vstar / app.py
Penghao Wu
history blame
8.94 kB
import argparse
from copy import deepcopy
import re
import os
import bleach
import cv2
import gradio as gr
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import torch
from visual_search import parse_args, VSM, visual_search
from vstar_bench_eval import normalize_bbox, expand2square, VQA_LLM
import cv2
BOX_COLOR = (255, 0, 0) # Red
TEXT_COLOR = (255, 255, 255) # White
def visualize_bbox(img, bbox, class_name, color=BOX_COLOR, thickness=2):
"""Visualizes a single bounding box on the image"""
x_min, y_min, w, h = bbox
x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = int(x_min), int(x_min + w), int(y_min), int(y_min + h)
cv2.rectangle(img, (x_min, y_min), (x_max, y_max), color=color, thickness=thickness)
((text_width, text_height), _) = cv2.getTextSize(class_name, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, 1)
cv2.rectangle(img, (x_min, y_min - int(1.3 * text_height)), (x_min + text_width, y_min), BOX_COLOR, -1)
org=(x_min, y_min - int(0.3 * text_height)),
return img
def parse_args_vqallm(args):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--vqa-model-path", type=str, default="craigwu/seal_vqa_7b")
parser.add_argument("--vqa-model-base", type=str, default=None)
parser.add_argument("--conv_type", default="v1", type=str,)
parser.add_argument("--vsm-model-path", type=str, default="craigwu/seal_vsm_7b")
parser.add_argument("--minimum_size_scale", default=4.0, type=float)
parser.add_argument("--minimum_size", default=224, type=int)
return parser.parse_args(args)
args = parse_args_vqallm({})
# init VQA LLM
vqa_llm = VQA_LLM(args)
# init VSM
vsm_args = parse_args({})
vsm_args.version = args.vsm_model_path
vsm = VSM(vsm_args)
missing_objects_msg = "Sorry, I can not answer the question. Some visual information about the following objects is missing or unclear:"
focus_msg = "Additional visual information to focus on: "
# Gradio
examples = [
"Based on the exact content of the flag on the roof, what can we know about its owner?",
"What is the logo on that bag of bottles carried by the man?",
"At which conference did someone get that black mug?",
"Where to buy a mug like this based on its logo?",
"Which company does that little doll belong to?",
"What is the instrument held by an ape?",
"What color is the liquid in the glass?",
"Tell me the number of that player who is shooting.",
"From the information on the black framed board, how long do we have to wait in line for this attraction?",
"What animal is drawn on that red signicade?",
"What kind of drink can we buy from that vending machine?",
title = "V*: Guided Visual Search as a Core Mechanism in Multimodal LLMs"
description = """
<font size=4>
This is the demo of our SEAL framework with V* visual search mechanism. \n
**Note**: The current framework is built on top of **LLaVA-7b**. \n
**Note**: The current visual search model and search algorithm mainly focus on common objects and single instance cases.\n
article = """
<p style='text-align: center'>
<a href='' target='_blank'>
Preprint Paper
<p style='text-align: center'>
<a href='' target='_blank'> Github </a></p>
def inference(input_str, input_image):
## filter out special chars
input_str = bleach.clean(input_str)
print("input_str: ", input_str, "input_image: ", input_image)
## input valid check
if not re.match(r"^[A-Za-z ,.!?\'\"]+$", input_str) or len(input_str) < 1:
output_str = "[Error] Invalid input: ", input_str
return output_str, None
# Model Inference
# check whether we need additional visual information
question = input_str
image = Image.open(input_image).convert('RGB')
image, _, _ = expand2square(image, tuple(int(x*255) for x in vqa_llm.image_processor.image_mean))
prediction = vqa_llm.free_form_inference(image, question, max_new_tokens=512)
missing_objects = []
if missing_objects_msg in prediction:
missing_objects = prediction.split(missing_objects_msg)[-1]
if missing_objects.endswith('.'):
missing_objects = missing_objects[:-1]
missing_objects = missing_objects.split(',')
missing_objects = [missing_object.strip() for missing_object in missing_objects]
if len(missing_objects) == 0:
return prediction, None, None, None
search_result = []
failed_objects = []
# visual search
for object_name in missing_objects:
image = Image.open(input_image).convert('RGB')
smallest_size = max(int(np.ceil(min(image.width, image.height)/args.minimum_size_scale)), args.minimum_size)
final_step, path_length, search_successful, all_valid_boxes = visual_search(vsm, image, object_name, confidence_low=0.3, target_bbox=None, smallest_size=smallest_size)
if not search_successful:
if all_valid_boxes is not None:
# might exist multiple target instances
for search_bbox in all_valid_boxes:
search_final_patch = final_step['bbox']
search_bbox[0] += search_final_patch[0]
search_bbox[1] += search_final_patch[1]
search_bbox = final_step['detection_result']
search_final_patch = final_step['bbox']
search_bbox[0] += search_final_patch[0]
search_bbox[1] += search_final_patch[1]
# answer based on the searched results
image = Image.open(input_image).convert('RGB')
object_names = [_['name'] for _ in search_result]
bboxs = deepcopy([_['bbox'] for _ in search_result])
search_result_image = np.array(image).copy()
for object_name, bbox in zip(object_names, bboxs):
search_result_image = visualize_bbox(search_result_image, bbox, class_name=object_name, color=(255,0,0))
if len(object_names) <= 2:
images_long = [False]
objects_long = [True]*len(object_names)
images_long = [False]
objects_long = [False]*len(object_names)
object_crops = []
for bbox in bboxs:
object_crop = vqa_llm.get_object_crop(image, bbox, patch_scale=1.2)
object_crops = torch.stack(object_crops, 0)
image, left, top = expand2square(image, tuple(int(x*255) for x in vqa_llm.image_processor.image_mean))
bbox_list = []
for bbox in bboxs:
bbox[0] += left
bbox[1] += top
bbox_list = [normalize_bbox(bbox, image.width, image.height) for bbox in bbox_list]
cur_focus_msg = focus_msg
for i, (object_name, bbox) in enumerate(zip(object_names, bbox_list)):
cur_focus_msg = cur_focus_msg + "{} <object> at location [{:.3f},{:.3f},{:.3f},{:.3f}]".format(object_name, bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3])
if i != len(bbox_list)-1:
cur_focus_msg = cur_focus_msg+"; "
cur_focus_msg = cur_focus_msg +'.'
if len(failed_objects) > 0:
if len(object_names) > 0:
cur_focus_msg = cur_focus_msg[:-1] + "; "
for i, failed_object in enumerate(failed_objects):
cur_focus_msg = cur_focus_msg + "{} not existent in the image".format(object_name)
if i != len(failed_objects)-1:
cur_focus_msg = cur_focus_msg+"; "
cur_focus_msg = cur_focus_msg +'.'
question_with_focus = cur_focus_msg+"\n"+question
response = vqa_llm.free_form_inference(image, question_with_focus, object_crops=object_crops, images_long=images_long, objects_long=objects_long, temperature=0.0, max_new_tokens=512)
search_result_str = ""
if len(object_names) > 0:
search_result_str += "Targets located after search: {}.".format(', '.join(object_names))
if len(failed_objects) > 0:
search_result_str += "Targets unable to locate after search: {}.".format(', '.join(failed_objects))
return "Need to conduct visual search to search for: {}.".format(', '.join(missing_objects)), search_result_str, search_result_image, response
demo = gr.Interface(
gr.Textbox(lines=1, placeholder=None, label="Text Instruction"),
gr.Image(type="filepath", label="Input Image"),
gr.Textbox(lines=1, placeholder=None, label="Direct Answer"),
gr.Textbox(lines=1, placeholder=None, label="Visual Search Results"),
gr.Image(type="pil", label="Visual Search Results"),
gr.Textbox(lines=1, placeholder=None, label="Final Answer"),