DRGCoder / utils.py
danielhajialigol's picture
added drg and icd external link functionality
history blame
10.5 kB
import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse
import json
import pandas as pd
import ssl
import torch
import re
from pprint import pprint
from captum.attr import visualization
REST_URL = "http://data.bioontology.org"
API_KEY = "604a90bc-ef14-4c26-a347-f4928fa086ea"
ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
class PyTMinMaxScalerVectorized(object):
From https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/using-scikit-learns-scalers-for-torchvision/53455
Transforms each channel to the range [0, 1].
def __call__(self, tensor):
scale = 1.0 / (tensor.max(dim=0, keepdim=True)[0] - tensor.min(dim=0, keepdim=True)[0])
tensor.mul_(scale).sub_(tensor.min(dim=0, keepdim=True)[0])
return tensor
def find_end(text):
"""Find the end of the report."""
ends = [len(text)]
patterns = [
re.compile(r'\n {3,}DR.', re.I),
re.compile(r'[ ]{1,}RADLINE ', re.I),
re.compile(r'.*electronically signed on', re.I),
for pattern in patterns:
matchobj = pattern.search(text)
if matchobj:
return min(ends)
def pattern_repl(matchobj):
Return a replacement string to be used for match object
return ' '.rjust(len(matchobj.group(0)))
def clean_text(text):
Clean text
# Replace [**Patterns**] with spaces.
text = re.sub(r'\[\*\*.*?\*\*\]', pattern_repl, text)
# Replace `_` with spaces.
text = re.sub(r'_', ' ', text)
start = 0
end = find_end(text)
new_text = ''
if start > 0:
new_text += ' ' * start
new_text = text[start:end]
# make sure the new text has the same length of old text.
if len(text) - end > 0:
new_text += ' ' * (len(text) - end)
return new_text
def get_drg_link(drg_code):
drg_code = str(drg_code)
if len(drg_code) == 1:
drg_code = '00' + drg_code
elif len(drg_code) == 2:
drg_code = '0' + drg_code
return f'https://www.findacode.com/code.php?set=DRG&c={drg_code}'
def prettify(dict_list, k):
li = [di[k] for di in dict_list]
result = "\n".join(l for l in li)
return result
def get_json(text_to_annotate):
url = REST_URL + "/annotator?text=" + urllib.parse.quote(text_to_annotate) + "&ontologies=ICD9CM" +\
"&longest_only=false" + "&exclude_numbers=false" + "&whole_word_only=true" + '&exclude_synonyms=false'
opener = urllib.request.build_opener()
opener.addheaders = [('Authorization', 'apikey token=' + API_KEY)]
return json.loads(opener.open(url).read())
return []
def parse_results(results):
if len(results) == 0:
return []
rlist = []
for result in results:
annotations = result['annotations']
for annotation in annotations:
start = annotation['from']-1
end = annotation['to'] - 1
text = annotation['text']
'start': start,
'end': end,
'text': text,
'link': result['annotatedClass']['@id']
return rlist
def get_icd_annotations(text):
response = get_json(text)
annotation_list = parse_results(response)
return annotation_list
def subfinder(mylist, pattern):
mylist = mylist.tolist()
pattern = pattern.tolist()
return list(filter(lambda x: x in pattern, mylist))
def tokenize_icds(tokenizer, annotations, token_ids):
icd_tokens = torch.zeros(token_ids.shape)
for annotation in annotations:
icd = annotation['text']
icd_token_ids = tokenizer(icd, add_special_tokens=False, return_tensors='pt').input_ids[0]
# find index of the beginning icd token
starting_indices = (token_ids==icd_token_ids[0]).nonzero(as_tuple=False)
num_icd_tokens = icd_token_ids.shape[0]
# if there's more than 1 icd token for the given annotation
if num_icd_tokens > 1:
# if there's only one starting index
if starting_indices.shape[0] == 1:
starting_index = starting_indices.item()
icd_tokens[starting_index: starting_index + num_icd_tokens] = 1
# if there's more than 1 starting index, determine which is the appropriate
for starting_index in starting_indices:
if token_ids[starting_index + num_icd_tokens] == icd_token_ids:
icd_tokens[starting_index: starting_index + num_icd_tokens] = 1
# otherwise, set the corresponding index to a value of 1
icd_tokens[starting_indices] = 1
return icd_tokens
def get_attribution(text, tokenizer, model_outputs, inputs, k=7):
tokens = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(inputs.input_ids[0])
padding_idx = tokens.index('[PAD]')
tokens = tokens[:padding_idx][1:-1]
attn = model_outputs[-1][0]
agg_attn, final_text = reconstruct_text(tokenizer=tokenizer, tokens=tokens, attn=attn)
return agg_attn, final_text
def reconstruct_text(tokenizer, tokens, attn):
find a word -> token_id mapping that allows you to
perform an aggregation on the sub-tokens' attention
reconstructed_text = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_string(tokens)
num_subtokens = len([t for t in tokens if t.startswith('#')])
aggregated_attn = torch.zeros(len(tokens) - num_subtokens)
token_indices = [0]
token_idx = 0
reconstructed_tokens = []
for i, token in enumerate(tokens[1:], start=1):
# case when a token is a subtoken
if token.startswith('#'):
# reconstruct the tokens to make sure you're doing this correctly
reconstructed_token = ''.join(tokens[i].replace('#', '') for i in token_indices)
# find the corresponding attention vectors
aggregated_attn[token_idx] = torch.mean(attn[token_indices])
# create new index list
token_indices = [i]
token_idx += 1
# reconstruct the tokens to make sure you're doing this correctly
reconstructed_token = ''.join(tokens[i].replace('#', '') for i in token_indices)
# find the corresponding attention vectors
aggregated_attn[token_idx] = torch.mean(attn[token_indices])
# final representation of text
final_text = ' '.join(reconstructed_tokens).replace(' .', '.')
final_text = final_text.replace(' ,', ',')
# final_text == reconstructed_text
return aggregated_attn, reconstructed_tokens
def load_rule(path):
rule_df = pd.read_csv(path)
# remove MDC 15 - neonate and couple other codes related to postcare
if 'MS' in path:
msk = (rule_df['MDC']!='15') & (~rule_df['MS-DRG'].isin([945, 946, 949, 950, 998, 999]))
space = sorted(rule_df[msk]['DRG_CODE'].unique())
elif 'APR' in path:
msk = (rule_df['MDC']!='15') & (~rule_df['APR-DRG'].isin([860, 863]))
space = sorted(rule_df[msk]['DRG_CODE'].unique())
drg2idx = {}
for d in space:
drg2idx[d] = len(drg2idx)
i2d = {v:k for k,v in drg2idx.items()}
d2mdc, d2w = {}, {}
for _, r in rule_df.iterrows():
drg = r['DRG_CODE']
mdc = r['MDC']
w = r['WEIGHT']
d2mdc[drg] = mdc
d2w[drg] = w
return rule_df, drg2idx, i2d, d2mdc, d2w
def visualize_attn(model_results):
class_id = model_results['class_dsc']
prob = model_results['prob']
attn = model_results['attn']
tokens = model_results['tokens']
scaler = PyTMinMaxScalerVectorized()
normalized_attn = scaler(attn)
viz_record = visualization.VisualizationDataRecord(
return visualize_text(viz_record, drg_link=model_results['drg_link'], icd_annotations=model_results['icd_results'])
def modify_attn_html(attn_html):
attn_split = attn_html.split('<mark')
htmls = [attn_split[0]]
for html in attn_split[1:]:
# wrap around href tag
href_html = f'<a href="https://espn.com" \
<mark{html} \
return "".join(htmls)
def modify_code_html(html, link, icd=False):
html = html.split('<td>')[1].split('</td>')[0]
href_html = f'<td><a href="{link}"{html}</a></td>'
if icd:
href_html = href_html.replace('<td>', '').replace('</td>', '')
return href_html
def modify_drg_html(html, drg_link):
return modify_code_html(html=html, link=drg_link, icd=False)
def get_icd_html(icd_list):
if len(icd_list) == 0:
return '<td><text style="padding-right:2em"><b>N/A</b></text></td>'
final_html = '<td>'
for icd_dict in icd_list:
text, link = icd_dict['text'], icd_dict['link']
tmp_html = visualization.format_classname(classname=text)
html = modify_code_html(html=tmp_html, link=link, icd=True)
final_html += html
return final_html + '</td>'
# copied out of captum because we need raw html instead of a jupyter widget
def visualize_text(datarecord, drg_link, icd_annotations):
dom = ["<table width: 100%>"]
rows = [
"<th style='text-align: left'>Predicted DRG</th>"
"<th style='text-align: left'>Word Importance</th>"
"<th style='text-align: left'>ICD Codes</th>"
pred_class_html = visualization.format_classname(datarecord.pred_class)
icd_class_html = get_icd_html(icd_annotations)
pred_class_html = modify_drg_html(html=pred_class_html, drg_link=drg_link)
word_attn_html = visualization.format_word_importances(
datarecord.raw_input_ids, datarecord.word_attributions
word_attn_html = modify_attn_html(word_attn_html)
html = "".join(dom)
return html