import * as THREE from 'three'; import { GLTFLoader } from 'three/addons/loaders/GLTFLoader.js'; import { PointerLockControls } from 'three/addons/controls/PointerLockControls.js'; // 게임 상수 const GAME_DURATION = 180; const MAP_SIZE = 2000; const TANK_HEIGHT = 0.5; const ENEMY_GROUND_HEIGHT = 0; const ENEMY_SCALE = 10; const MAX_HEALTH = 1000; const ENEMY_MOVE_SPEED = 0.1; const ENEMY_COUNT_MAX = 5; const PARTICLE_COUNT = 15; const BUILDING_COUNT = 30; // 건물 수 추가 const ENEMY_CONFIG = { ATTACK_RANGE: 100, ATTACK_INTERVAL: 2000, BULLET_SPEED: 2 }; // TankPlayer 클래스 class TankPlayer { constructor() { this.body = null; this.turret = null; this.position = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0); this.rotation = new THREE.Euler(0, 0, 0); this.turretRotation = 0; this.moveSpeed = 0.5; this.turnSpeed = 0.03; this.turretGroup = new THREE.Group(); = MAX_HEALTH; this.isLoaded = false; // 로딩 상태 추가 this.previousTankPosition = new THREE.Vector3(); } async initialize(scene, loader) { try { const bodyResult = await loader.loadAsync('/models/abramsBody.glb'); this.body = bodyResult.scene; this.body.position.copy(this.position); const turretResult = await loader.loadAsync('/models/abramsTurret.glb'); this.turret = turretResult.scene; this.turretGroup.position.y = 0.2; this.turretGroup.add(this.turret); this.body.add(this.turretGroup); this.body.traverse((child) => { if (child.isMesh) { child.castShadow = true; child.receiveShadow = true; } }); this.turret.traverse((child) => { if (child.isMesh) { child.castShadow = true; child.receiveShadow = true; } }); scene.add(this.body); this.isLoaded = true; // 로딩 완료 표시 } catch (error) { console.error('Error loading tank models:', error); this.isLoaded = false; // 로딩 실패 표시 } } // 나머지 TankPlayer 메서드들은 동일... update(mouseX, mouseY) { if (!this.body || !this.turretGroup) return; const targetAngle = Math.atan2(mouseX, mouseY); const currentRotation = this.turretGroup.rotation.y; const rotationDiff = targetAngle - currentRotation; let normalizedDiff = rotationDiff; while (normalizedDiff > Math.PI) normalizedDiff -= Math.PI * 2; while (normalizedDiff < -Math.PI) normalizedDiff += Math.PI * 2; this.turretGroup.rotation.y += normalizedDiff * 0.1; } move(direction) { if (!this.body) return; const moveVector = new THREE.Vector3(); moveVector.x = direction.x * this.moveSpeed; moveVector.z = direction.z * this.moveSpeed; moveVector.applyEuler(this.body.rotation); this.body.position.add(moveVector); } rotate(angle) { if (!this.body) return; this.body.rotation.y += angle * this.turnSpeed; } getPosition() { return this.body ? this.body.position : new THREE.Vector3(); } takeDamage(damage) { -= damage; return <= 0; } } // Enemy 클래스 수정 class Enemy { constructor(scene, position, type = 'tank') { this.scene = scene; this.position = position; this.mesh = null; this.type = type; // 'tank' 또는 'heavy' = type === 'tank' ? 100 : 200; // heavy는 체력이 더 높음 this.lastAttackTime = 0; this.bullets = []; this.isLoaded = false; this.moveSpeed = type === 'tank' ? ENEMY_MOVE_SPEED : ENEMY_MOVE_SPEED * 0.7; // heavy는 더 느림 } async initialize(loader) { try { // 타입에 따라 다른 모델 로드 const modelPath = this.type === 'tank' ? '/models/enemy1.glb' : '/models/enemy4.glb'; const result = await loader.loadAsync(modelPath); this.mesh = result.scene; this.mesh.position.copy(this.position); this.mesh.scale.set(ENEMY_SCALE, ENEMY_SCALE, ENEMY_SCALE); this.mesh.traverse((child) => { if (child.isMesh) { child.castShadow = true; child.receiveShadow = true; } }); this.scene.add(this.mesh); this.isLoaded = true; } catch (error) { console.error('Error loading enemy model:', error); this.isLoaded = false; } } update(playerPosition) { if (!this.mesh || !this.isLoaded) return; // 플레이어 방향으로 회전 const direction = new THREE.Vector3() .subVectors(playerPosition, this.mesh.position) .normalize(); this.mesh.lookAt(playerPosition); // 플레이어 방향으로 이동 (타입에 따라 다른 속도) this.mesh.position.add(direction.multiplyScalar(this.moveSpeed)); // 총알 업데이트 for (let i = this.bullets.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const bullet = this.bullets[i]; bullet.position.add(bullet.velocity); // 총알이 맵 밖으로 나가면 제거 if (Math.abs(bullet.position.x) > MAP_SIZE || Math.abs(bullet.position.z) > MAP_SIZE) { this.scene.remove(bullet); this.bullets.splice(i, 1); } } } shoot(playerPosition) { const currentTime =; const attackInterval = this.type === 'tank' ? ENEMY_CONFIG.ATTACK_INTERVAL : ENEMY_CONFIG.ATTACK_INTERVAL * 1.5; // heavy는 발사 간격이 더 김 if (currentTime - this.lastAttackTime < attackInterval) return; const bulletGeometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(this.type === 'tank' ? 0.2 : 0.3); const bulletMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: this.type === 'tank' ? 0xff0000 : 0xff6600 }); const bullet = new THREE.Mesh(bulletGeometry, bulletMaterial); bullet.position.copy(this.mesh.position); const direction = new THREE.Vector3() .subVectors(playerPosition, this.mesh.position) .normalize(); const bulletSpeed = this.type === 'tank' ? ENEMY_CONFIG.BULLET_SPEED : ENEMY_CONFIG.BULLET_SPEED * 0.8; bullet.velocity = direction.multiplyScalar(bulletSpeed); this.scene.add(bullet); this.bullets.push(bullet); this.lastAttackTime = currentTime; } takeDamage(damage) { -= damage; return <= 0; } destroy() { if (this.mesh) { this.scene.remove(this.mesh); this.bullets.forEach(bullet => this.scene.remove(bullet)); this.bullets = []; this.isLoaded = false; } } } // Particle 클래스는 그대로 유지 class Particle { constructor(scene, position) { const geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(0.1); const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0xff0000 }); this.mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material); this.mesh.position.copy(position); this.velocity = new THREE.Vector3( (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.3, Math.random() * 0.2, (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.3 ); this.gravity = -0.01; this.lifetime = 60; this.age = 0; scene.add(this.mesh); } update() { this.velocity.y += this.gravity; this.mesh.position.add(this.velocity); this.age++; return this.age < this.lifetime; } destroy(scene) { scene.remove(this.mesh); } } // Game 클래스 class Game { constructor() { // 기본 Three.js 설정 this.scene = new THREE.Scene(); = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000); this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ antialias: true }); this.renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); this.renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true; document.body.appendChild(this.renderer.domElement); // 게임 요소 초기화 this.tank = new TankPlayer(); this.enemies = []; this.particles = []; this.buildings = []; // 건물 배열 추가 this.loader = new GLTFLoader(); this.controls = null; this.gameTime = GAME_DURATION; this.score = 0; this.isGameOver = false; this.isLoading = true; // 로딩 상태 추가 // 마우스 상태 this.mouse = { x: 0, y: 0 }; // 키보드 상태 this.keys = { forward: false, backward: false, left: false, right: false }; // 이벤트 리스너 설정 this.setupEventListeners(); // 게임 초기화 this.initialize(); } async initialize() { try { // 조명 설정 const ambientLight = new THREE.AmbientLight(0xffffff, 0.5); this.scene.add(ambientLight); const directionalLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff, 0.8); directionalLight.position.set(50, 50, 50); directionalLight.castShadow = true; directionalLight.shadow.mapSize.width = 2048; directionalLight.shadow.mapSize.height = 2048; this.scene.add(directionalLight); // 도시 바닥 생성 (아스팔트 질감) const groundGeometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(MAP_SIZE, MAP_SIZE); const groundMaterial = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({ color: 0x333333, // 어두운 회색 (아스팔트 색) roughness: 0.9, metalness: 0.1 }); const ground = new THREE.Mesh(groundGeometry, groundMaterial); ground.rotation.x = -Math.PI / 2; ground.receiveShadow = true; this.scene.add(ground); // 건물 생성 await this.createBuildings(); // 탱크 초기화 await this.tank.initialize(this.scene, this.loader); if (!this.tank.isLoaded) { throw new Error('Tank loading failed'); } // 카메라 위치 설정, 10, -10);, 0, 0); // 포인터 락 컨트롤 설정 this.controls = new PointerLockControls(, document.body); // 로딩 완료 this.isLoading = false; document.getElementById('loading').style.display = 'none'; // 게임 시작 this.animate(); this.spawnEnemies(); this.startGameTimer(); } catch (error) { console.error('Game initialization error:', error); this.handleLoadingError(); } } async createBuildings() { const buildingTypes = [ { width: 10, height: 30, depth: 10, color: 0x808080 }, { width: 15, height: 40, depth: 15, color: 0x606060 }, { width: 20, height: 50, depth: 20, color: 0x404040 } ]; for (let i = 0; i < BUILDING_COUNT; i++) { const type = buildingTypes[Math.floor(Math.random() * buildingTypes.length)]; const building = this.createBuilding(type); // 건물 위치 설정 (다른 건물과 겹치지 않게) let position; let attempts = 0; do { position = new THREE.Vector3( (Math.random() - 0.5) * (MAP_SIZE - type.width), type.height / 2, (Math.random() - 0.5) * (MAP_SIZE - type.depth) ); attempts++; } while (this.checkBuildingCollision(position, type) && attempts < 50); if (attempts < 50) { building.position.copy(position); this.buildings.push(building); this.scene.add(building); } } } createBuilding(type) { const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(type.width, type.height, type.depth); const material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ color: type.color, // 창문 효과를 위한 설정 emissive: 0x222222, specular: 0x111111, shininess: 30 }); const building = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material); building.castShadow = true; building.receiveShadow = true; return building; } checkBuildingCollision(position, type) { const margin = 5; // 건물 간 최소 거리 const bbox = new THREE.Box3( new THREE.Vector3( position.x - (type.width / 2 + margin), 0, position.z - (type.depth / 2 + margin) ), new THREE.Vector3( position.x + (type.width / 2 + margin), type.height, position.z + (type.depth / 2 + margin) ) ); return this.buildings.some(building => { const buildingBox = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(building); return bbox.intersectsBox(buildingBox); }); } handleLoadingError() { this.isLoading = false; const loadingElement = document.getElementById('loading'); if (loadingElement) { loadingElement.innerHTML = `
Loading failed. Please refresh the page.
`; } } spawnEnemies() { const spawnEnemy = () => { if (this.enemies.length < ENEMY_COUNT_MAX && !this.isGameOver) { const position = this.getValidEnemySpawnPosition(); if (position) { // 랜덤하게 적 유형 선택 (70% tank, 30% heavy) const type = Math.random() < 0.7 ? 'tank' : 'heavy'; const enemy = new Enemy(this.scene, position, type); enemy.initialize(this.loader); this.enemies.push(enemy); } } setTimeout(spawnEnemy, 3000); }; spawnEnemy(); } getValidEnemySpawnPosition() { const margin = 20; let position; let attempts = 0; const maxAttempts = 50; do { position = new THREE.Vector3( (Math.random() - 0.5) * (MAP_SIZE - margin * 2), ENEMY_GROUND_HEIGHT, (Math.random() - 0.5) * (MAP_SIZE - margin * 2) ); // 플레이어와의 거리 체크 const distanceToPlayer = position.distanceTo(this.tank.getPosition()); if (distanceToPlayer < 100) continue; // 건물과의 충돌 체크 let collisionFound = false; for (const building of this.buildings) { const buildingBox = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(building); if (buildingBox.containsPoint(position)) { collisionFound = true; break; } } if (!collisionFound) return position; attempts++; } while (attempts < maxAttempts); return null; } startGameTimer() { const timer = setInterval(() => { if (this.isLoading) return; this.gameTime--; if (this.gameTime <= 0 || this.isGameOver) { clearInterval(timer); this.endGame(); } }, 1000); } setupEventListeners() { // 키보드 이벤트 document.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => { if (this.isLoading) return; switch(event.code) { case 'KeyW': this.keys.forward = true; break; case 'KeyS': this.keys.backward = true; break; case 'KeyA': this.keys.left = true; break; case 'KeyD': this.keys.right = true; break; } }); document.addEventListener('keyup', (event) => { if (this.isLoading) return; switch(event.code) { case 'KeyW': this.keys.forward = false; break; case 'KeyS': this.keys.backward = false; break; case 'KeyA': this.keys.left = false; break; case 'KeyD': this.keys.right = false; break; } }); // 마우스 이벤트 document.addEventListener('mousemove', (event) => { if (this.isLoading) return; this.mouse.x = (event.clientX / window.innerWidth) * 2 - 1; this.mouse.y = -(event.clientY / window.innerHeight) * 2 + 1; }); // 창 크기 변경 이벤트 window.addEventListener('resize', () => { = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;; this.renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); }); } handleMovement() { if (this.isLoading || !this.tank.isLoaded) return; const direction = new THREE.Vector3(); if (this.keys.forward) direction.z += 1; if (this.keys.backward) direction.z -= 1; if (this.keys.left) this.tank.rotate(-1); if (this.keys.right) this.tank.rotate(1); if (direction.length() > 0) { direction.normalize(); this.tank.move(direction); } } updateParticles() { for (let i = this.particles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const particle = this.particles[i]; if (!particle.update()) { particle.destroy(this.scene); this.particles.splice(i, 1); } } } createExplosion(position) { for (let i = 0; i < PARTICLE_COUNT; i++) { this.particles.push(new Particle(this.scene, position)); } } checkCollisions() { if (this.isLoading || !this.tank.isLoaded) return; const tankPosition = this.tank.getPosition(); // 적과의 충돌 체크 this.enemies.forEach(enemy => { if (!enemy.mesh || !enemy.isLoaded) return; enemy.bullets.forEach(bullet => { const distance = bullet.position.distanceTo(tankPosition); if (distance < 1) { if (this.tank.takeDamage(10)) { this.endGame(); } this.scene.remove(bullet); enemy.bullets = enemy.bullets.filter(b => b !== bullet); // 피격 효과 this.createExplosion(bullet.position); document.getElementById('health').style.width = `${( / MAX_HEALTH) * 100}%`; } }); }); // 건물과의 충돌 체크 const tankBoundingBox = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(this.tank.body); for (const building of this.buildings) { const buildingBox = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(building); if (tankBoundingBox.intersectsBox(buildingBox)) { // 충돌 시 탱크를 이전 위치로 되돌림 this.tank.body.position.copy(this.previousTankPosition); break; } } // 현재 위치 저장 this.previousTankPosition = this.tank.body.position.clone(); } endGame() { this.isGameOver = true; // 게임 오버 UI 표시 const gameOverDiv = document.createElement('div'); = 'absolute'; = '50%'; = '50%'; = 'translate(-50%, -50%)'; = 'white'; = '48px'; = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)'; = '20px'; = '10px'; gameOverDiv.innerHTML = ` Game Over
Score: ${this.score}
Time Survived: ${GAME_DURATION - this.gameTime}s
`; document.body.appendChild(gameOverDiv); // 이 줄이 누락됨 } animate() { if (this.isGameOver) return; requestAnimationFrame(() => this.animate()); // 로딩 중이면 렌더링만 수행 if (this.isLoading) { this.renderer.render(this.scene,; return; } // 탱크 업데이트 this.tank.update(this.mouse.x, this.mouse.y); this.handleMovement(); // 적 업데이트 const tankPosition = this.tank.getPosition(); this.enemies.forEach((enemy, index) => { enemy.update(tankPosition); if (enemy.isLoaded) { // 로딩된 적만 공격 수행 const distance = enemy.mesh.position.distanceTo(tankPosition); if (distance < ENEMY_CONFIG.ATTACK_RANGE) { enemy.shoot(tankPosition); } } }); // 파티클 업데이트 this.updateParticles(); // 충돌 체크 this.checkCollisions(); // UI 업데이트 this.updateUI(); // 렌더링 this.renderer.render(this.scene,; } updateUI() { // 체력바 업데이트 const healthBar = document.getElementById('health'); if (healthBar) { = `${( / MAX_HEALTH) * 100}%`; } // 시간 업데이트 const timeElement = document.getElementById('time'); if (timeElement) { timeElement.textContent = `Time: ${this.gameTime}s`; } // 점수 업데이트 const scoreElement = document.getElementById('score'); if (scoreElement) { scoreElement.textContent = `Score: ${this.score}`; } } } // 게임 인스턴스 생성 const game = new Game();