File size: 9,550 Bytes
8ddfa3b 78b3d2e 8ddfa3b 78b3d2e 8ddfa3b 78b3d2e 8ddfa3b 78b3d2e 8ddfa3b 78b3d2e 8ddfa3b 78b3d2e 8ddfa3b 78b3d2e 8ddfa3b 78b3d2e 8ddfa3b 78b3d2e 8ddfa3b 78b3d2e 8ddfa3b 78b3d2e 8ddfa3b 78b3d2e 8ddfa3b 78b3d2e 8ddfa3b 78b3d2e 8ddfa3b 78b3d2e 8ddfa3b 78b3d2e 8ddfa3b 78b3d2e 8ddfa3b 78b3d2e 8ddfa3b 78b3d2e 8ddfa3b 78b3d2e 8ddfa3b 78b3d2e 8ddfa3b 78b3d2e 8ddfa3b 78b3d2e 8ddfa3b 78b3d2e 8ddfa3b 78b3d2e 8ddfa3b 78b3d2e 8ddfa3b 78b3d2e 8ddfa3b 78b3d2e 8ddfa3b 78b3d2e 8ddfa3b |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 |
import fitz, io, os
from PIL import Image
from collections import Counter
import json
import re
class Paper:
def __init__(self, path, title='', url='', abs='', authors=[]):
# 初始化函数,根据pdf路径初始化Paper对象
self.url = url # 文章链接
self.path = path # pdf路径
self.section_names = [] # 段落标题
self.section_texts = {} # 段落内容
self.abs = abs
self.title_page = 0
if title == '':
self.pdf = # pdf文档
self.title = self.get_title()
self.title = title
self.authors = authors
self.roman_num = ["I", "II", 'III', "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IIX", "IX", "X"]
self.digit_num = [str(d + 1) for d in range(10)]
self.first_image = ''
def parse_pdf(self):
self.pdf = # pdf文档
self.text_list = [page.get_text() for page in self.pdf]
self.all_text = ' '.join(self.text_list)
self.section_texts.update({"title": self.title})
# 定义一个函数,根据字体的大小,识别每个章节名称,并返回一个列表
def get_chapter_names(self, ):
# # 打开一个pdf文件
doc = # pdf文档
text_list = [page.get_text() for page in doc]
all_text = ''
for text in text_list:
all_text += text
# # 创建一个空列表,用于存储章节名称
chapter_names = []
for line in all_text.split('\n'):
line_list = line.split(' ')
if '.' in line:
point_split_list = line.split('.')
space_split_list = line.split(' ')
if 1 < len(space_split_list) < 5:
if 1 < len(point_split_list) < 5 and (
point_split_list[0] in self.roman_num or point_split_list[0] in self.digit_num):
# print("line:", line)
return chapter_names
def get_title(self):
doc = self.pdf # 打开pdf文件
max_font_size = 0 # 初始化最大字体大小为0
max_string = "" # 初始化最大字体大小对应的字符串为空
max_font_sizes = [0]
for page_index, page in enumerate(doc): # 遍历每一页
text = page.get_text("dict") # 获取页面上的文本信息
blocks = text["blocks"] # 获取文本块列表
for block in blocks: # 遍历每个文本块
if block["type"] == 0 and len(block['lines']): # 如果是文字类型
if len(block["lines"][0]["spans"]):
font_size = block["lines"][0]["spans"][0]["size"] # 获取第一行第一段文字的字体大小
if font_size > max_font_size: # 如果字体大小大于当前最大值
max_font_size = font_size # 更新最大值
max_string = block["lines"][0]["spans"][0]["text"] # 更新最大值对应的字符串
# print("max_font_sizes", max_font_sizes[-10:])
cur_title = ''
for page_index, page in enumerate(doc): # 遍历每一页
text = page.get_text("dict") # 获取页面上的文本信息
blocks = text["blocks"] # 获取文本块列表
for block in blocks: # 遍历每个文本块
if block["type"] == 0 and len(block['lines']): # 如果是文字类型
if len(block["lines"][0]["spans"]):
cur_string = block["lines"][0]["spans"][0]["text"] # 更新最大值对应的字符串
font_flags = block["lines"][0]["spans"][0]["flags"] # 获取第一行第一段文字的字体特征
font_size = block["lines"][0]["spans"][0]["size"] # 获取第一行第一段文字的字体大小
# print(font_size)
if abs(font_size - max_font_sizes[-1]) < 0.3 or abs(font_size - max_font_sizes[-2]) < 0.3:
# print("The string is bold.", max_string, "font_size:", font_size, "font_flags:", font_flags)
if len(cur_string) > 4 and "arXiv" not in cur_string:
# print("The string is bold.", max_string, "font_size:", font_size, "font_flags:", font_flags)
if cur_title == '':
cur_title += cur_string
cur_title += ' ' + cur_string
self.title_page = page_index
# break
title = cur_title.replace('\n', ' ')
return title
def extract_section_infomation(self):
doc =
# 获取文档中所有字体大小
font_sizes = []
for page in doc:
blocks = page.get_text("dict")["blocks"]
for block in blocks:
if 'lines' not in block:
lines = block["lines"]
for line in lines:
for span in line["spans"]:
most_common_size, _ = Counter(font_sizes).most_common(1)[0]
# 按照最频繁的字体大小确定标题字体大小的阈值
threshold = most_common_size * 1
section_dict = {}
last_heading = None
subheadings = []
heading_font = -1
# 遍历每一页并查找子标题
found_abstract = False
upper_heading = False
font_heading = False
for page in doc:
blocks = page.get_text("dict")["blocks"]
for block in blocks:
if not found_abstract:
text = json.dumps(block)
if"\bAbstract\b", text, re.IGNORECASE):
found_abstract = True
last_heading = "Abstract"
section_dict["Abstract"] = ""
if found_abstract:
if 'lines' not in block:
lines = block["lines"]
for line in lines:
for span in line["spans"]:
# 如果当前文本是子标题
if not font_heading and span["text"].isupper() and sum(1 for c in span["text"] if c.isupper() and ('A' <= c <='Z')) > 4: # 针对一些标题大小一样,但是全大写的论文
upper_heading = True
heading = span["text"].strip()
if "References" in heading: # reference 以后的内容不考虑
self.section_names = subheadings
self.section_texts = section_dict
if last_heading is not None:
section_dict[last_heading] = section_dict[last_heading].strip()
section_dict[heading] = ""
last_heading = heading
if not upper_heading and span["size"] > threshold and re.match( # 正常情况下,通过字体大小判断
font_heading = True
if heading_font == -1:
heading_font = span["size"]
elif heading_font != span["size"]:
heading = span["text"].strip()
if "References" in heading: # reference 以后的内容不考虑
self.section_names = subheadings
self.section_texts = section_dict
if last_heading is not None:
section_dict[last_heading] = section_dict[last_heading].strip()
section_dict[heading] = ""
last_heading = heading
# 否则将当前文本添加到上一个子标题的文本中
elif last_heading is not None:
section_dict[last_heading] += " " + span["text"].strip()
self.section_names = subheadings
self.section_texts = section_dict
def main():
path = r'demo.pdf'
paper = Paper(path=path)
# for key, value in paper.section_text_dict.items():
# print(key, value)
# print("*"*40)
if __name__ == '__main__':