import numpy as np | |
import os | |
import re | |
from io import BytesIO | |
import datetime | |
import time | |
import openai, tenacity | |
import argparse | |
import configparser | |
import json | |
import tiktoken | |
import PyPDF2 | |
import gradio | |
# 定义Reviewer类 | |
class Reviewer: | |
# 初始化方法,设置属性 | |
def __init__(self, api, review_format, paper_pdf, language): | |
self.api = api | |
self.review_format = review_format | |
self.language = language | |
self.paper_pdf = paper_pdf | |
self.max_token_num = 4097 | |
self.encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding("gpt2") | |
def review_by_chatgpt(self, paper_list): | |
text = self.extract_chapter(self.paper_pdf) | |
chat_review_text, total_token_used = self.chat_review(text=text) | |
return chat_review_text, total_token_used | |
def chat_review(self, text): | |
openai.api_key = self.api # 读取api | |
review_prompt_token = 1000 | |
text_token = len(self.encoding.encode(text)) | |
input_text_index = int(len(text)*(self.max_token_num-review_prompt_token)/(text_token+1)) | |
input_text = "This is the paper for your review:" + text[:input_text_index] | |
messages=[ | |
{"role": "system", "content": "You are a professional reviewer. Now I will give you a paper. You need to give a complete review opinion according to the following requirements and format:"+ self.review_format +" Must be output in {}.".format(self.language)}, | |
{"role": "user", "content": input_text}, | |
] | |
response = openai.ChatCompletion.create( | |
model="gpt-3.5-turbo", | |
messages=messages, | |
) | |
result = '' | |
for choice in response.choices: | |
result += choice.message.content + "\n\n⚠伦理声明/Ethics statement:\n--禁止直接复制生成的评论用于任何论文审稿工作!\n--Direct copying of generated comments for any paper review work is prohibited!" | |
print("********"*10) | |
print(result) | |
print("********"*10) | |
print("prompt_token_used:", response.usage.prompt_tokens) | |
print("completion_token_used:", response.usage.completion_tokens) | |
print("total_token_used:", response.usage.total_tokens) | |
print("response_time:", response.response_ms/1000.0, 's') | |
output_text = insert_sentence(result, '(Generated by ChatGPT, no copying allowed!)', 10) | |
return output_text, response.usage.total_tokens | |
def insert_sentence(text, sentence, interval): | |
words = text.split() | |
new_words = [] | |
count = 0 | |
for word in words: | |
new_words.append(word) | |
count += 1 | |
if count % interval == 0: | |
new_words.append(sentence) | |
return ' '.join(new_words) | |
def extract_chapter(self, pdf_path): | |
file_object = BytesIO(pdf_path) | |
pdf_reader = PyPDF2.PdfReader(file_object) | |
# 获取PDF的总页数 | |
num_pages = len(pdf_reader.pages) | |
# 初始化提取状态和提取文本 | |
extraction_started = False | |
extracted_text = "" | |
# 遍历PDF中的每一页 | |
for page_number in range(num_pages): | |
page = pdf_reader.pages[page_number] | |
page_text = page.extract_text() | |
# 如果找到了章节标题,开始提取 | |
if 'Abstract'.lower() in page_text.lower() and not extraction_started: | |
extraction_started = True | |
page_number_start = page_number | |
# 如果提取已开始,将页面文本添加到提取文本中 | |
if extraction_started: | |
extracted_text += page_text | |
# 如果找到下一章节标题,停止提取 | |
if page_number_start + 1 < page_number: | |
break | |
return extracted_text | |
def main(api, review_format, paper_pdf, language): | |
start_time = time.time() | |
if not api or not review_format or not paper_pdf: | |
return "请输入完整内容!" | |
# 判断PDF文件 | |
else: | |
# 创建一个Reader对象 | |
reviewer1 = Reviewer(api, review_format, paper_pdf, language) | |
# 开始判断是路径还是文件: | |
comments, total_token_used = reviewer1.review_by_chatgpt(paper_list=paper_pdf) | |
time_used = time.time() - start_time | |
output2 ="使用token数:"+ str(total_token_used)+"\n花费时间:"+ str(round(time_used, 2)) +"秒" | |
return comments, output2 | |
######################################################################################################## | |
# 标题 | |
title = "🤖ChatReviewer🤖" | |
# 描述 | |
description = '''<div align='left'> | |
<img align='right' src='' width="270"> | |
<strong>ChatReviewer是一款基于ChatGPT-3.5的API开发的论文自动评审AI助手。</strong>其用途如下: | |
⭐️对论文进行快速总结和评审,提高科研人员的文献阅读和理解的效率,紧跟研究前沿。 | |
⭐️对自己的论文进行评审,根据ChatReviewer生成的审稿意见进行查漏补缺,进一步提高自己的论文质量。 | |
⭐️辅助论文审稿,给出参考意见,提高审稿效率和质量。(🈲:禁止直接复制生成的评论用于任何论文审稿工作!) | |
如果觉得很卡,可以点击右上角的Duplicate this Space,把ChatReviewer复制到你自己的Space中! | |
本项目的[Github](,欢迎Star和Fork,也欢迎大佬赞助让本项目快速成长!💗([获取Api Key]( | |
</div> | |
''' | |
# 创建Gradio界面 | |
inp = [gradio.inputs.Textbox(label="请输入你的API-key(sk开头的字符串)", | |
default="", | |
type='password'), | |
gradio.inputs.Textbox(lines=5, | |
label="请输入特定的评审要求和格式(否则为默认格式)", | |
default="""* Overall Review | |
Please briefly summarize the main points and contributions of this paper. | |
xxx | |
* Paper Strength | |
Please provide a list of the strengths of this paper, including but not limited to: innovative and practical methodology, insightful empirical findings or in-depth theoretical analysis, | |
well-structured review of relevant literature, and any other factors that may make the paper valuable to readers. (Maximum length: 2,000 characters) | |
(1) xxx | |
(2) xxx | |
(3) xxx | |
* Paper Weakness | |
Please provide a numbered list of your main concerns regarding this paper (so authors could respond to the concerns individually). | |
These may include, but are not limited to: inadequate implementation details for reproducing the study, limited evaluation and ablation studies for the proposed method, | |
correctness of the theoretical analysis or experimental results, lack of comparisons or discussions with widely-known baselines in the field, lack of clarity in exposition, | |
or any other factors that may impede the reader's understanding or benefit from the paper. Please kindly refrain from providing a general assessment of the paper's novelty without providing detailed explanations. (Maximum length: 2,000 characters) | |
(1) xxx | |
(2) xxx | |
(3) xxx | |
* Questions To Authors And Suggestions For Rebuttal | |
Please provide a numbered list of specific and clear questions that pertain to the details of the proposed method, evaluation setting, or additional results that would aid in supporting the authors' claims. | |
The questions should be formulated in a manner that, after the authors have answered them during the rebuttal, it would enable a more thorough assessment of the paper's quality. (Maximum length: 2,000 characters) | |
*Overall score (1-10) | |
The paper is scored on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the full mark, and 6 stands for borderline accept. Then give the reason for your rating. | |
xxx""" | |
), | |
gradio.inputs.File(label="请上传论文PDF(必填)",type="bytes"), | |
gradio.inputs.Radio(choices=["English", "Chinese"], | |
default="English", | |
label="选择输出语言"), | |
] | |
chat_reviewer_gui = gradio.Interface(fn=main, | |
inputs=inp, | |
outputs = [gradio.Textbox(lines=25, label="评审结果"), gradio.Textbox(lines=2, label="资源统计")], | |
title=title, | |
description=description) | |
# Start server | |
chat_reviewer_gui .launch(quiet=True, show_api=False) |