# import streamlit as st # x = st.slider('Select a value') # st.write(x, 'squared is', x * x) import io import re from collections.abc import Iterable import pandas as pd import streamlit as st from pandas.api.types import (is_bool_dtype, is_datetime64_any_dtype, is_numeric_dtype) GITHUB_URL = "https://huggingface.co/spaces/caochuxue/Leaderboard-test" # NON_BENCHMARK_COLS = ["Open?", "Publisher"] NON_BENCHMARK_COLS = ["Open?"] def extract_table_and_format_from_markdown_text(markdown_table: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Extracts a table from a markdown text and formats it as a pandas DataFrame. Args: text (str): Markdown text containing a table. Returns: pd.DataFrame: Table as pandas DataFrame. """ # df = ( # pd.read_table(io.StringIO(markdown_table), sep="|", header=0, index_col=1) # .dropna(axis=1, how="all") # drop empty columns # .iloc[ # 1: # ] # drop first row which is the "----" separator of the original markdown table # .sort_index(ascending=True) # .apply(lambda x: x.str.strip() if x.dtype == "object" else x) # .replace("", float("NaN")) # .apply(pd.to_numeric, errors="ignore") # ) df = ( pd.read_table(io.StringIO(markdown_table), sep="|", header=0, index_col=1) .dropna(axis=1, how="all") # drop empty columns .iloc[1:] # drop first row which is the "----" separator of the original markdown table .apply(lambda x: x.str.strip() if x.dtype == "object" else x) .replace("", float("NaN")) .apply(pd.to_numeric, errors="ignore") ) # remove whitespace from column names and index df.columns = df.columns.str.strip() df.index = df.index.str.strip() df.index.name = df.index.name.strip() return df def extract_markdown_table_from_multiline( multiline: str, table_headline: str, next_headline_start: str = "#" ) -> str: """Extracts the markdown table from a multiline string. Args: multiline (str): content of README.md file. table_headline (str): Headline of the table in the README.md file. next_headline_start (str, optional): Start of the next headline. Defaults to "#". Returns: str: Markdown table. Raises: ValueError: If the table could not be found. """ # extract everything between the table headline and the next headline table = [] start = False for line in multiline.split("\n"): if line.startswith(table_headline): start = True elif line.startswith(next_headline_start): start = False elif start: table.append(line + "\n") if len(table) == 0: raise ValueError(f"Could not find table with headline '{table_headline}'") return "".join(table) def remove_markdown_links(text: str) -> str: """Modifies a markdown text to remove all markdown links. Example: [DISPLAY](LINK) to DISPLAY First find all markdown links with regex. Then replace them with: $1 Args: text (str): Markdown text containing markdown links Returns: str: Markdown text without markdown links. """ # find all markdown links markdown_links = re.findall(r"\[([^\]]+)\]\(([^)]+)\)", text) # remove link keep display text for display, link in markdown_links: text = text.replace(f"[{display}]({link})", display) return text def filter_dataframe_by_row_and_columns( df: pd.DataFrame, ignore_columns: list[str] | None = None ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Filter dataframe by the rows and columns to display. This does not select based on the values in the dataframe, but rather on the index and columns. Modified from https://blog.streamlit.io/auto-generate-a-dataframe-filtering-ui-in-streamlit-with-filter_dataframe/ Args: df (pd.DataFrame): Original dataframe ignore_columns (list[str], optional): Columns to ignore. Defaults to None. Returns: pd.DataFrame: Filtered dataframe """ df = df.copy() if ignore_columns is None: ignore_columns = [] modification_container = st.container() with modification_container: to_filter_index = st.multiselect("Filter by model:", sorted(df.index)) if to_filter_index: df = pd.DataFrame(df.loc[to_filter_index]) to_filter_columns = st.multiselect( "Filter by benchmark:", sorted([c for c in df.columns if c not in ignore_columns]), ) if to_filter_columns: df = pd.DataFrame(df[ignore_columns + to_filter_columns]) return df def filter_dataframe_by_column_values(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Filter dataframe by the values in the dataframe. Modified from https://blog.streamlit.io/auto-generate-a-dataframe-filtering-ui-in-streamlit-with-filter_dataframe/ Args: df (pd.DataFrame): Original dataframe Returns: pd.DataFrame: Filtered dataframe """ df = df.copy() modification_container = st.container() with modification_container: to_filter_columns = st.multiselect("Filter results on:", df.columns) left, right = st.columns((1, 20)) for column in to_filter_columns: if is_bool_dtype(df[column]): user_bool_input = right.checkbox(f"{column}", value=True) df = df[df[column] == user_bool_input] elif is_numeric_dtype(df[column]): _min = float(df[column].min()) _max = float(df[column].max()) if (_min != _max) and pd.notna(_min) and pd.notna(_max): step = 0.01 user_num_input = right.slider( f"Values for {column}:", min_value=round(_min - step, 2), max_value=round(_max + step, 2), value=(_min, _max), step=step, ) df = df[df[column].between(*user_num_input)] elif is_datetime64_any_dtype(df[column]): user_date_input = right.date_input( f"Values for {column}:", value=( df[column].min(), df[column].max(), ), ) if isinstance(user_date_input, Iterable) and len(user_date_input) == 2: user_date_input_datetime = tuple( map(pd.to_datetime, user_date_input) ) start_date, end_date = user_date_input_datetime df = df.loc[df[column].between(start_date, end_date)] else: selected_values = right.multiselect( f"Values for {column}:", sorted(df[column].unique()), ) if selected_values: df = df[df[column].isin(selected_values)] return df def setup_basic(): title = "🏆 LLM-Safety-Leaderboard" st.set_page_config( page_title=title, page_icon="🏆", layout="wide", ) st.title(title) st.markdown( "A joint community effort to create one central leaderboard for LLMs." f" Visit [llm-leaderboard]({GITHUB_URL}) to contribute. \n" 'We refer to a model being "open" if it can be locally deployed and used for commercial purposes.' ) def setup_leaderboard(readme: str): leaderboard_table = extract_markdown_table_from_multiline( readme, table_headline="## Leaderboard" ) leaderboard_table = remove_markdown_links(leaderboard_table) df_leaderboard = extract_table_and_format_from_markdown_text(leaderboard_table) df_leaderboard["Open?"] = ( df_leaderboard["Open?"].map({"Yes": 1, "No": 0}).astype(bool) ) st.markdown("## Leaderboard") modify = st.checkbox("Add filters") clear_empty_entries = st.checkbox("Clear empty entries", value=True) if modify: df_leaderboard = filter_dataframe_by_row_and_columns( df_leaderboard, ignore_columns=NON_BENCHMARK_COLS ) df_leaderboard = filter_dataframe_by_column_values(df_leaderboard) if clear_empty_entries: df_leaderboard = df_leaderboard.dropna(axis=1, how="all") benchmark_columns = [ c for c in df_leaderboard.columns if df_leaderboard[c].dtype == float ] rows_wo_any_benchmark = df_leaderboard[benchmark_columns].isna().all(axis=1) df_leaderboard = df_leaderboard[~rows_wo_any_benchmark] st.dataframe(df_leaderboard) st.download_button( "Download current selection as .html", df_leaderboard.to_html().encode("utf-8"), "leaderboard.html", "text/html", key="download-html", ) st.download_button( "Download current selection as .csv", df_leaderboard.to_csv().encode("utf-8"), "leaderboard.csv", "text/csv", key="download-csv", ) def setup_benchmarks(readme: str): benchmarks_table = extract_markdown_table_from_multiline( readme, table_headline="## Benchmarks" ) df_benchmarks = extract_table_and_format_from_markdown_text(benchmarks_table) st.markdown("## Covered Benchmarks") selected_benchmark = st.selectbox( "Select a benchmark to learn more:", df_benchmarks.index.unique() ) df_selected = df_benchmarks.loc[selected_benchmark] text = [ f"Name: {selected_benchmark}", ] for key in df_selected.keys(): text.append(f"{key}: {df_selected[key]} ") st.markdown(" \n".join(text)) def setup_sources(): st.markdown("## Sources") st.markdown( "The results of this leaderboard are collected from the individual papers and published results of the model " "authors. If you are interested in the sources of each individual reported model value, please visit the " f"[llm-leaderboard]({GITHUB_URL}) repository." ) st.markdown( """ Special thanks to the following pages: - [MosaicML - Model benchmarks](https://www.mosaicml.com/blog/mpt-7b) - [lmsys.org - Chatbot Arena benchmarks](https://lmsys.org/blog/2023-05-03-arena/) - [Papers With Code](https://paperswithcode.com/) - [Stanford HELM](https://crfm.stanford.edu/helm/latest/) - [HF Open LLM Leaderboard](https://huggingface.co/spaces/HuggingFaceH4/open_llm_leaderboard) """ ) def setup_disclaimer(): st.markdown("## Disclaimer") st.markdown( "Above information may be wrong. If you want to use a published model for commercial use, please contact a " "lawyer." ) def setup_footer(): st.markdown( """ --- Made with ❤️ by the awesome open-source community from all over 🌍. """ ) def main(): setup_basic() # with open("README.md", "r") as f: # readme = f.read() with open("README.md", "r") as f: # Read the entire file readme = f.read() # Check if the first "---" exists and split accordingly if readme.startswith('---'): # Split the content and ignore the YAML front matter readme = readme.split("---", 2)[-1].strip() # This will take everything after the second '---' else: # If there's no YAML front matter, just strip whitespace readme = readme.strip() # Debugging: Print readme to check the content print(readme) # Add this line to check what is being read setup_leaderboard(readme) setup_benchmarks(readme) setup_sources() setup_disclaimer() setup_footer() if __name__ == "__main__": main()