const lead_announcement = `

I’m thrilled to share that I’ll be leading Asturian and Aragonese in the Multilingual FineWeb collaborative annotation sprint! 🤗

I’ll be helping to build an open dataset to improve language models for our language. Do you want to join me?

` const recruit_collaborators = `

Do you want to improve the quality of language models in Asturian and Aragonese?

Join me in this collaborative annotation sprint! No experience needed - simply follow the link to start annotating!

` const recruit_leads = `

I’m thrilled to share that I’ll be leading Asturian and Aragonese in the Multilingual FineWeb collaborative annotation sprint! 🤗

Would you like to lead the efforts in your own language? Check if it’s still listed!

` function createCard(title, text, url, image_src, image_url) { let url_text = text.replaceAll('

', '').replaceAll('

', '%0A%0A') var text_block = (url) ? `${text}


` : `${text}` var image_button = (image_url) ? `` : `` let template = `


${text_block} Image for posts to rectruit collaborators

` return template; } function addCardToContainer(title, text, url, image_src, image_url) { const cardContainer = document.getElementById('card-container'); const cardHTML = createCard(title, text, url, image_src, image_url); cardContainer.innerHTML += cardHTML; } addCardToContainer("Announce you've been selected to be a lead!", lead_announcement, "", "images/lead_announcement.png", ""); addCardToContainer("Recuit collaborators for your language", recruit_collaborators, '', "images/recruit_collaborators.png", ""); addCardToContainer("Recuit leads for other languages", recruit_leads, '', "images/recruit_leads.png", null);