import fasttext import numpy as np import re import string from copy import deepcopy class MaskLID: """A class for code-switching language identification using iterative masking.""" def __init__(self, model_path, languages=-1): """Initialize the MaskLID class. Args: model_path (str): The path to the fastText model. languages (int or list, optional): The indices or list of language labels to consider. Defaults to -1. """ self.model = fasttext.load_model(model_path) self.output_matrix = self.model.get_output_matrix() self.labels = self.model.get_labels() self.language_indices = self._compute_language_indices(languages) self.labels = [self.labels[i] for i in self.language_indices] def _compute_language_indices(self, languages): """Compute indices of selected languages. Args: languages (int or list): The indices or list of language labels. Returns: list: Indices of selected languages. """ if languages != -1 and isinstance(languages, list): return [self.labels.index(l) for l in set(languages) if l in self.labels] return list(range(len(self.labels))) def _softmax(self, x): """Compute softmax values for each score in array x. Args: x (numpy.ndarray): Input array. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Softmax output. """ exp_x = np.exp(x - np.max(x)) return exp_x / np.sum(exp_x) def _normalize_text(self, text): """Normalize input text. Args: text (str): Input text. Returns: str: Normalized text. """ replace_by = " " replacement_map = {ord(c): replace_by for c in '_:' + '•#{|}' + string.digits} text = text.replace('\n', replace_by) text = text.translate(replacement_map) return re.sub(r'\s+', replace_by, text).strip() def predict(self, text, k=1): """Predict the language of the input text. Args: text (str): Input text. k (int, optional): Number of top predictions to retrieve. Defaults to 1. Returns: tuple: Top predicted labels and their probabilities. """ sentence_vector = self.model.get_sentence_vector(text) result_vector =, sentence_vector) softmax_result = self._softmax(result_vector)[self.language_indices] top_k_indices = np.argsort(softmax_result)[-k:][::-1] top_k_labels = [self.labels[i] for i in top_k_indices] top_k_probs = softmax_result[top_k_indices] return tuple(top_k_labels), top_k_probs def compute_v(self, sentence_vector): """Compute the language vectors for a given sentence vector. Args: sentence_vector (numpy.ndarray): Sentence vector. Returns: list: Sorted list of labels and their associated vectors. """ result_vector =[self.language_indices, :], sentence_vector) return sorted(zip(self.labels, result_vector), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) def compute_v_per_word(self, text): """Compute language vectors for each word in the input text. Args: text (str): Input text. Returns: dict: Dictionary containing language vectors for each word. """ text = self._normalize_text(text) words = self.model.get_line(text)[0] words = [w for w in words if w not in ['', '']] subword_ids = [self.model.get_subwords(sw)[1] for sw in words] sentence_vector = [np.sum([self.model.get_input_vector(id) for id in sid], axis=0) for sid in subword_ids] dict_text = {} for i, word in enumerate(words): key = f"{i}_{word}" dict_text[key] = {'logits': self.compute_v(sentence_vector[i])} return dict_text def mask_label_top_k(self, dict_text, label, top_keep, top_remove): """Mask top predictions for a given label. Args: dict_text (dict): Dictionary containing language vectors for each word. label (str): Label to mask. top_keep (int): Number of top predictions to keep. top_remove (int): Number of top predictions to remove. Returns: tuple: Dictionaries of remaining and deleted words after masking. """ dict_remained = deepcopy(dict_text) dict_deleted = {} for key, value in dict_text.items(): logits = value['logits'] labels = [t[0] for t in logits] if label in labels[:top_keep]: dict_deleted[key] = dict_remained[key] if label in labels[:top_remove]: dict_remained.pop(key, None) return dict_remained, dict_deleted @staticmethod def get_sizeof(text): """Compute the size of text in bytes. Args: text (str): Input text. Returns: int: Size of text in bytes. """ return len(text.encode('utf-8')) @staticmethod def custom_sort(word): """Custom sorting function for words. Args: word (str): Input word. Returns: int or float: Sorted value. """ match = re.match(r'^(\d+)_', word) if match: return int( else: return float('inf') # Return infinity for words without numbers at the beginning def sum_logits(self, dict_data, label): """Compute the sum of logits for a specific label across all words. Args: dict_data (dict): Dictionary containing language vectors for each word. label (str): Label to sum logits for. Returns: float: Total sum of logits for the given label. """ total = 0 for value in dict_data.values(): logits = value['logits'] labels = [t[0] for t in logits] if label in labels: total += logits[labels.index(label)][1] return total def predict_codeswitch(self, text, beta, alpha, min_prob, min_length, max_lambda=1, max_retry=3, alpha_step_increase=5, beta_step_increase=5): """Predict language switching points in the input text. Args: text (str): Input text. beta (int): Number of top predictions to keep. alpha (int): Number of top predictions to remove. min_prob (float): Minimum probability threshold for language prediction. min_length (int): Minimum length of text after masking. max_lambda (int, optional): Maximum number of iterations. Defaults to 1. max_retry (int, optional): Maximum number of retries. Defaults to 3. alpha_step_increase (int, optional): Step increase for alpha. Defaults to 5. beta_step_increase (int, optional): Step increase for beta. Defaults to 5. Returns: dict: Predicted language switching points and associated information. """ info = {} index = 0 retry = 0 # compute v dict_data = self.compute_v_per_word(text) while index < max_lambda and retry < max_retry: # predict the text pred = self.predict(text, k=1) label = pred[0][0] # save the current text in case of step back prev_text = text # mask dict_data, dict_masked = self.mask_label_top_k(dict_data, label, beta, alpha) # get the text from the masked text and remained text masked_text = ' '.join(x.split('_', 1)[1] for x in dict_masked.keys()) text = ' '.join(x.split('_', 1)[1] for x in dict_data.keys()) # save info if self.get_sizeof(masked_text) > min_length or index == 0: temp_pred = self.predict(masked_text) if (temp_pred[1][0] > min_prob and temp_pred[0][0] == label) or index == 0: info[index] = { 'label': label, 'text': masked_text, 'text_keys': dict_masked.keys(), 'size': self.get_sizeof(masked_text), 'sum_logit': self.sum_logits(dict_masked, label) } index += 1 else: text = prev_text beta += beta_step_increase alpha += alpha_step_increase retry += 1 else: text = prev_text beta += beta_step_increase alpha += alpha_step_increase retry += 1 if self.get_sizeof(text) < min_length: break # post-process post_info = {} for value in info.values(): key = value['label'] if key in post_info: post_info[key].extend(value['text_keys']) else: post_info[key] = list(value['text_keys']) # join sorted the text from list of keys for key in post_info: post_info[key] = ' '.join([x.split('_', 1)[1] for x in sorted(set(post_info[key]), key=self.custom_sort)]) return post_info