import torch import torchaudio import random import itertools import numpy as np from tools.mix import mix def normalize_wav(waveform): waveform = waveform - torch.mean(waveform) waveform = waveform / (torch.max(torch.abs(waveform)) + 1e-8) return waveform * 0.5 def pad_wav(waveform, segment_length): waveform_length = len(waveform) if segment_length is None or waveform_length == segment_length: return waveform elif waveform_length > segment_length: return waveform[:segment_length] else: pad_wav = torch.zeros(segment_length - waveform_length).to(waveform.device) waveform =[waveform, pad_wav]) return waveform def _pad_spec(fbank, target_length=1024): batch, n_frames, channels = fbank.shape p = target_length - n_frames if p > 0: pad = torch.zeros(batch, p, channels).to(fbank.device) fbank =[fbank, pad], 1) elif p < 0: fbank = fbank[:, :target_length, :] if channels % 2 != 0: fbank = fbank[:, :, :-1] return fbank def read_wav_file(filename, segment_length): waveform, sr = torchaudio.load(filename) # Faster!!! try: waveform = torchaudio.functional.resample(waveform, orig_freq=sr, new_freq=16000)[0] except: print ("0 length wav encountered. Setting to random:", filename) waveform = torch.rand(160000) try: waveform = normalize_wav(waveform) except: print ("Exception normalizing:", filename) waveform = torch.ones(160000) waveform = pad_wav(waveform, segment_length).unsqueeze(0) waveform = waveform / torch.max(torch.abs(waveform)) waveform = 0.5 * waveform return waveform def get_mel_from_wav(audio, _stft): audio = torch.nan_to_num(torch.clip(audio, -1, 1)) audio = torch.autograd.Variable(audio, requires_grad=False) melspec, log_magnitudes_stft, energy = _stft.mel_spectrogram(audio) return melspec, log_magnitudes_stft, energy def wav_to_fbank(paths, target_length=1024, fn_STFT=None): assert fn_STFT is not None waveform =[read_wav_file(path, target_length * 160) for path in paths], 0) # hop size is 160 fbank, log_magnitudes_stft, energy = get_mel_from_wav(waveform, fn_STFT) fbank = fbank.transpose(1, 2) log_magnitudes_stft = log_magnitudes_stft.transpose(1, 2) fbank, log_magnitudes_stft = _pad_spec(fbank, target_length), _pad_spec( log_magnitudes_stft, target_length ) return fbank, log_magnitudes_stft, waveform def uncapitalize(s): if s: return s[:1].lower() + s[1:] else: return "" def mix_wavs_and_captions(path1, path2, caption1, caption2, target_length=1024): sound1 = read_wav_file(path1, target_length * 160)[0].numpy() sound2 = read_wav_file(path2, target_length * 160)[0].numpy() mixed_sound = mix(sound1, sound2, 0.5, 16000).reshape(1, -1) mixed_caption = "{} and {}".format(caption1, uncapitalize(caption2)) return mixed_sound, mixed_caption def augment(paths, texts, num_items=4, target_length=1024): mixed_sounds, mixed_captions = [], [] combinations = list(itertools.combinations(list(range(len(texts))), 2)) random.shuffle(combinations) if len(combinations) < num_items: selected_combinations = combinations else: selected_combinations = combinations[:num_items] for (i, j) in selected_combinations: new_sound, new_caption = mix_wavs_and_captions(paths[i], paths[j], texts[i], texts[j], target_length) mixed_sounds.append(new_sound) mixed_captions.append(new_caption) waveform = torch.tensor(np.concatenate(mixed_sounds, 0)) waveform = waveform / torch.max(torch.abs(waveform)) waveform = 0.5 * waveform return waveform, mixed_captions def augment_wav_to_fbank(paths, texts, num_items=4, target_length=1024, fn_STFT=None): assert fn_STFT is not None waveform, captions = augment(paths, texts) fbank, log_magnitudes_stft, energy = get_mel_from_wav(waveform, fn_STFT) fbank = fbank.transpose(1, 2) log_magnitudes_stft = log_magnitudes_stft.transpose(1, 2) fbank, log_magnitudes_stft = _pad_spec(fbank, target_length), _pad_spec( log_magnitudes_stft, target_length ) return fbank, log_magnitudes_stft, waveform, captions