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import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import argrelextrema
def find_extrema(x, y):
# Find the indices of the local maxima and minima
maxima_idx = argrelextrema(x, np.greater)[0]
minima_idx = argrelextrema(x, np.less)[0]
# Get the x and y values at the extrema
maxima_x = x[maxima_idx]
maxima_y = y[maxima_idx]
minima_x = x[minima_idx]
minima_y = y[minima_idx]
# Combine the maxima and minima into a single array
extrema_x = np.concatenate((maxima_x, minima_x))
extrema_y = np.concatenate((maxima_y, minima_y))
# Determine whether each extrema is a maximum or minimum
is_maxima = np.zeros(len(extrema_x), dtype=bool)
is_maxima[:len(maxima_x)] = True
# Sort the extrema by x-value
idx = np.argsort(extrema_x)
extrema_x = extrema_x[idx]
extrema_y = extrema_y[idx]
is_maxima = is_maxima[idx]
# Convert the boolean array to a list of strings
extrema_type = ["arrow-left" if is_max else "arrow-right" for is_max in is_maxima]
return extrema_x, extrema_y, extrema_type