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The world generates at least 3.5 million tons of waste per day and this number is still increasing day by day
that's why we need to aware about waste.
This app is help you to classify your waste with 9 different waste materials.
The recycling process of these waste materials are very hard and even it's very difficult to classify these 9 different waste
materials at recycling factory.
But what if every people make 9 trash for 9 different waste materials and put the waste to the
particular trash according to that waste materials this would be much more better for cleaners and recycling factory to classify
and recycle the waste. Everyone should do this because around 70% of waste are not recycled just because that was not classified.
What If We Stopped Recycling?
What If We Created No Waste?
Why We Need Awareness
They don’t dive into the swimming pool they dive into the mud. We can't even imagine how they would feel.
Your one step to waste recycling can make a cleaner’s life 10 minutes better.