [lines[index]] else: current_block.append(lines[index]) index += 1 # Adds current block if it's nonempty. if len(current_block) > 0: blocks.append("\n".join(current_block)) # Add final block after end_prompt if provided. if end_prompt is not None and index < len(lines): blocks.append("\n".join(lines[index:])) return blocks def ignore_underscore(key): "Wraps a `key` (that maps an object to string) to lower case and remove underscores." def _inner(x): return key(x).lower().replace("_", "") return _inner def sort_objects(objects, key=None): "Sort a list of `objects` following the rules of isort. `key` optionally maps an object to a str." # If no key is provided, we use a noop. def noop(x): return x if key is None: key = noop # Constants are all uppercase, they go first. constants = [obj for obj in objects if key(obj).isupper()] # Classes are not all uppercase but start with a capital, they go second. classes = [obj for obj in objects if key(obj)[0].isupper() and not key(obj).isupper()] # Functions begin with a lowercase, they go last. functions = [obj for obj in objects if not key(obj)[0].isupper()] key1 = ignore_underscore(key) return sorted(constants, key=key1) + sorted(classes, key=key1) + sorted(functions, key=key1) def sort_objects_in_import(import_statement): """ Return the same `import_statement` but with objects properly sorted. """ # This inner function sort imports between [ ]. def _replace(match): imports = match.groups()[0] if "," not in imports: return f"[{imports}]" keys = [part.strip().replace('"', "") for part in imports.split(",")] # We will have a final empty element if the line finished with a comma. if len(keys[-1]) == 0: keys = keys[:-1] return "[" + ", ".join([f'"{k}"' for k in sort_objects(keys)]) + "]" lines = import_statement.split("\n") if len(lines) > 3: # Here we have to sort internal imports that are on several lines (one per name): # key: [ # "object1", # "object2", # ... # ] # We may have to ignore one or two lines on each side. idx = 2 if lines[1].strip() == "[" else 1 keys_to_sort = [(i, _re_strip_line.search(line).groups()[0]) for i, line in enumerate(lines[idx:-idx])] sorted_indices = sort_objects(keys_to_sort, key=lambda x: x[1]) sorted_lines = [lines[x[0] + idx] for x in sorted_indices] return "\n".join(lines[:idx] + sorted_lines + lines[-idx:]) elif len(lines) == 3: # Here we have to sort internal imports that are on one separate line: # key: [ # "object1", "object2", ... # ] if _re_bracket_content.search(lines[1]) is not None: lines[1] = _re_bracket_content.sub(_replace, lines[1]) else: keys = [part.strip().replace('"', "") for part in lines[1].split(",")] # We will have a final empty element if the line finished with a comma. if len(keys[-1]) == 0: keys = keys[:-1] lines[1] = get_indent(lines[1]) + ", ".join([f'"{k}"' for k in sort_objects(keys)]) return "\n".join(lines) else: # Finally we have to deal with imports fitting on one line import_statement = _re_bracket_content.sub(_replace, import_statement) return import_statement def sort_imports(file, check_only=True): """ Sort `_import_structure` imports in `file`, `check_only` determines if we only check or overwrite. """ with open(file, encoding="utf-8") as f: code = f.read() if "_import_structure" not in code: return # Blocks of indent level 0 main_blocks = split_code_in_indented_blocks( code, start_prompt="_import_structure = {", end_prompt="if TYPE_CHECKING:" ) # We ignore block 0 (everything untils start_prompt) and the last block (everything after end_prompt). for block_idx in range(1, len(main_blocks) - 1): # Check if the block contains some `_import_structure`s thingy to sort. block = main_blocks[block_idx] block_lines = block.split("\n") # Get to the start of the imports. line_idx = 0 while line_idx < len(block_lines) and "_import_structure" not in block_lines[line_idx]: # Skip dummy import blocks if "import dummy" in block_lines[line_idx]: line_idx = len(block_lines) else: line_idx += 1 if line_idx >= len(block_lines): continue # Ignore beginning and last line: they don't contain anything. internal_block_code = "\n".join(block_lines[line_idx:-1]) indent = get_indent(block_lines[1]) # Slit the internal block into blocks of indent level 1. internal_blocks = split_code_in_indented_blocks(internal_block_code, indent_level=indent) # We have two categories of import key: list or _import_structure[key].append/extend pattern = _re_direct_key if "_import_structure = {" in block_lines[0] else _re_indirect_key # Grab the keys, but there is a trap: some lines are empty or just comments. keys = [(pattern.search(b).groups()[0] if pattern.search(b) is not None else None) for b in internal_blocks] # We only sort the lines with a key. keys_to_sort = [(i, key) for i, key in enumerate(keys) if key is not None] sorted_indices = [x[0] for x in sorted(keys_to_sort, key=lambda x: x[1])] # We reorder the blocks by leaving empty lines/comments as they were and reorder the rest. count = 0 reorderded_blocks = [] for i in range(len(internal_blocks)): if keys[i] is None: reorderded_blocks.append(internal_blocks[i]) else: block = sort_objects_in_import(internal_blocks[sorted_indices[count]]) reorderded_blocks.append(block) count += 1 # And we put our main block back together with its first and last line. main_blocks[block_idx] = "\n".join(block_lines[:line_idx] + reorderded_blocks + [block_lines[-1]]) if code != "\n".join(main_blocks): if check_only: return True else: print(f"Overwriting {file}.") with open(file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write("\n".join(main_blocks)) def sort_imports_in_all_inits(check_only=True): failures = [] for root, _, files in os.walk(PATH_TO_TRANSFORMERS): if "__init__.py" in files: result = sort_imports(os.path.join(root, "__init__.py"), check_only=check_only) if result: failures = [os.path.join(root, "__init__.py")] if len(failures) > 0: raise ValueError(f"Would overwrite {len(failures)} files, run `make style`.") if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--check_only", action="store_true", help="Whether to only check or fix style.") args = parser.parse_args() sort_imports_in_all_inits(check_only=args.check_only)