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import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from prophet import Prophet
import yfinance as yf
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error, mean_squared_error
from prophet.plot import plot_plotly, plot_components_plotly
# List of ticker symbols
# Function to fetch stock data from Yahoo Finance
def fetch_stock_data(ticker_symbol, start_date, end_date):
ticker_symbol = ticker_symbol +".NS"
stock_data =, start=start_date, end=end_date)
df = stock_data[['Adj Close']].reset_index()
df = df.rename(columns={'Date': 'ds', 'Adj Close': 'y'})
# df.to_csv(f"{ticker_symbol}.csv")
return df
# Function to train the Prophet model
def train_prophet_model(df):
model = Prophet()
return model
# Function to make the forecast
def make_forecast(model, periods):
future = model.make_future_dataframe(periods=periods)
forecast = model.predict(future)
return forecast
# Function to calculate performance metrics
def calculate_performance_metrics(actual, predicted):
mae = mean_absolute_error(actual, predicted)
mse = mean_squared_error(actual, predicted)
rmse = np.sqrt(mse)
return {'MAE': mae, 'MSE': mse, 'RMSE': rmse}
# Function to determine sentiment
def determine_sentiment(actual, predicted):
if actual > predicted:
sentiment = 'Negative'
elif actual < predicted:
sentiment = 'Positive'
sentiment = 'Neutral'
return sentiment
# Streamlit app
def main():
st.title('Stock Prediction on NSE Stocks')
# Set up the layout
st.sidebar.header('User Input Parameters')
ticker_symbol = st.sidebar.selectbox('Enter Ticker Symbol', options=ticker_symbols, index=0)
# Dropdown for training period selection
training_period = st.sidebar.selectbox('Select Training Period',
options=['1 week', '1 month', '1 year', '10 years'])
# Calculate start date and end date based on training period
if training_period == '1 week':
start_date = pd.to_datetime('today') - pd.DateOffset(weeks=1)
elif training_period == '1 month':
start_date = pd.to_datetime('today') - pd.DateOffset(months=1)
elif training_period == '1 year':
start_date = pd.to_datetime('today') - pd.DateOffset(years=1)
elif training_period == '10 years':
start_date = pd.to_datetime('today') - pd.DateOffset(years=10)
end_date = pd.to_datetime('today')
# Fetching the data for the selected training period
df = fetch_stock_data(ticker_symbol, start_date, end_date)
# Dropdown for forecast horizon selection
forecast_horizon = st.sidebar.selectbox('Forecast Horizon',
options=['Next day', 'Next week', 'Next month'],
format_func=lambda x: x.capitalize())
# Convert the selected horizon to days
horizon_mapping = {'Next day': 1, 'Next week': 7, 'Next month': 30}
forecast_days = horizon_mapping[forecast_horizon]
if st.sidebar.button('Forecast Stock Prices'):
with st.spinner('Training model...'):
model = train_prophet_model(df)
forecast = make_forecast(model, forecast_days)
forecast_reversed = forecast[['ds', 'yhat', 'yhat_lower', 'yhat_upper']].iloc[-forecast_days:].iloc[::-1]
*The prediction was made using the Prophet forecasting model. The model was trained on historical stock data and used to forecast future prices based on the observed trends and patterns.*
st.subheader(f'Forecast Summary for {ticker_symbol}')
latest_forecast = forecast_reversed.iloc[0]
# Last Stock Price details with sentiment indicator
actual_last_price = df["y"].iloc[-1]
predicted_last_price = latest_forecast['yhat']
sentiment = determine_sentiment(actual_last_price, predicted_last_price)
st.warning(f'The last available adjusted closing price for {ticker_symbol} on {end_date.strftime("%d %B %Y")} is **{actual_last_price:.2f}**.')
if sentiment == 'Positive':
st.success(f'Overall predication indicates positive sentiment.')
elif sentiment == 'Negative':
st.error(f'Overall predication indicates negative sentiment.')
else:'Overall predication indicates neutral sentiment.')
# Prediction details
**Prediction for {forecast_horizon.lower()}:**
- **Date:** {latest_forecast['ds'].strftime("%d %B %Y")}
- **Predicted Price:** {latest_forecast['yhat']:.2f}
- **Lower Bound:** {latest_forecast['yhat_lower']:.2f}
- **Upper Bound:** {latest_forecast['yhat_upper']:.2f}
**Find below the prediction Data for the {forecast_horizon.lower()}:**
# Calculate performance metrics
# Function to determine if performance metrics are in a good range
def evaluate_performance_metrics(metrics):
evaluation = {}
evaluation['MAE'] = 'Good' if metrics['MAE'] < 0.05 * (df['y'].max() - df['y'].min()) else 'Not Good'
evaluation['MSE'] = 'Good' if metrics['MSE'] < 0.1 * (df['y'].max() - df['y'].min())**2 else 'Not Good'
evaluation['RMSE'] = 'Good' if metrics['RMSE'] < 0.1 * (df['y'].max() - df['y'].min()) else 'Not Good'
return evaluation
# Calculate performance metrics
actual = df['y']
predicted = forecast['yhat'][:len(df)]
metrics = calculate_performance_metrics(actual, predicted)
# Evaluate performance metrics
evaluation = evaluate_performance_metrics(metrics)
metrics = calculate_performance_metrics(actual, predicted)
MAE =metrics['MAE']
MSE = metrics['MSE']
RMSE = metrics['RMSE']
# Display evaluation
st.subheader('Performance Evaluation')
st.write('The metrics below provide a quantitative measure of the model’s accuracy:')
maecolor = "green" if evaluation["MAE"] == "Good" else "red"
msecolor = "green" if evaluation["MSE"] == "Good" else "red"
rmsecolor = "green" if evaluation["RMSE"] == "Good" else "red"
st.markdown(f'- **Mean Absolute Error (MAE):** {MAE:.2f} - :{maecolor}[{"Good" if evaluation["MAE"] == "Good" else "Not good"}] ')
st.markdown("(The average absolute difference between predicted and actual values.)")
st.markdown(f'- **Mean Squared Error (MSE):** {MSE:.2f} - :{msecolor}[{"Good" if evaluation["MSE"] == "Good" else "Not good"}] ')
st.markdown("(The average squared difference between predicted and actual values.)")
st.markdown(f'- **Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE):** {RMSE:.2f} - :{rmsecolor}[{"Good" if evaluation["RMSE"] == "Good" else "Not good"}] ')
st.markdown("(The square root of MSE, which is more interpretable in the same units as the target variable.)")
# Run the main function
if __name__ == "__main__":
main() |